Again, do you think criminal will actually CARE if there is a law for it? They probabl;y have a no gun sign there and thus no way to fight back.
Even if everyone had guns (and proper training for using them) it wouldn't stop most spree killings so acting like guns would prevent it is straight bullshit. Simple fact is if someone wants to they can use a gun to injure and kill a lot of people very quickly with their victims having little ability to do anything about it. By the time people can even react the person could have shot a lot of bullets.
I remember with the Colorado theater shooting where people were claiming that they'd have taken the guy out if only they'd been in the theater with a gun. Of course with each explanation of why they were full of shit they kept moving it "yeah well if I'd been in just the right spot where I could have seen him but him not see me, had the right gun, and the right angle to take the right shot, then I could have totally neutralized him before he even got a shot off!"
You don;t see peoepl calling to ban car when someone drunk kill 20 people by running them voer.
That's because people understand that cars have more uses than for inflicting harm. Plus there's the whole point that in a lot of places it is easier to get a gun license and gun than it is to get a driver's license. That's kinda a lot of people's point is that we recognize that automobiles represent a serious responsibility but trying to use the same reasoning with something entirely designed for causing harm to living organisms is somehow taboo and off limits thanks to a lobbyist group for manufacturers of them.
And to top it off, overall in the US, our gun laws are the laxest they've been for a very long time. Couple that with the incendiary rhetoric of certain groups and only people trying to be as willfully ignorant as possible can't see why we're getting an uptick in mass shootings. And then we get people trying to blame everything else (and they act like it is every bit as logical to say that video games or music are to blame entirely, despite that being at minimum as stupid as what they're bitching about), and dismissive that its just some crazy people to blame (but those same people tend to like to stereotype other people). And hell even if they seriously do believe that, they then almost always proceed to do absolutely nothing about mental health (and often go out of their way to show they don't understand that either).
Honestly I don't give a shit about gun control as especially in the short term it will just cause more problems thanks to insane people that would use that to try and justify going on rampages (because if there's one way to prove that you should be allowed a right is to abuse it in such a despicable manner...).
Of course getting rid of guns won't stop violence, but gun violence by the nature of the weapon makes inflicting incredibly severe damage and upon a lot of people (including ones not intended to be targets) incredibly easy where a snap actions can lead to incredible wanton harm. And before some dumbshit chimes in with "durr knives/hammers/etc!" again, guns have essentially one function and are designed entirely around that (you're not using a gun as a tool for any other use) and people using such weapons can be dealt with a hell of a lot more realistically than someone with a gun.
I'm tired of basic fucking logic almost completely missing from the anti gun control arguments. Fuck, I'd like just one gun nut (not to be confused with the actual majority of rational moderate gun owners) to admit that the 2nd Amendment very clearly does not support this modern NRA paid for interpretation. The amount of "no regulations!" rhetoric while propping up something that implicitly says "well regulated" in the first 3 words is so blatantly fucking stupid that I'm amazed that they can even function. Absolutely a lot of the pro gun control arguments lack logic as well, but that doesn't preclude people from trying to make actual rational, logical thoughts. Oh wait, this is America, so yes it does...