It makes sense in Utah. Since everyone has a couple of wives, they have a ton of kids.Originally posted by: jteef
this was one thing that utah of all places got right. However lame the "private club" concept is, it meant there were no kids in nice restaurants. go to an applebees though and holy fuck...
Parents have always been somewhat oblivious to their own kids' temper tantrums, otherwise our parents would have eaten us all long ago.Originally posted by: Amused
When I was young, parents would be asked to leave if their child was making a scene and/or disturbing other patrons. That all changed in the 80s when "family friendly" became popular. Hell, the "family friendly" concept even ruined Vegas.
And with that concept came deaf, oblivious parents who let their children run wild and scream bloody murder while completely ignoring them, and restaurants too pussified to tell them to leave.
Originally posted by: troytime
maybe there should be some clarification as to what is acceptable and what is not.
i take my kids out all the time, but they're behaved.
If my youngest is cranky or sick, of course i wouldn't go to a restaurant with her.
Originally posted by: StinkyPinky
Actually, he has every right to say kiss my ass. You know why? Because the law is on his side.
Quite frankly, I'll take my kid anywhere the fuck I want.
End of story.
Don't like it? Kiss my sweet little ass and dine at home.
Originally posted by: Kelemvor
If you weren't totally ignorant you'd at least have titled it, People who take their kids to restaurants and don't teach them manners". Saying it about all kids just makes you look like a dumbass. But I guess that's probably what people think of you most of the time anyway...
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
Not everyone has zero control over their kids.
In short, fuck you too.
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
Not everyone has zero control over their kids.
In short, fuck you too.
Like I said:
Who notices quiet, well behaved kids? It's the loud, obnoxious ones we notice.
Originally posted by: xalos
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.
My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?
My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.
But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.
Originally posted by: Slapstick
Originally posted by: xalos
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.
My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?
My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.
But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.
If your children can't behave then leave them at home with a babysitter. I don't care if you son is handicapped, if he is disruptive to others around him that are trying to have a nice dining experience then he needs to stay at home, it really is that simple. If your other children can't sit quietly because "they're hungry" then feed the little critters something before going to the restaurant or again leave them home with a babysitter. Personally a 1 and 3 year old have no business in a nice restaurant, it's Chuckie Cheese and McDonald's as a training ground to teach then how to behave when eating out, not the nicer restaurants.
No one said you have to stay at home when you become a parent, but given the responses from some, I would venture the guess that you can't find a babysitter because your little darlings are too out of control and no one wants to watch them so you have to bring them along. Remember, being a parent doesn't give you the right to be an ass in public and inconsiderate of others.
Originally posted by: Slapstick
Originally posted by: xalos
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.
My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?
My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.
But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.
If your children can't behave then leave them at home with a babysitter. I don't care if you son is handicapped, if he is disruptive to others around him that are trying to have a nice dining experience then he needs to stay at home, it really is that simple. If your other children can't sit quietly because "they're hungry" then feed the little critters something before going to the restaurant or again leave them home with a babysitter. Personally a 1 and 3 year old have no business in a nice restaurant, it's Chuckie Cheese and McDonald's as a training ground to teach then how to behave when eating out, not the nicer restaurants.
No one said you have to stay at home when you become a parent, but given the responses from some, I would venture the guess that you can't find a babysitter because your little darlings are too out of control and no one wants to watch them so you have to bring them along. Remember, being a parent doesn't give you the right to be an ass in public and inconsiderate of others.
Originally posted by: Paladin3
Father of three here. I could be at an inner-city McDonald's on $.99 Big Mac day I still wouldn't allow my kids to make a fuss at the expense of other diners. Call me old fashioned, but my children were taught at a young age how to behave in public.
My wife and I were blessed with kids who are naturally pretty well behaved, but when they were too young to know any better and acted up in public we took them outside and resolved the issue or simply left. I know, shocking idea, huh?
Originally posted by: xalos
.............Here is a hint for you people that don't like children where you eat.....
If the restaurant has a kid's menu... Don't eat there.