"sad truth" about Trump voters: "They don’t want health care if you get it also"

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Oct 6, 2009
Totally agree. It is something I worry about in the primaries. So many of the candidates are pushing for simply adding a public option (I'm guessing something you'd buy into). But I just think that is a path to failure. That system would always be chronically underfunded since the only people that would transfer to it are people that don't have insurance anyways. In order to make it affordable, they'd either need to introduce new taxes, or raise the premium to unaffordable levels.

And for what? It wouldn't fix the current healthcare system because this new insurance wouldn't have the teeth that M4A has. My only guess to as of why they are pushing for this so hard is that basically all the other candidates have been bought by the medical industry. Nobody "loves" their private insurance.
Yeah, it may be partially that but I think many see it as a compromise with the Luddites. I'm sick of compromising with Luddites. It's also a waste of time because they've been radicalized to the point that they won't compromise anyway. They'll all say they're for a public option right up until it is about to pass and then it will be Venezuelan socialism like the ACA all over again.


Oct 18, 2009
Medicare + private insurance is a red herring scare tactic talking point. It already exists. It's called Medicare Advantage.

kinda, but Medicare Advantage is almost useless as it doesn't address anything that a Medicare supplement insurance policy addresses, which is dealing with co-ins payments, co-pays, deductibles. Medicare Advantage does not extend Medicare's limited coverage at all.....the time limit until Medicare quits paying for in-hospital stays does not change with Medicare advantage plans while supplement plans do just that

there are a host of other thing Medicare Advantage plans don't do that are actually pertinent.


Oct 18, 2009
Granted, MA (Med. Advantage) plans do include prescription coverage, sometimes with premium increases if you want a decent scrip plan, and eye coverage and dental, but their coverages are nothing you can't find for cheap elsewhere anyway.

Medicare Medigap insurance, on the other hand, while not covering scrips, glasses, etc., do cover the huge gaps in Medicare coverage that could leave someone who is hospitalized for an extended period, like with a stroke or heart attack with complications, with huge bills to pay

Bills like the $1350 ded. you have to pay before Medicare pays one penny for in-hospital coverage.

Medicare Advantage does not extend your original Medicare benefits for hospitalization at all.....you still run out of ins. after 90 days, unless you use your lifetime reserve days, which is a 60 day "buffer" add-on. But when that runs out....you're completely exposed. And you're paying co-ins of a couple of hundred dollars a day after day 60 with original Medicare and MA plans.
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Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018

“The View” co-host pointed to a New York Times column written by University of Florida professor Darlena Cunha, who spoke with some of her neighbors about their support for the scandal-plagued Republican president.

One man who struck up a conversation with the writer apologized right away for his poor dental health, which he couldn’t afford to improve, but said he’d rather do without health care than pay for someone he didn’t think deserved it.

“I’d rather take care of my own self with tape than be stuck in a system where I pay for everyone else,” the man told Cunha.

Behar was flabbergasted by the man’s attitude, but said his view was sadly common among Trump supporters.

“You should really read this,” Behar said, “because a lot of them need dental work and they need medical care, but they will vote for Trump.”

LOLOLOLOL I never though about it but maybe Medicare for all who want it is starting to make sense. Fuck the Trumpanzees, they can pay 500% more when they want to pay!

Remeber this bitch?



Feb 24, 2009
Oh lets read what the RNC page has to say about healthcare

> We want to roll back regulations that have prevented market competition

Oh, what regulations are those? You mean the ones around drug safety? Yeah, sounds like a good idea, let's cut back on drug companies having to prove that drugs are safe and effective.

> allow patients to buy insurance across state lines

Hurray, I can buy insurance from Utah that doesn't work with my local hospitals. Yeah, that's great. Hmm, maybe if something made it so insurance companies had to cover all conditions from any hospital... no no, that goes to far, that would be a nasty bad "regulation".

> shut the revolving door of lawsuits that have driven up the price of drugs

Yeah, screw you poor people. Obviously opioids cost so much because of all those greedy dead people and their families putting out frivolous law suits because "You're drug is too addictive and you knew about it" and "You sent enough drugs to a state to kill every person in that state 4 times over". Yup, obviously we need LESS of those lawsuits.

> While a safety net should exist for those Americans that desperately need it


> a free market system is the best solution to providing the greatest possible care to the most amount of Americans.

Umm.. ok? So "While we recognize the need for a safety net, fuck you". Awesome. You can't have a "free market system" with a safety net, at that point it is not a "free market system".

So, yeah, looks like the official RNC platform from the RNC website is "We don't want healthcare if people we don't want to have it get it as well." I mean, that is basically exactly what that last sentence says. Poor people don't deserve health care (or even legal action when maimed by a doctor or pharmaceutical company)
Yea, let the people buy totally useless insurance that they sure can afford. Hope they really never get sick.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
The point of my prior post wasn't that MA plans are great or that MedSupp may not be desired, it was that private insurers already exist in the Medicare space and are profitable. There is no reason to think that a MFA program isn't compatible with private insurance because we already see MA and Supp plans.

MFA should be simple: national standardized plan designs, premiums paid by the government up to a limit, private insurer participation rules with incentives for quality. Boom. Medicare for all, just like MA programs exist today.


Nov 11, 1999
The point of my prior post wasn't that MA plans are great or that MedSupp may not be desired, it was that private insurers already exist in the Medicare space and are profitable. There is no reason to think that a MFA program isn't compatible with private insurance because we already see MA and Supp plans.

MFA should be simple: national standardized plan designs, premiums paid by the government up to a limit, private insurer participation rules with incentives for quality. Boom. Medicare for all, just like MA programs exist today.

GOP opposition is based on the pseudo-principle of smaller government, lower taxes at the top & greater power for the financial elite. Let the Jerb Creators provide! Because they really care about Joe & Joan Sixpack. You betcha.


Feb 24, 2009
Medicare + private insurance is a red herring scare tactic talking point. It already exists. It's called Medicare Advantage.
So far so good. Better than having traditional PPO company policy so far. It's amazing, never noticed how much money is spent on TV advertising when Medicare open enrollment is in progress, at this very moment. I'm serious when I say that these companies have to be spending in the half a billion dollar range for the approximately 2 months that the ads are on TV. Could probably help a lot more people if this marketing money wasn't being spent.