Romney on '47 percent': I was 'completely wrong'

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Feb 6, 2002
Didn't he say the day after the tape release he was making a political argument?

Is this what's known as a mega-flop?

A flip on a flop he already flipped on??


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
the whole statement:

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. And he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

OK...I don't see how he could come back and say he was wrong in saying seems to me he believes every single word of it.

He literally goes on and on about how people are scum sucking moochers. Show me where he is mistaken in what he is trying to convey in his rant.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
one thing about Romney is that he's never staying w/ one opinion for very long. He seems to tell a different opinion depending on who his audience and current need be.

He just lack the character and honesty of someone like Ron Paul.
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Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
I wish I could say the same.


Not even close. The guy who spent his Vietnam days in France is a bigger douche than the guy who served in Korea in the Army.


Dec 9, 1999
"In this case, I said something that's just completely wrong."


Sorry the truth hurts, I'll try better to Politician up my speechs so they're the typical Politician speech: Vague and Meaningless. Hope and Chang, er, sh1t, sorry again, that ones used. Uh, Future Forward! Yeah!



Oct 6, 2009
47% are recieving food stamps . No one knocked at their door . They appllied to gooberment foodstamps. Thats a hand reaching out no matter how you view it.
What the hell is wrong with you? You can't really believe 47% of the country is on foodstamps. I know you are a fucking whackjob, but stop and think for one fucking second, please.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Across from my dads a family just moved in . Broken family except they live together. each is resposible for 2 of four children . Both parents draw food stamps forthemselves and 2 children . She claims welfare He works . They paid $125,000 for the house and divorced shortly after. These are professional thieves.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
What the hell is wrong with you? You can't really believe 47% of the country is on foodstamps. I know you are a fucking whackjob, but stop and think for one fucking second, please.

Why does the 47% food stamp number keep poping up in these forums?


Oct 6, 2009
Across from my dads a family just moved in . Broken family except they live together. each is resposible for 2 of four children . Both parents draw food stamps forthemselves and 2 children . She claims welfare He works . They paid $125,000 for the house and divorced shortly after. These are professional thieves.
6 down, 150,000,000 to go...


Oct 6, 2009
Why does the 47% food stamp number keep poping up in these forums?
Because you are a fucking sheep? The 47% number is the number of people who don't pay federal income tax. Romney latched onto that number and said at his $50k/plate dinner that these 47% are all mooches. Guess what, you are now one of those 47%. Why are you such a mooch?

For a guy who professes to have a pipeline to the truth, you sure did jump on that trainwreck pretty recklessly.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Romney flip flops again, news at 11.

Seriously why aren't Dems hammering this point home? Kerry was being blasted for flip-flopping, yet here the Repubs have a candidate that flip flops 3 times as much and people don't seem to be calling him out on it.

He came out looking better in the debate because he magically came up with plans that nobody had seen or heard about, has ways of somehow creating 14 million jobs out of thin air at the same time while slashing the budget and decreasing taxes? In what imaginary universe does Romney think he resides?

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Actually the 47number could have been referring to the 47mmillion people on food stamps . So it seems Romney could have mis spoke . which is no excuse, I am voting for Obummmer in nov .. We just have differant reasons . I want to see him complete his fasthers dream . I want IT. FOR YOU!
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Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
47% are recieving food stamps . No one knocked at their door . They appllied to gooberment foodstamps. Thats a hand reaching out no matter how you view it.

Wrong again. So, the elder receiving social security like my parents and my uncle who's a war vet receiving vet benefits are also getting food stamps? Typical dumb Ron Paul supporter.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
He was talking strategy to a group of insiders and wealthy people. He's not far off on his analysis, but I think the wording was improper. Rasmussen had a poll that showed 42% of people are absolutely going to vote for Obama, no matter what. Those are the people he was talking about. Poking jabs at them was simply pandering to the audience, which is a practice all politicians do. I didn't think the comment meant much at all and was surprised when it got so much air time. Especially considering the Libya attack took place around the same time.

