Saudi Arabia captures, tortures and dismembers critic of Muhammad bin Salman

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Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Maybe the unindicted conspirator can join OJ in his hunt for the "real killer."


Feb 5, 2006
I'm sure the Saudi investigation will be as thorough as the Dishonorable Bort O'Kavanaugh investigation.
Trump is now comparing MBS to Kavanaugh.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Trump compared the situation to the allegations of sexual assault leveled against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.

“I think we have to find out what happened first,” he said. “Here we go again with, you know, you’re guilty until proven innocent. I don’t like that. We just went through that with Justice Kavanaugh and he was innocent all the way as far as I’m concerned.”

I am sure there is going to be another "investigation" that's not allowed to investigate anything.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Still no reports of this on MSM. A few hours ago CNN ran with their designated Saudi propaganda story. They had a "breaking report" saying that Saudi agents were attempting to bring Khashoggi back alive and tried to drug him, but he accidentally died due to the drug.

Amazing that CNN runs straight up Saudi propaganda but all the smaller news agencies still find the real story.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Why were the Republicans able to kick up the Benghazi BS before an election, but the liberal side is never able to get the media to expose the grifting crime family?


Nov 20, 1999
Still no reports of this on MSM. A few hours ago CNN ran with their designated Saudi propaganda story. They had a "breaking report" saying that Saudi agents were attempting to bring Khashoggi back alive and tried to drug him, but he accidentally died due to the drug.

Amazing that CNN runs straight up Saudi propaganda but all the smaller news agencies still find the real story.

Preposterous, obviously the dude just slipped and fell into the bone saw that the 'doctor' had in his hand.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
I'm not worried, you're still doing the volunteer gig at the troll farm. You can't afford shoes.
He does this w/o pay? How lame.

Falsehoods, lies, and fabrications. I would never DREAM of taking money to express views that are not my own. My views are 100% UNIQUE and are derived entirely from my own experiences as an American trust fund baby and stock prophet in southern California.

I know you guys joke around a lot about "Russian trolls" a lot (haha) but I want to make it clear to readers of this thread that the things you are saying are 100% false and in fact you type them knowing full well they are false.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Falsehoods, lies, and fabrications. I would never DREAM of taking money to express views that are not my own. My views are 100% UNIQUE and are derived entirely from my own experiences as an American trust fund baby and stock prophet in southern California.

I know you guys joke around a lot about "Russian trolls" a lot (haha) but I want to make it clear to readers of this thread that the things you are saying are 100% false and in fact you type them knowing full well they are false.

Russia provided me a computer in exchange for my completely fair and unbiased forum postings.
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I’m sure Justice Kavanaugh is thrilled to be put in the same company as a thug prince who probably had someone dismembered. Trump is such an excellent judge of character!

In what passes for Trump's brain people are innocent even when proven guilty as long as he has enough reason to like/need them. Also any and all actions are permissible as long as you don't lose.


Oct 18, 2005
Falsehoods, lies, and fabrications. I would never DREAM of taking money to express views that are not my own. My views are 100% UNIQUE and are derived entirely from my own experiences as an American trust fund baby and stock prophet in southern California.

I know you guys joke around a lot about "Russian trolls" a lot (haha) but I want to make it clear to readers of this thread that the things you are saying are 100% false and in fact you type them knowing full well they are false.

You have proven nothing.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
AP: Did they raise this idea of rogue killers in any of those conversations?

Trump: Well, the concept of it, I guess. Yesterday, when I spoke with the father, not so much today, but when I spoke to the father, it just sounded to me like he felt like he did not do it. He did not know about it and it sounded like, you know, the concept of rogue killers. But I don’t know. I think the investigation will lead to an answer. And they’re going to do a very thorough investigation. I believe they’re working with Turkey.

AP: But he didn’t bring up that? That was something you came up with after the conversation?

Trump: Just the concept of it. No, that was just from my feeling of the conversation with the king, not with the crown prince but with the king.

How incredibly servile and weak. He's going to outdo Helsinki at this rate.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
It's so embarrassing to have our President kowtowing to some head chopping ME dictator. Although other Presidents definitely cozied up to human rights abusers like the Saudis and Israelis, at least they understood who was in charge. Bush stopped the Isreali bombings on Gaza with a few words. Trump is such a huge pussy that he can't even tell his head chopper to stop chopping American heads.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Anybody notice how the usual suspects are totally avoiding this thread? Spider, Taj, and UglyConcerns have nothing to say about this. It's almost like they don't like the story of their God Emperor getting pushed around by Muslims.... they just want it to go away and for us all to go back to arguing about native american DNA tests.
Jan 25, 2011
Still no reports of this on MSM. A few hours ago CNN ran with their designated Saudi propaganda story. They had a "breaking report" saying that Saudi agents were attempting to bring Khashoggi back alive and tried to drug him, but he accidentally died due to the drug.

Amazing that CNN runs straight up Saudi propaganda but all the smaller news agencies still find the real story.
lol what complete horseshit. They never once gave the claim credibility. They said that that was what the Saudi's were claiming. That's reporting.

Then they ridiculed it the entire day. You're such a goddamn tool.