Rome 2: Total war is coming!


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
Any Rome fans here?

First clue: A dutch magazine lists "Total War Rome II" in its content list for the July 4th issue.

Second clue: In PC Powerplay Australia there is a teaser image suggesting a Rome 2:

Third clue: It's about time! :biggrin:

I cannot even recall how many hours I played Rome 1. The feeling of power when commanding thousands of legionaires to conquer the world was awesome. Are you looking forward to Rome 2 as well?
What are your hopes for this game and what do you think it will be?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
It would be fun.

But, I want something specific this time, I'm not sure if the technology is "ready" for it, or if it will be created to reach such a goal. I want more than the first line of infantry to fight. I want every single one of my soldiers to chaotically mix in within the enemy's ranks and infantry columns as the battle progresses. If that can be done, it will feel a true sequel, otherwise... it'll be a graphical revamp and not much else.

We know that time period very well by now and of course the first Rome: TW was very successful already back then. If they intend to create a sequel to it, it should be a quantum technological leap, in my opinion. Make sure the A.I. is "good", make sure the strategy map A.I. and diplomacy decisions aren't dumb and make sure that my soldiers aren't stuck on ladders during a siege.

Time will tell, but I'm not expecting much really, it does have potential though.
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Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
If Rome 2 TW is coming, I hope they really work on bringing something more to the table. Shogun 2 was a good release, but the TW games are starting to really feel stale, especially in regards to the performance of their game engine.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
I don't know what they can improve, RTW was by most players best of TW series. Perhaps it will be like Civilization III to Civilization IV?


Jan 23, 2001
I don't know what they can improve, RTW was by most players best of TW series. Perhaps it will be like Civilization III to Civilization IV?

Well, they can add naval combat, which wasn't around for the first iteration. I'll still buy it if it is just that plus a graphical update. R:TW was my favorite of the series.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
RTW was the best in the series. If they can just update the graphics, add naval combat, and push it back a century it would be great.

Northern Lawn

Platinum Member
May 15, 2008
The only thing about RTW I hated was that you couldn't play as Rome. You have to surround spqr and keep it in isolation while you conquer the world.


Mar 30, 2007
I am in the small camp that absolutely friggen loves shogun and the expansions. I am still on the second expansion and have not tired of ravaging the countryside with a ninja and a geisha!

The first one is in my top 5 games all time.

Northern Lawn

Platinum Member
May 15, 2008
I am in the small camp that absolutely friggen loves shogun and the expansions. I am still on the second expansion and have not tired of ravaging the countryside with a ninja and a geisha!

The first one is in my top 5 games all time.

I bought that game on steam and never even installed it after I heard some reviews or maybe I was just too addicted to Bad Company 2. I'm going to install that game and give it a go, it can't be as bad as Empire.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
Even with it's flaws, Empire is still my favorite TW game. It's the only one with global domination in both trade and war as it's focus. It also had the greatest variety of playable countries. Honestly I would welcome Rome 2, but I'd be just as happy with Empire 2 IF they actually improve things...not just slap on a new coat of paint.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
If they make it:

Make Rome unified from start. Not this Brutii, Julii, and Scipii faction crap.
Bigger map area size
More factions
Better AI
More attention to historically faction details
Naval battle like ETW but instead of cannons you have to ram a ship just right and the crew can board and attack as well
Fewer bugs & better QAC (CA is notorious for releasing buggy games)

Just a few things off the top of my head. Do this and I would buy it. If CA is planning on just updating graphics and little things then don't bother even making it. The modding community can do better.


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
I have some very fond memories of R:TW since it was the first Total War game I bought, but I'd much rather have something new. Especially since this will be the second sequel release in a row for CA.


Feb 5, 2001
Awesome. I love RTW. The movie 300 ripped off what I did, I had like 100+ transports going over the sea to take out the Egyptian area with my entire army after conquering the rest of the world. Ahh good times, that was back when it was first released too.

