Rubio Watergate

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Aug 5, 2000
I watched the first couple of minutes of his painfully amatuerish presentation, felt embarassed for him, switched channels and missed his long range stretch-n-grab for the bottle of water and his comical drinking-while-keeping-his-eyes on the camera WTF moment of infamy. Watching a trainwreck after the fact just isn't the same as watching it live.

Rubio looked like a five year old adjusting a crotch clinger under his leotard while reciting Hamlet in a school play.

That clip will haunt him well into his power grab for the White House and beyond.

Ronnie Reagan would've nailed it good and proper.
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May 15, 2000
I personally couldn't care less about his water grab, what I found appalling was a supposed republican up and comer spewing the same tired republican talking points. "Obama bad, government bad, democrats bad!" How about some original thought and what would have really wowed me would have been a speach covering things republicans would be willing to agree on or work with the democrats on.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Taking a drink of water defines someone's entire career and their reputation? So goddamn sad that the biggest news people cared about coming out of this was a drink of water and a fist bump. Childish.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
The content of his speech didn't resonate, the water issue was just the crescendo.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
I can report. After a speech of 10-14 mins I have no problems whatsoever. It's only when you start hitting 25-30 mins that you really need water. Especially if you're wise enough to hydrate before speaking, 11 minutes shouldn't be difficult, at least not in my opinion.

Competitive speaker and debater for 7 years

But yeah, awkward speaking situation. I wouldn't like it at all. Seems like a big deal to be offered it, but it doesn't seem especially helpful for the future aspirations of the person giving the address.

He recorded an 18 minute speech (in spanish) before this one.


Jul 7, 2003
I can report. After a speech of 10-14 mins I have no problems whatsoever. It's only when you start hitting 25-30 mins that you really need water. Especially if you're wise enough to hydrate before speaking, 11 minutes shouldn't be difficult, at least not in my opinion.

Competitive speaker and debater for 7 years

But yeah, awkward speaking situation. I wouldn't like it at all. Seems like a big deal to be offered it, but it doesn't seem especially helpful for the future aspirations of the person giving the address.

What other situations do we see people give speeches in a silent, empty room? Offhand I'm thinking only of oval office speeches. And those are given by a familiar face and with the weight of the office behind them. It just seems like an awkward setting from the start (reminded of Jindal as well).

They should really just trot out the Bob Dole types for these things (old time pol with nothing to lose toting the party line)


Feb 1, 2008
The whole point, and the whole point, and the point was...
He looked like a schmuck.
Doesn't take much in the world of live media to schmuck-up ones career.
I think he succeeded quite well.

I can't believe no one is talking about the part where he snorted a line.
Then put his finger in his ear, took it out, and smelled it.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
This all shows how petty and pathetic the left is. Yawn. Yeah, Obama's a good public speaker, we get that. But a silver tongue doesn't make you a good leader. Many cult leaders and shysters are often smooth and polished speakers that are adept at handling water bottles.

Obama's just an excellent liar and is never seriously challenged. He wasn't under any stress to perform.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Meh. He did look sorta deer in headlights, but no biggie.

I don't think there should be an opposition response to the State of the Union anyway. It's a Presidential requirement; it's not a requirement of the minority party. It typically just looks like petty partisan politics and this instance is no different.


May 15, 2000
This all shows how petty and pathetic the left is. Yawn. Yeah, Obama's a good public speaker, we get that. But a silver tongue doesn't make you a good leader. Many cult leaders and shysters are often smooth and polished speakers that are adept at handling water bottles.

Obama's just an excellent liar and is never seriously challenged. He wasn't under any stress to perform.

Lol you took a thread about Rubio and turned it into one about Obama, nice job hack.


Jun 23, 2004
Taking a drink of water defines someone's entire career and their reputation? So goddamn sad that the biggest news people cared about coming out of this was a drink of water and a fist bump. Childish.

The difference is, Obama's fist bump looked cool. He wins American idol.


