Yea, yea, I'm actually making a thread about it.
What made it so awkward was 1) he maintained eye contact with the camera throughout, and 2) the water was so far away
Rubio is a flat out hypocritical "empty suit", spouting the same BS that were the same talking points Romney used during his campaign.
Here he says, during his speech that he utilized student loans that helped him get to where he is now, and his parents are on social security benefitting, yet he wants to pull the ladder up from below and not allow others to have the same opportunities he had. In addition, his so called "middle class" neighborhood, is an upper class neighborhood, with home prices between 500,000 and a million dollars.
He gave that speech like some amatuer high school kid, he was choking on his own dry words, and knew that he was lying through his teeth, just pandering to his own base. He is not bringing anything new to the republican party, nor is he doing anything to repair the problems with the republican party.