Rant: Public Bathrooms


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
I really don't need to even rant here. Most of you (guys) know what I'm talking about. I can see a bars bathroom being messed up, but a movie theatre? I went to see Spider-Man last night and I couldn't believe the place. I can't even imagine how people get their own feces on the walls. Are they picking their own logs out of the toilet? Or are they just so ready to explode that they can't hold it in for the extra 2 miliseconds it would take to sit down?

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999

<< Are they picking their own logs out of the toilet? >>


Try a different theater ThaGrandCow!


Dec 18, 2001
its all the damn teenagers. so few give so many a bad name. i can't stand going to the theaters around here. unless you see a movie that NO ONE would want to see they always ruin the whole experience.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
the restrooms at the brussells airport are VERY clean

the nastiest bathroom i ever saw was at the hertz car rental place at Dulles Airport in Virginia, there was sh!t all over the toilet seat, the outside of the bowl and stall walls, some sick puppy smeared it all over


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001


<< Are they picking their own logs out of the toilet? >>


Try a different theater ThaGrandCow!

I would but it's the only theatre around here with stadium seating and a really good sound system.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
I can't even imagine how people get their own feces on the walls. Are they picking their own logs out of the toilet? Or are they just so ready to explode that they can't hold it in for the extra 2 miliseconds it would take to sit down?

You guys think that's bad? Once, I went to a public bathroom at a rest stop off of a freeway. I went in, and in each one of the sinks where you wash your hands, someone or someones had managed to crap in every single basin. To make matters worse, they had smeared it all over the sink and the handles. Talk about disgusting.

After I washed my hands, I had to turn off the handles and more crap got on my hands and I had to wash them again. (Joking about this part)


Feb 15, 2001

<< the restrooms at the brussells airport are VERY clean

the nastiest bathroom i ever saw was at the hertz car rental place at Dulles Airport in Virginia, there was sh!t all over the toilet seat, the outside of the bowl and stall walls, some sick puppy smeared it all over

wow, all the airports i've been to have been clean:) guess i'm a lucky bastid. but then again your talking about a car rental place in virginia:p

i dunno, it really disturbs me when i see how bad peoples aim is. let alone the lack of common courtesy:p i swear 80% of guys never wash their hands after going. even if you stare at them on when they pass you on the way out. its like geez i've caught you red handed and you go on your merry way anyways. probably should follow one out sometime and embarass him:p

a lot depends on the area:p more scummy the worse it is:p


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
Once while cleaning the bathroom at a gym, I had to throw away underware some guy sh!t in. Another time I had to clean up blood in the ladies room, because some lady menstrated all over. This was when I was like 16, too.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001

<< This thread is disturbingly gross... >>

Public bathrooms are disturbingly gross. It's really sad.


Apr 26, 2001

<< Once while cleaning the bathroom at a gym, I had to throw away underware some guy sh!t in. Another time I had to clean up blood in the ladies room, because some lady menstrated all over. This was when I was like 16, too. >>

About the ladies room, that happen all the time where I work, it totally sickens me how people can be so disgusting.
Also reminds of the time there was a ltitle boy trying to use a urinal but he was like so short he didn't even come to the level he should have so he was just pissing all over the wall. It was kind of funny at the time..


May 5, 2002
Well the worst scenerio I've ever seen was in a mall. I went to McDonalds to use the washroom, and once I got in, I was overwhelmed by the smell of some guy talking a crap. After he was done his business, he came out without even washing his hands. When I came out, I went to the grocery store in the same mall, only to find him in the fruits and vegetables section, buying some apples.



Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
People are so nasty. At my hall bathrooms, when I go to use the bathroom, there is usually only 1 or 2 out of 5 stalls to use because peoples' urine/feces are in the other three. And alos what the hell is the problem with people propping the damn bathroom door open? Don't they want any fvcking privacy when they use the restroom. *rant* I always feel like waiting by the door with a baseball bat and knocking the brains out of someone's head if they prop the damn door open, well maybe not knock there brains out but at least severly bruise the fvckers. *rant*


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002

<< I really don't need to even rant here. Most of you (guys) know what I'm talking about. I can see a bars bathroom being messed up, but a movie theatre? I went to see Spider-Man last night and I couldn't believe the place. I can't even imagine how people get their own feces on the walls. >>

Yes, looks like I sure know what you're talking about! What annoys me, it's that people don't use the flush 'feature' each and every time they're there.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001


<< I really don't need to even rant here. Most of you (guys) know what I'm talking about. I can see a bars bathroom being messed up, but a movie theatre? I went to see Spider-Man last night and I couldn't believe the place. I can't even imagine how people get their own feces on the walls. >>

Yes, looks like I sure know what you're talking about! What annoys me, it's that people don't use the flush 'feature' each and every time they're there.