Feb 15, 2002
Eight Reasons Why Marco Rubio Is Not &#8216;The Republican Savior&#8217;

1. Refused to raise the debt ceiling. Rubio voted against the GOP&#8217;s compromise measure to temporarily suspend the debt limit through May 19 in order avoid defaulting on the national debt. In a statement posted on his website, Rubio insisted that he would hold the debt ceiling increase hostage &#8220;unless it is tied with measures to actually solve our debt problem through spending reforms.&#8221;
2. Co-sponsored and voted for a Balanced Budget Amendment. &#8220;Now more than ever, we need a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution,&#8221; Rubio proclaimed in 2011. A Balanced Budget Amendment would force the government to slash spending during an economic downturn, driving up unemployment and making the downturn worse, in a vicious cycle. If the amendment were in place during the last financial crisis, unemployment would have doubled.
3. Signed the Norquist pledge. Rubio pledged to never raise taxes under any circumstances and even voted against the last-minute deal to avert the fiscal cliff, since the deal included $600 billion in revenue. &#8220;Thousands of small businesses, not just the wealthy, will now be forced to decide how they&#8217;ll pay this new tax,&#8221; Rubio noted in a statement.
4. Backed Florida&#8217;s voter purge. Rubio defended Florida Gov. Rick Scott&#8217;s (R) attempted purge Democratic voters from the rolls, brushing off its disproportionate targeting of Latino voters. He also defended Florida&#8217;s decision to shorten its early voting period from two weeks to eight days by pointing to &#8220;the cost-benefit analysis.&#8221; After Election Day, several prominent Florida Republicans admitted that the election law changes were geared toward suppressing minority and Democratic votes and researchers found that long voting lines drove away at least 201,000 Florida voters.
5. Doesn&#8217;t believe in climate change. During a recent BuzzFeed interview, Rubio claimed has &#8220;seen reasonable debate&#8221; over whether humans are causing climate change. Scientists have long agreed that the debate is now over.
6. Opposed federal action to help prevent violence against women. Rubio voted against the motion to proceed to debate the Violence Against Women Act, noting that he disagrees with portions of the bill. Rubio claims he supports a scaled-back version of the legislation.
7. Believes employers should be able to deny birth control to their employees. Rubio co-sponsored a bill &#8212; along with Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) &#8212; that sought to nullify Obamacare&#8217;s requirement that employers provide contraception to their employees without additional co-pays by permitting businesses to voluntarily opt out of offering birth control.
8. Recorded robo calls for anti-gay hate group. Rubio has previously boasted the endorsement of anti-gay hate groups like the Family Research Council and during the election recorded robocalls for the National Organization of Marriage urging Americans to deny equal rights to gays and lesbians. He recently wouldn&#8217;t take a position on legislation that would prohibit employers from firing employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identify and wouldn&#8217;t say &#8220;whether same-sex couples should receive protections under immigration law.&#8221;

This is the reps hope for 2016? This is what will gain them minority voters? Don't think so.


Nov 9, 2000
really? this is what people are bitching about? the fact the guy made a grab for water? sure he looked silly. is it going to hurt his career? fuck no. well unless he planned on being a professional was rather clumsy


If by people you mean liberals... then yes this is what they are bitching about Apparently Rubio is scaring the liberals... deflection based on a drink of water... when there was so much fud in obama's speech.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Meh. He did look sorta deer in headlights, but no biggie.

I don't think there should be an opposition response to the State of the Union anyway. It's a Presidential requirement; it's not a requirement of the minority party. It typically just looks like petty partisan politics and this instance is no different.

this. I have no idea why they do them. Anyone can predict that it's simply going to be a hamfisted rejection of everything the president said before.

They really should be abolished. Unless, of course, the person doing them actually trots out a legitimate fact-checking speech. That would be nice to see, for once.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
If by people you mean liberals... then yes this is what they are bitching about Apparently Rubio is scaring the liberals... deflection based on a drink of water... when there was so much fud in obama's speech.

Rubio doesn't scare liberals. The fundy base probably doesn't like him all that much, and he's already loathed by the hispanic population in the US, so his chances to do anything on the national stage are already squashed.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I thought his intro was alright but once he started with the (new) talking points I spent more time trying to figure out which company they used to do the focus group testing then the actual rebuttal itself.
I changed the channel before he finished.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
CNN and more media bias, big surprise.
What&#8217;s Gotten Into the Water at CNN?