And 42% of people are going to vote for Romney no matter what too. I think its the way he classified them. He was saying that 47% of people only mooch of government and feel government owes them something and that is Obama's entire demographic. So no one that did and ever will vote for Obama is a productive member of society.

Sure there are alot of mooches but to say they would ONLY vote for Obama is laughable and extremely disingenuous and to classify 47% of Americans as worthless is the point. A signifcant number of the 47% that don't currently pay federal income tax have been working hard all their lives.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Romney flip flops again, news at 11.

Seriously why aren't Dems hammering this point home? Kerry was being blasted for flip-flopping, yet here the Repubs have a candidate that flip flops 3 times as much and people don't seem to be calling him out on it.

He came out looking better in the debate because he magically came up with plans that nobody had seen or heard about, has ways of somehow creating 14 million jobs out of thin air at the same time while slashing the budget and decreasing taxes? In what imaginary universe does Romney think he resides?

The same universe were a change you can count on wins elections without the knowing of what that change is / LOL at demons they cann't for their lives speak honestly . Man has both the mind and heart... Letting your mind rule your body isn't perfection nor is it the other way around . there is an inbetween . Look at nature it seems almost cruel in its ways . Man cann't live outside of nature. Feeding the fallen and aimless keeping alive the sickly and allowing them to breed . All goes outside of nature . As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. You for the most part profess to darwinism . So you know the laws of nature yet you think your above such laws. It doesn't matter if there is a god or not . There are rules for advancing the species . Were breaking them all . LOL

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Wrong again. So, the elder receiving social security like my parents and my uncle who's a war vet receiving vet benefits are also getting food stamps? Typical dumb Ron Paul supporter.

Why are SS retirees getting food stamps .. I don't my dad doesn't my uncles don't . Everthing I have is paid for and I have a little money . Why do I need to steal from gooberment food stamp programm. When my wife retires we will recieve about $3500 a month in SS benefits that WE paid for . And our 401K which I managed rather well comparred to 90% of the people. When I was young I hoped to retire one day . If your retired and indebt to freaken bad you mismanaged your freaken life .. Now you need the gooberment to get ya bye . Thats nothing more than running from your own responsibilities.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The pretender in the White House gets voted out in a month. Enjoy your denial while you can.

alright, so who does Romney pretend to be?

We have tons of examples of his various personalities and multi-sided positions.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Romney flip flops again, news at 11.

Seriously why aren't Dems hammering this point home? Kerry was being blasted for flip-flopping, yet here the Repubs have a candidate that flip flops 3 times as much and people don't seem to be calling him out on it.

He came out looking better in the debate because he magically came up with plans that nobody had seen or heard about, has ways of somehow creating 14 million jobs out of thin air at the same time while slashing the budget and decreasing taxes? In what imaginary universe does Romney think he resides?

Kerry didn't lose because of being a flip-flopper. Pushing it simply doesn't work, and Clinton explained this quite well in an article I recently read, when he advised the Obama campaign to ignore the flip-flopping charge.

"They accused me of being a flip-flopper all over the place, and that didn't work. Why? Because the voter just assumes there's a pretty good chance you're going to do what they actually want you to do."

Flip-flopping only appeals to the dedicated base that likes to parrot one-liners that don't really mean anything. No one is trying to win their votes.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
I skimmed the article but Romney pandering wouldn't surprise me. He's no better IMO than any president we've had in my lifetime. All of them are big government types who will say anything to get elected. Honestly don't know why anyone would be surprised.


Oct 6, 2009
Why are SS retirees getting food stamps
They aren't. That was his point.

.. I don't my dad doesn't my uncles don't . Everthing I have is paid for and I have a little money . Why do I need to steal from gooberment food stamp programm. When my wife retires we will recieve about $3500 a month in SS benefits that WE paid for ...
Then according to Romney, you are a mooch. You are a lazy American. You should stop collecting your SS entitlements and start paying your fair share of federal income tax.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
I am sure he will say later that what he said in the debate is also WRONG, multiple times.