Nah, 5.56 or 7.62 is more appropriate for the range.
a fence. not much else works
Piss along the boundaries of your yard. They will understand a powerful, potent male lives there and stay away.
Mothballs and human urine will work for a while, but not forever.
Hmm, I could try mothballs.
Urine is free ;^)
Bastards ate my okra last year. I'm gonna build a fence to go around my plants this year.
it'll need to be a tall fence. I've seen deer tracks inside standard height residential fences.
If in doubt go for a head on a pike.
At one point I heard of using human hair to keep them from getting into gardens. Get clippings from a barber and spread it around the perimeter.
*note* I make no claim that this will work, and even if it does it gives you a +2 to creepiness.
Didn't they do that in "The Rookie"?