As Allahpundit writes at Hot Air, CNN&#8217;s anti-Rubio, anti-dihydrogen monoxide-themed Chyron is proof that &#8220;at long last, American media reaches peak moron. I&#8217;m just thankful that Newsbusters was there to capture it. They&#8217;ve waited years for this moment and now, finally, it&#8217;s here. Cherish it, guys.&#8221;

But CNN&#8217;s been broadcasting at peak moron for some time now, haven&#8217;t they? Let&#8217;s review these recent classic &#8220;This is CNN&#8221; moments:

&#8220;CNN Asks if Dorner Fans &#8216;Have a Point&#8217;; Panelists Find it &#8216;Exciting&#8217; Like a &#8216;Movie.&#8217;&#8221;
&#8220;CNN&#8217;s Don Lemon says &#8216;we need to talk about&#8217; Chris Dorner&#8217;s not-crazy manifesto.&#8221;
&#8220;CNN Warns: Christie&#8217;s So Fat He Could Die In Office.&#8221;
&#8220;Piers Morgan, Papal Truther.&#8221;
&#8220;CNN anchor Deb Feyerick asked Saturday afternoon if an approaching asteroid, which will pass by Earth on February 15, &#8216;is an example of, perhaps, global warming?&#8217;&#8221;
&#8220;Nobody Wants to Talk About CNN&#8217;s &#8216;Ethnic&#8217; Problem.&#8221;
Time-Warner-CNN-HBO spokesman Piers Morton sneeringly describes the Constitution as &#8220;your little book,&#8221; when handed a copy by guest Ben Shapiro.
&#8220;Do you think you should have the right to have a tank under the 2nd Amendment?&#8221;
&#8220;America has over 5000 nuclear warheads. Quite hard to defend against a &#8216;tyrannical U.S. government&#8217; with that kind of firepower.&#8221;
&#8220;CNN is behaving in a very MSNBC-like fashion,&#8221; with its producers denigrating Ben Shapiro after he defenestrated Morgan.
Soledad O&#8217;Brien&#8217;s multiple recent examples of epistemic closure.
&#8220;During CNN&#8217;s live New Years Eve coverage, left-wing comedian Kathy Griffin dropped to her knees to kiss the crotch of co-host Anderson Cooper. Howard Kurtz asks &#8216;What was so awful about it?&#8217;&#8221;
Howard Kurtz defends NBC&#8217;s David Gregory breaking DC&#8217;s gun laws.
&#8220;Reproduction without sex, a liberating future.&#8221;
&#8220;CNN&#8217;s Don Lemon: &#8216;Should white men be profiled?&#8217;&#8221;
&#8220;CNN Blames Culture of &#8216;Manliness&#8217; For Belcher Murder/Suicide.&#8221;
&#8220;CNN: Time for a Gas Tax Hike.&#8221;
And that&#8217;s just going back to the end of November, for the most part just searching through my own archives.

Last year, when another TV news division began to completely go off its rails, I asked, &#8220;What&#8217;s gotten into the water at NBC?&#8221; At the beginning of February, NBC finally parted ways with Steve Capus, the president of its news division.

At CNN, Jeff Zucker, who came from NBC, is just beginning to settle in as the network&#8217;s new president. Are these recent &#8212; even worse than usual for CNN &#8212; gaffes a sign of the old regime ending, and a new improved one about to take its place, or will CNN beclown itself even worse in the weeks to come?

(Something tells me that the latter course is more than a little likely.)

Update: &#8220;A news network can only be a bad joke for so long before it ceases to exist,&#8221; John Hinderaker writes at Power Line. I worry, frankly, about Jake Tapper, one of the best newsmen in Washington, who has accepted what I trust was a lucrative offer to anchor a CNN show. He may be joining a ship that is not just sinking, but sunk.&#8221;

Late Update (2/14/13): Welcome readers clicking in from Instapundit, the PJM homepage, and Real Clear Politics. For some thoughts on how to fix the network (yes, the patient might not be terminal), fellow PJM editor David Steinberg writes, &#8220;It&#8217;s Not Science, It&#8217;s CNN.&#8221;
Bobos In Paradise
with links.