Republican Party continues to further marginalize itself

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Julius Shark

Dec 28, 2008
This is a tempest in a teapot.

Obama voters should realize that the purpose of this is to insult and poke fun at our enemy (liberals and democrats) at many levels. The ?Magic Negro? provides most every element necessary for Conservatives to ?hide in plain sight? our disdain for ALL things Obama.

Here is a clue, Liberals. The cover given you by the media is weakening. They can?t help themselves. Prepare to spend the next four years looking as weak as the candidate you put in office.

I say, well done.
Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Julius Shark
This is a tempest in a teapot.

Obama voters should realize that the purpose of this is to insult and poke fun at our enemy (liberals and democrats) at many levels. The ?Magic Negro? provides most every element necessary for Conservatives to ?hide in plain sight? our disdain for ALL things Obama.

Here is a clue, Liberals. The cover given you by the media is weakening. They can?t help themselves. Prepare to spend the next four years looking as weak as the candidate you put in office.

I say, well done.

you can't be serious.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Julius Shark
This is a tempest in a teapot.

Obama voters should realize that the purpose of this is to insult and poke fun at our enemy (liberals and democrats) at many levels. The ?Magic Negro? provides most every element necessary for Conservatives to ?hide in plain sight? our disdain for ALL things Obama.

Here is a clue, Liberals. The cover given you by the media is weakening. They can?t help themselves. Prepare to spend the next four years looking as weak as the candidate you put in office.

I say, well done.

I say your taste is in your ass, and it's consistant with the intelleigence and concern for the majority of our nation your criminal party has shown for the last eight years. :thumbsdown: :|

Julius Shark

Dec 28, 2008
Keep your eye on the ball here. This parody is for the benefit of those who don?t like Obama. That said, it seems like Obama supporters could see the humor in this much the way I enjoyed Tina Fey?s brilliant satire of our beloved Palin.

It seems to me that you Obama voters are much too tight. Could it be that you know, as do I, that this Administration may not even last four years before we take over?

I believe so.



Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
What's great about the ongoing Contard apologists and denial is they still don't get it.

Ya'll keep bangin' that drum :thumbsup: on the road to permanent minority status.


Nov 11, 1999
Is this overblown? probably.
Was it smart?
Probably not. Will anyone care by the time the next elections come and the dems have shown 4 years of incompetance and a failure to learn from thier own boners? Probably not.

Remarkable gall bringing up the subject of incompetence, all things considered- the bushistas and their congressional comrades haven't just been personally incompetent, but ideologically incompetent, as well.

As for the rest of it, Looks like the increasingly fashionable pre-blame so favored on the Right- don't look at what we've done, look at what the other guy might do... and the other guy hasn't even been inaugurated...

Personally, I'm not the least bit outraged- I'm enjoying it. Saltsman and his defenders might as well be wearing sheets as he campaigns for the RNC chair. Heh. I hope he wins, and that the Sarah! Sarah! worshippers push their candidate right to the top for 2012, as well...


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Well...Obama is a negro (lets ignore the fact that he's half white for now and suspend reality) and he did attain the presidency, if that's not magical I don't know what is! David Blaine has nothing on Obama. :D


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Originally posted by: senseamp
To me it just shows how behind the times the GOP is.
First of all they send this out on a CD, at the time of the internet. Secondly they have some sort of expectation that as Karl Rove did in 2000, they can target certain controversial messages to certain groups, without being exposed and alienating the broader electorate. And thirdly, they are firmly stuck in the politics of race, which has become a net loser in recent years. It is going to isolate the GOP into a marginal regional party of Southern conservatives.

Good points. Technology is changing everything we do at a very rapid pace. If you let a bunch of out of touch old white men run your political party in today's environment-whether they are liberal or conservative-you are DOOMED. What I notice is that the older many of these guys get, the smarter they think they are. :) The evidence suggests otherwise. I'm half as smart today as I was 50 years ago, but it's always been tricky dividing zero. ;)




Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Originally posted by: palehorse
I think the song is hilarious.

Does that make me a racist!?


Overly-sensitive-politically-correct-whining FTL...

Only when you advertise it. You may get the reference, but I doubt it.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: loki8481
some guy from Tennessee = the entire republican party?

The guy is running for the RNC Chair and was also a advisor to republicans like B.Frist.

" aired on Rush Limbaugh's radio show. "
" To date, no Republican officials have condemned the CD. "

Rush Limbaugh does not represent the republican party.

For that matter, neither does Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, or any other editorialist or satirist.

Get over yourselves.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
But all the racist, sexist, etc jokes directed at Sarah Palin are just fine with these same people. Barack better be ready to hit the ground running - Because he's made a lot of promises to fix a lot of stuff.. People need to stop worrying about this sort of thing and start worrying about how the democrats who control every part of the government are going to FIX THE PROBLEMS they PROMISED they would.. About all we have seen so far is illegal activity to attempt to sell senate seats..

I'd imagine being called a magic negro is about #10394094032580482542 on the list of things Barack needs to worry about. #1 should be his tax cut he promised.

unfortunately, he hasnt been forced to make promises about anything.

i'm pretty sure the official party platform for obama's campaign was "I'm not bush!".


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Fayd
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
But all the racist, sexist, etc jokes directed at Sarah Palin are just fine with these same people. Barack better be ready to hit the ground running - Because he's made a lot of promises to fix a lot of stuff.. People need to stop worrying about this sort of thing and start worrying about how the democrats who control every part of the government are going to FIX THE PROBLEMS they PROMISED they would.. About all we have seen so far is illegal activity to attempt to sell senate seats..

