School Suspended An 11 Year Old for Carrying A Tweety Bird Chain To School - WTF!!


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Ok, I'm sorry, but this BS has gone just a little to far. Its a little chain that connects to her keys. Give me a freakin' break.

As you can see I really don't have a tolerance for stupidity and bad judgment today.



Elite member
Sep 12, 2000

The really sad thing is now this little girl has learned that the so-called authorities in her life are mostly idiots. Unfortunately, this kind of knee-jerk, rule are rules kind of reaction has been around a long, long time.

When I was her age (11), I was being harrassed by a boy in the classroom while the teacher had left the room for an unknown reason. She had put this boy in charge of the class for a moment, and he took the opportunity to humiliate me for my advanced development. I called him 7 letter word for anal orifice, and when the teacher returned, I was sent to the dean's office.

I told the girl's dean what had happened, and she said it didn't matter, ladies didn't use that kind of language. Without even calling my parents, she paddled me hard. The boy wasn't even reprimanded.

I remember that moment clearly because I thought.... ??????? I have never hesitated to question authority since that day. Hopefully, that poor kid will learn to do the same and not let the idiots of the world get her down... if she doesn't drop out of school first. :(


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Fettsbabe... making me do math here... it was the 1979-1980 school year.

My mom (who was a teacher in the system at the time) yanked me out and put me in a private school for the rest of the year. We didn't tell my dad because he's the kind who would explode and we avoided getting him upset.

Really, the worst thing about it is that I realized that the adults who were supposed to be in charge were so dang stupid.

I got a lot of sexual harrassment in school. I couldn't even ride the bus after a while. My high school was critically overcrowded (how's a senior class of 1050 sound, with another 2000 on campus?) and I could not navigate the halls between classes without getting groped. A lot of us had to suffer through it. It was humiliating.

I dropped out in my junior year and just started going to college instead. Things are a little better now, but I'm seriously considering homeschooling my kids in the future. The schools here are still seriously overcrowded, and that bothers me.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
The problem with "zero tolerance" is there is no room for grey and the world is full of grey.
By taking away staffs option to use common sense you get this kind of BS happening. The pendilum has swung a litle too far PC but hopefully it can swing back and let people live their own lives again.
It takes too much effort to weed out the truth so rely on policy to get you through. I hope to develope my kids to respect authority but to question it too. Laws are mans invention and they aren't even close to perfect.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Zero tolerance policies are made by those who are too guttless to make decisions!

It is not the teachers who are failing public education, it is the school board and district administrators and thier failing policies.

Unfortunately, the teachers on the front lines, following those crap policies, take the brunt of the blame.


Senior member
Aug 30, 2000
Are you guys for real? Did you see the picture? That chain could be deadly in the hands of...


Desy hits the nail on the head with this being a black and white rule in a grey world. Now you can't make broad claims that all authorities are idiots. Yes there are a few bad apples and such who have closed minds and are unable to think for themselves. Laws are not perfect and neither are people. School officials are afraid and part of the reason are the parents. My wife works as a teacher and most parents think their kids are little angels, which is not always true...Damn am I rambling? Sorry...

This suspension definitely deserves a "WTF!?"


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2000
ZapZilla is essentially correct. In my 13 years of public school (k-12) I have met only a handful of adminstrators who actually had common sense.

Many of these hardas$ paper pushing bureaucrats are only interested in making themselves look good through more rules.

We need 1)Common Sense and 2)Concern for students over worthless policies.

Parents and students, I urge you to fight back!



Diamond Member
May 30, 2000

<< advanced development. >>

The day I complain about a girl having large breasts is the day... well never :)

If something like this happened to me I would be sure my school would never forget it. I would cause so much mischief to my school its not even funny (stupid stuff that wouldn't seem like it would do much, but trust me - it would). They would rue the day they piss me off like that.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Well i don't know about you guys, but around here i saw a chain like that used once. The kids tied it around the mans legs and then dragged him through town by horse. It took 4 days for the dust to settle :)


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2000
WTF?!?!? You can kill without a weapon but a keychain? This is getting WAY out of hand, wonder which presidential candidate will argue on this first?


Mar 19, 2000

&quot;Zero tolerance policies are made by those who are too guttless to make decisions!&quot;

Actually I think rules like this come from cheap ass local goverment campaigns. Where &quot;Cleaning up the schools with hard nosed rules&quot; is an easy slogan to grab the parent vote. Then a year or two down the line those same parents who voted now have kids with permenant records with suspensions and expulsions on them. The greatest idea of our country is that you can change its laws. Unfortunately we seem only capable of restricting ourselves and are unable or unwilling to loosen up whats been done. OK rambling, off the track sorry!


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2000
This is what happens when you vote for IDIOTS!

1. Idiots get voted in by idiots
2. Idiots appoint more idiots
3. Appointed idiots carry out the idiotic laws
4. World gets taken over by idiots

non sequitor: doesn't the word &quot;idiot&quot; look funny now?


Golden Member
May 16, 2000
&quot;Zero tolerance&quot; Think about that for a minute.

It allows no room for special circustances OR common sense

In the article, it says it &quot;could be used as a weapon&quot;. Well then! We should all go to school nude, with no supplies! :)


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2000
Did you guys see that story on 20/20 where the kid took the knife away from his suicidal friend(who did try to kill herself a few weeks later) and got suspended for it.