<<And what graphics company doesn't sell stripped-down versions of their flagship? ATi certainly does it with the 8500LE and 8500LE LE. NVidia does it with the Ti4400 and Ti4200.
This is also done with value products as well. ATi's Radeon 7000, 7200, and 7500. NVidia's MX460, MX440, and MX420.
Do you really think Matrox won't do it? >>
No company is above what i said. Matrox is doing the same thing by offering it in the business sector and then the game sector. Its basically the same card with cut features. My point really isnt that Company XYZ wont do it....it was
The Nvidia Fanboys don't need to come into a Matrox post to knock a product they know nothing about. Especially for the loads of money they drop on getting that extra 10 FPS
Then you look at a card with tri-head, usually outstanding 3d quality, possible g4 performance, and overall quality company/cards......they knock it for fear they might want one and Nvidia will be left in the dust
bdog231 - keep neffing your way around the forums with your pointless post and stupid comments. Talk about condensending. What a moron. Jeeze.