I'd imagine being called a magic negro is about #10394094032580482542 on the list of things Barack needs to worry about. #1 should be his tax cut he promised.

unfortunately, he hasnt been forced to make promises about anything.

i'm pretty sure the official party platform for obama's campaign was "I'm not bush!".

you clearly weren't paying attention then.


Aug 5, 2000
Flinging boogers at the teflon coated hardened steel armor that Obama is wearing seems to be all that the Obama haters have left to throw at him.

It's simply hilarious to watch those boogers ricochet right back at the flingers and watch those boogers stick on the faces from whence they came. And those boogers are piling up on each other already.



Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Is this overblown? probably.
Was it smart?
Probably not. Will anyone care by the time the next elections come and the dems have shown 4 years of incompetance and a failure to learn from thier own boners? Probably not.

Remarkable gall bringing up the subject of incompetence, all things considered- the bushistas and their congressional comrades haven't just been personally incompetent, but ideologically incompetent, as well.

As for the rest of it, Looks like the increasingly fashionable pre-blame so favored on the Right- don't look at what we've done, look at what the other guy might do... and the other guy hasn't even been inaugurated...

Personally, I'm not the least bit outraged- I'm enjoying it. Saltsman and his defenders might as well be wearing sheets as he campaigns for the RNC chair. Heh. I hope he wins, and that the Sarah! Sarah! worshippers push their candidate right to the top for 2012, as well...

Wasn't that the entire democrtic campign this time around? were not them?
All I heard for months, I had to keep reminding myself Bush wasn't running.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: Fayd
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
But all the racist, sexist, etc jokes directed at Sarah Palin are just fine with these same people. Barack better be ready to hit the ground running - Because he's made a lot of promises to fix a lot of stuff.. People need to stop worrying about this sort of thing and start worrying about how the democrats who control every part of the government are going to FIX THE PROBLEMS they PROMISED they would.. About all we have seen so far is illegal activity to attempt to sell senate seats..

I'd imagine being called a magic negro is about #10394094032580482542 on the list of things Barack needs to worry about. #1 should be his tax cut he promised.

unfortunately, he hasnt been forced to make promises about anything.

i'm pretty sure the official party platform for obama's campaign was "I'm not bush!".

you clearly weren't paying attention then.

cantidates will seldom make specific promises. he talked about healthcare reform, tax program reform (this in particular is the only specific campaign promise i've seen from him)and "bringing troops home". but then even he said bringing them home immediately would be an impossibility.

eh, what to i know. if bush were able to run for another 4 years, i'd vote for him again. :D

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Julius Shark
Could it be that you know, as do I, that this Administration may not even last four years before we take over?

I believe so.

Who's this we? You and the cricket in the thicket?



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Julius Shark
Could it be that you know, as do I, that this Administration may not even last four years before we take over?

I believe so.

Who's this we? You and the cricket in the thicket?

It's him and the other followers of the beloved Palin. ;)


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
But all the racist, sexist, etc jokes directed at Sarah Palin are just fine with these same people. Barack better be ready to hit the ground running - Because he's made a lot of promises to fix a lot of stuff.. People need to stop worrying about this sort of thing and start worrying about how the democrats who control every part of the government are going to FIX THE PROBLEMS they PROMISED they would.. About all we have seen so far is illegal activity to attempt to sell senate seats..

I'd imagine being called a magic negro is about #10394094032580482542 on the list of things Barack needs to worry about. #1 should be his tax cut he promised.

You mean all the problems the rep's got us into? Yes, you are right, they have alot to fix. I dont see dems gettting all worked up about this, just laughing at how badly some reps dont get it. As a matter of fact, the first I saw of it at all was when the RNC chairman condemned it.


Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Julius Shark
Keep your eye on the ball here. This parody is for the benefit of those who don?t like Obama. That said, it seems like Obama supporters could see the humor in this much the way I enjoyed Tina Fey?s brilliant satire of our beloved Palin.

It seems to me that you Obama voters are much too tight. Could it be that you know, as do I, that this Administration may not even last four years before we take over?

I believe so.




Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: daniel49
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Is this overblown? probably.
Was it smart?
Probably not. Will anyone care by the time the next elections come and the dems have shown 4 years of incompetance and a failure to learn from thier own boners? Probably not.

Remarkable gall bringing up the subject of incompetence, all things considered- the bushistas and their congressional comrades haven't just been personally incompetent, but ideologically incompetent, as well.

As for the rest of it, Looks like the increasingly fashionable pre-blame so favored on the Right- don't look at what we've done, look at what the other guy might do... and the other guy hasn't even been inaugurated...

Personally, I'm not the least bit outraged- I'm enjoying it. Saltsman and his defenders might as well be wearing sheets as he campaigns for the RNC chair. Heh. I hope he wins, and that the Sarah! Sarah! worshippers push their candidate right to the top for 2012, as well...

Wasn't that the entire democrtic campign this time around? were not them?
All I heard for months, I had to keep reminding myself Bush wasn't running.

Yeap, you just had the guy who a significant portion of the country views as the worst president in all of American history, and the candidate from the Republican party explicitly stated his support for nearly all of the policies of the last 8 years.

Seems like reminding the country of that was a pretty good idea.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
All I can say is I hope the RNC puts more CDs out.

Their brand of "political satire" is hilarious.



Mar 5, 2001
This only further highlights the fact that the Republicans are hopelessly out of touch. They should be focusing on trying to get back to their party roots, not pissing off more people.