Yeah! Are you leaving a present for the next person to come into the stall?
"Oh my god! A turd floating in the water! Someone really cares..."

Is it an art statement? Are you trying to show just how isolated and alone people are by leaving a single crap wrapped in toilet paper floating? Should I take a picture? <----link


Feb 14, 2001



<< I really don't need to even rant here. Most of you (guys) know what I'm talking about. I can see a bars bathroom being messed up, but a movie theatre? I went to see Spider-Man last night and I couldn't believe the place. I can't even imagine how people get their own feces on the walls. >>

Yes, looks like I sure know what you're talking about! What annoys me, it's that people don't use the flush 'feature' each and every time they're there.

Yeah! Are you leaving a present for the next person to come into the stall?
"Oh my god! A turd floating in the water! Someone really cares..."

Is it an art statement? Are you trying to show just how isolated and alone people are by leaving a single crap wrapped in toilet paper floating? Should I take a picture? <----link

I refuse to click on that link while i'm eating...


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001

<< People are so nasty. At my hall bathrooms, when I go to use the bathroom, there is usually only 1 or 2 out of 5 stalls to use because peoples' urine/feces are in the other three. And alos what the hell is the problem with people propping the damn bathroom door open? Don't they want any fvcking privacy when they use the restroom. *rant* I always feel like waiting by the door with a baseball bat and knocking the brains out of someone's head if they prop the damn door open, well maybe not knock there brains out but at least severly bruise the fvckers. *rant* >>

if the door's propped open, you wont need to touch it. if the door is closed, then people who dont wash their hands will have to touch it, and you'll be touching whatever they had their hands. so when the door's open, it's cleaner! :)


Apr 5, 2002
i have never used a public washroom besides those in food establishment, they are checked on a regular basis for overall sanitary conditions meaning they clean that s*** up often :)

then men wonder why they don't have a couch in the men's room. if there was a couch are you sure that you would really want to lay down on it?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001

<< i have never used a public washroom besides those in food establishment, they are checked on a regular basis for overall sanitary conditions meaning they clean that s*** up often :)

then men wonder why they don't have a couch in the men's room. if there was a couch are you sure that you would really want to lay down on it?

I've wondered about that a few times. Ladies why is there a couch in your bathrooms?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
here in the reshall where I live, I have the grosses fellow residents. In the guys room, theres an arragement of 5 stalls, no urinals.

But anyways, stall #1 is the handicapped stall, usually, people end up pissing all over the seat anyways.
Stall #2 is normal, but, piss all around the ring of the seat, and the floor around the toilet.
Stall #3 same story

Now comes #4 and #5, farthest from door, closest to window. These are the stalls were people would crap in. But anyways, some people dont even flush their own CRAP after they've done their business. I walk in, and there it is, a browish mess of stuff, toilet seat over still on the seat, TP everywhere...geez.

Of course theres been the few times where it seemed that someone exploded and I dunno how, but there was crap all over the floor and the partition wall. Jebus it stank, and the housekeeping lady was rather mad, left note on the stall doors.

But then, we get to the sinks.....
People would randomly hack up something "lovely" and spit it in the sink. Of course, no one seems to wash it away.

Next we got the "geez, the trash can is 2 ft wide, yet I can get my waste in there" Nuff said.

I make sure to make it a point to not touch the door on exit, just to kick it open with my foot.

All in the life of a dorm hall resident.


Apr 5, 2002
well sometimes i don't flush the toilet because i'm so proud of what i have made and i want to show the entire world :D

jk, i always flush


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2000
And that's why I just hold it in until I get home. I've pooped in public restrooms maybe twice in my life. It's soo embarassing it's scandalous.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001

<< And that's why I just hold it in until I get home. I've pooped in public restrooms maybe twice in my life. It's soo embarassing it's scandalous. >>

A couple of people I know are like that. They refuse to use any kind of public restroom.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
LOL, this thread reminded me of the "Ryan's Steakhouse Incident." :D

I posted a thread on that here years ago....but I think it was on the old forums....because a search came up blank.