His dad was nutz and the son is nutz. Plain and simple.
They both bring shame to the term libertarian party.
No other party would put up with them, so they pick on the libertarians.
Just because someone says they are this or are that, don't take it for granted.
It is what they actually do and not what they claim to be.
Same goes for religion and politics.
Sarah Sanders comes from a TV evangelist family . Cheating old people out of their savings in the name of god, and as if either Huckabee had a clue when it comes to religion as taught by Christ.
I always say, BE CHRIST LIKE.
You can bet Christ would not support Donald Trump, or....
stand up there defending his lies.
And Christ wouldn't be cheating old people out of their retirement savings.
Just because someone says they are one thing while doing another, well we have a name for such people. A LEACH!