Recent poll confirms that the vast majority of anti-vaxxers are now right-wing/Trump supporters.

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Senior member
Jun 27, 2020
The dude clearly has mental issues as a poor incel. Christ, he's living proof we need legal prostitution.
Not only have you regularly shown how much of an imbecile you like to be, you are now showing how unfunny you are. I mean there's not a scale that goes low enough to measure your attempts at humor. At least you can make people laugh because your imbecilic posts you so often share are funny as hell, not in the comedian make me laugh sense, but in the laugh at loud very loudly while pointing and mocking kind of way.

Fuck off rapist!


Apr 8, 2013
I guess the NYT is Fake News then

LOL I can't believe people have let this one go by.

First, you ran from the thread when presented with incontrovertible real world data that shows it's republicans who are the primary problem with vaccine compliance.

Now you come here and try to pass this off?

First of all, the article cites only polls and interviews. You previously said that polls are bunk because they are just "feels" and that you preferred real world data.

Second, the article not only fails to support your position, it actually supports everything I said to you before.

Specifically, it says: white republicans are the primary vaccine refusers, while a smaller, diverse group consisting of blacks, apolitical types, and some white democrats are hesitant but open minded. Don't believe me? Try reading your own article LOL.

Nice job, nitwit. That is called a rhetorical own goal.


Nov 11, 1999
Yeh, the delta variant is so contagious that you might catch it just thinking about it. (In case anybody missed it, that's a joke, son.) Once introduced to any area, it'll rip into unvaccinated populations with much greater ferocity than the original. It already is, and it's spreading incredibly fast.



Apr 8, 2013
Point of clarification regarding Florida. It is just barely below the national average for total vaccinations. I think the problem with Florida is that it is one of the most densely populated states in the country, and its vaccine compliance is just so-so. Most states with worse vaccine compliance are rural states with low pop density. That is why Florida is getting swamped right now.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Point of clarification regarding Florida. It is just barely below the national average for total vaccinations. I think the problem with Florida is that it is one of the most densely populated states in the country, and its vaccine compliance is just so-so. Most states with worse vaccine compliance are rural states with low pop density. That is why Florida is getting swamped right now.
Florida is barely below the national average because of the high number of the eldelry who have been vaccinated, which skews the results. Take out the elderly and Florida is not far behind Louisiana. The problem in Florida is Ron DeSantis ignoring science and saying no to masks and halfheartedly encouraging vaccinations.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Florida is not helping itself when you have nutjobs like Florida's highest RNC official, Peter Feaman claiming that the Covid vaccination is the Mark of the Beast. He also called Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer "diabolical" for encouraging vaccines and also compared Biden's vaccination team "brown shirts". I fully expect the attitude towards vaccinations in Florida to change dramatically after a bunch of kids being forced to attend schools mask less and without vaccinations start dying. Hopefully it will end DeSantis' career as a politician. It's sad that it will take something like that to get people to wake up.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
"Florida's highest RNC official, Peter Feaman claims that the Covid vaccination is the Mark of the Beast"

And, as their own party takes a deep dive into reality denial madness, the wing-nuts here increase the fevered picth in which they post unknown fringe whackos from TicTok to try and shift attention away from their own MAINSTREAMED batshit.
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Nov 4, 2004
"Florida's highest RNC official, Peter Feaman claims that the Covid vaccination is the Mark of the Beast"

And, as their own party takes a deep dive into reality denial madness, the wing-nuts here increase the fevered picth in which they post unknow fringe whackos from TicTok to try and shifty attention away from their own MAINSTREAMED batshit.

Zealotry FTW?


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007


Apr 8, 2013
Heh, apparently it's more of a bell curve by education:

View attachment 48470

View attachment 48471

And yet again, from your own article, here it is:

Those from counties with higher Trump support in the 2020 presidential election showed higher hesitancy, and the difference in hesitancy between areas with high and low Trump support grew over the period studied. “This finding really highlights the politicization of public health recommendations,” said King.

“What's concerning is there is a subset of the population that's got strong levels of hesitancy, as in refusal to take the vaccine, not potential concern about it, and the size of that group isn’t changing,” said Mejia.

Among the most recalcitrant, commonly cited reasons included not trusting the vaccine and not trusting the government, while less hesitant groups were more inclined to explain they were waiting to see if the vaccine is safe. The researchers believe that different approaches are necessary to address these concerns.

There it is again, confirmation of what you've tried to argue against. Trump supporters are the most recalcitrant group of vaccine refusers.
Feb 4, 2009
I love this image from the above because dumb people are tired of being called dumb. They want someone, anyone to say they are smart.
This chart says look all you people who have been called dumb your entire life. Everyone was wrong you are just as intelligent as the smartest of the smart!

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
And yet again, from your own article, here it is:

There it is again, confirmation of what you've tried to argue against. Trump supporters are the most recalcitrant group of vaccine refusers.
It’s amazing how often the best argument against what he’s saying is his own sources.


Junior Member
Aug 14, 2021
I asked a question. Though I should have known not to because of the hypersensitive nature of many here. Let me give you a little advice that will help you as you grow into adulthood. When someone asks questions about a topic you're passionate about, it's not always an attack. Sometimes, it's just a question. When you start ranting and making accusations all you're doing is presenting yourself as a fool.

No, you asked a question, which is fine. Then you said "My curiosity doesn't run that deep.", which justifies the scorn.


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Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
all the vaccines are still only approved for emegancy use. i know multiple people who are waiting for the vaccines to get final approval and not just emergency use. their reasoning is that as time goes on, side effects of the vaccines are becoming known. they weigh the side effects vs death rate from the virus. i wouldnt call them anti-vaxers, i would classify them as anti-unapproved for regular use vaxers, of vaccines that we are still finding out side-effects of.

am i vaccinated? thats a personal medical question. do you have an STD? do you have hepatitis C? Do you do anal? many countries require it for travel, i like to travel and do travel internationally. I believe in HIPA. I will never ask anyone if they are vaccinated against anything (except if they step on a nail i will ask them when their last tetnus was).
NO, they are fucking anti-vaxxers without the courage to admit they are anti-vaxx. They are bullshitting you and themselves.

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Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
If Trump pitched vaccination as hard as he's pitching the Stolen! Election! we'd be miles ahead of where we are. Not that he ever gave a fuck, anyway, having created much of the problem in the first place. Liberate Michigan, right?
That would help many other people, and Trump could give a fuck. It's only about him and no one else.

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