Northern Lawn

Platinum Member
May 15, 2008
I'd rather have an ancient egypt, persia, or greece/macedonia TW.

Well they have an Alexander one though I heard it wasn't great. It might be fun to play greece Athens/Sparta as a defense tower game when the million man Persian Army came then follow them to their own cities with Alexander, LOL. That would be fun.
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Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
It would be fun.

But, I want something specific this time, I'm not sure if the technology is "ready" for it, or if it will be created to reach such a goal. I want more than the first line of infantry to fight. I want every single one of my soldiers to chaotically mix in within the enemy's ranks and infantry columns as the battle progresses. If that can be done, it will feel a true sequel, otherwise... it'll be a graphical revamp and not much else.

We know that time period very well by now and of course the first Rome: TW was very successful already back then. If they intend to create a sequel to it, it should be a quantum technological leap, in my opinion. Make sure the A.I. is "good", make sure the strategy map A.I. and diplomacy decisions aren't dumb and make sure that my soldiers aren't stuck on ladders during a siege.

Time will tell, but I'm not expecting much really, it does have potential though.

Yeah, even in Shogun 2 the units mix up only a little.

I would love to see:

  • working AI that cannot easily be outmaneuvered on the campaign map and lured into bridge battles where it gets slaughtered 100% of the time. Less sieges, more field battles
  • a memory for the AI. If a faction or a general knows (either by witnessing of by subterfuge or by diplomatic information gathering) that an enemy is extremely powerful or skilled, getting heroic victories often, they should react accordingly. Retreat, try diplomatic solutions, lay traps etc. If you get beat up by a bully time after time, would you be so stupid as to confront him again without a plan?
  • no bottlenecks in settlements! It takes forever to move your units along the walls or through gateways. Working pathfinding in settlements, no stragglers
  • general speeches, bring them back
  • bring back the elevation advantage of missile troops - but don't overdo it. It's laughable as it is right now
  • make use of as many CPU cores as possible. Properly support SLI/CF and don't break it with new game updates
I could think of a hundred more things, but these are the most pressing concerns in my opinion.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Started a new Shogun 2 game yesterday.

I will totally buy Rome 2 when it comes out. I have all of the TW games, even Empire, and like them all.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
It wasn't until Empire that I became really engrossed in the series, however the technical issues and brain-dead AI eventually forced me to quit it for good.

I bought Shogun 2 on release and enjoyed the tutorial campaign, but for some reason I just never played much of it after that. I think I missed the huge, epic scale of the combat in Empire. I really love the time period of Empire as well, but Rome is also a great setting and I never played the original RTW, so I'll give this one a shot.


Oct 10, 2006
It would be fun.

But, I want something specific this time, I'm not sure if the technology is "ready" for it, or if it will be created to reach such a goal. I want more than the first line of infantry to fight. I want every single one of my soldiers to chaotically mix in within the enemy's ranks and infantry columns as the battle progresses. If that can be done, it will feel a true sequel, otherwise... it'll be a graphical revamp and not much else.

We know that time period very well by now and of course the first Rome: TW was very successful already back then. If they intend to create a sequel to it, it should be a quantum technological leap, in my opinion. Make sure the A.I. is "good", make sure the strategy map A.I. and diplomacy decisions aren't dumb and make sure that my soldiers aren't stuck on ladders during a siege.

Time will tell, but I'm not expecting much really, it does have potential though.

Wouldn't be realistic, at least for the Romans. There would obviously be a little mixing, but most Roman units where trained to hold their formation and cover each other, that was their main fundamental strength. IIRC from my military history class the basis was the next evolution of phalanx warfare. Same basic principle, but swords/javelins allowed for more versatility than long-ass spears.
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Golden Member
Feb 29, 2004
I am loving it! I can't wait for the new Rome to come out. I have played all the total war series and Rome is my favorite :)