Quick note for parents who take their small children to restaurants and cafes...

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Golden Member
Feb 20, 2001
this was one thing that utah of all places got right. However lame the "private club" concept is, it meant there were no kids in nice restaurants. go to an applebees though and holy fuck...


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: jteef
this was one thing that utah of all places got right. However lame the "private club" concept is, it meant there were no kids in nice restaurants. go to an applebees though and holy fuck...
It makes sense in Utah. Since everyone has a couple of wives, they have a ton of kids.



Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
At my youngest daughter's school one of the rewards for reading sufficient minutes each month is a coupon for a free kids meal at Hometown Buffet. I avoid that place like the plague, but after much pleading by my daughter I relented and took her there for dinner on night. At the tender age of seven even she was shocked at the level of chaos caused by uncontrolled kids around us.

At one point we watched a kid literally hang off the handle of the soft serve ice cream machine while it pumped a huge puddle of goo onto the floor. An employee walked out of the kitchen, looked at what the kid was doing and then turned right around and went back into the kitchen. Another kid was busy eating out of the candy sprinkles at the same time. They should rename that place the Lord of the Flies Buffet.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Amused
When I was young, parents would be asked to leave if their child was making a scene and/or disturbing other patrons. That all changed in the 80s when "family friendly" became popular. Hell, the "family friendly" concept even ruined Vegas.

And with that concept came deaf, oblivious parents who let their children run wild and scream bloody murder while completely ignoring them, and restaurants too pussified to tell them to leave.
Parents have always been somewhat oblivious to their own kids' temper tantrums, otherwise our parents would have eaten us all long ago.:p What changed was now they think a bit of acting out is okay, not realizing that it's a great deal of acting out.


May 23, 2002
If you weren't totally ignorant you'd at least have titled it, People who take their kids to restaurants and don't teach them manners". Saying it about all kids just makes you look like a dumbass. But I guess that's probably what people think of you most of the time anyway...


Nov 19, 2004
Originally posted by: troytime
maybe there should be some clarification as to what is acceptable and what is not.
i take my kids out all the time, but they're behaved.
If my youngest is cranky or sick, of course i wouldn't go to a restaurant with her.

That sounds responsible :)


Nov 19, 2004
Originally posted by: StinkyPinky
Actually, he has every right to say kiss my ass. You know why? Because the law is on his side.

Quite frankly, I'll take my kid anywhere the fuck I want.

End of story.

Don't like it? Kiss my sweet little ass and dine at home.

There is a law that states it's ok to be an douche and neglect your children :Q


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Kelemvor
If you weren't totally ignorant you'd at least have titled it, People who take their kids to restaurants and don't teach them manners". Saying it about all kids just makes you look like a dumbass. But I guess that's probably what people think of you most of the time anyway...

Who notices quiet, well behaved kids? It's the loud, obnoxious ones we notice.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
I don't have kids yet, but it seems to be the norm with my friends and others that have kids that you basically have no life (as a couple alone) for the first few years. That's just one of the sacrifices you make. Either stay home or get a nanny when the kids are too young to control themselves so that you can have a night out with your wife or SO. I mean, what good is a whining little baby gonna get out of a nice restaurant anyway?

I'm a pretty tolerant person. I can deal with little screaming babies at a place like McDonald's. But if I'm laying down top dollar at a nice sitdown restaurant and some little baby is screaming its head off, then I'm sorry parents, YOU ARE ASSHOLES!

I wish MORE parents would be embarrassed when their young kids scream and disrupt other patrons of a nice restaurant -- however, many of them think it's cute and get a high off the attention.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
Not everyone has zero control over their kids.

In short, fuck you too.

Like I said:

Who notices quiet, well behaved kids? It's the loud, obnoxious ones we notice.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2003
Parents bringing relatively well-behaved children to movie theaters, stores, restaurants: Great and encouraging to see.

Parents bringing small Kim Jong-Il's to the above places and acting like China, then busting out the fake JD's when they only have GED's: GTFO or STFU!


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
Not everyone has zero control over their kids.

In short, fuck you too.

Like I said:

Who notices quiet, well behaved kids? It's the loud, obnoxious ones we notice.

The OP said, "Quick note for parents who take their small children to restaurants and cafes...

Fuck you. That is all."

That, is what I responded to.

I have a 6 year old and he doesn't climb around on the furniture, or make a fuss, or embarrass us. He learned how to sit and eat like a normal person at a young age. Of course, it took some training to get there and I remember taking him kicking and screaming from a Chili's once when he was 3 out to the car to sit there until he felt like he could control himself enough to go back in and not behave like an animal.

We rarely took him to nicer places until he was able to act like a well behaved child.


Apr 18, 2001
So many parents are clueless. damn brats everywhere, disturbing ma dinner.


Dec 10, 2000
My wife (food server, experienced Mother) is pretty handy at getting kids turned around in a restaurant ;) however,

She says alot of parents just basically suck with their kids in public anymore. Its just not poor skills and a total lack of involvement while dining with the babies and such, letting the little bastard run around the restaurant, but stupid shit like letting(making) the little tyke order his meal when he can barely put coherent words together, can barely read the menu and hasn't a clue what he wants.

We routinely would take our kids with us, that is how kids learn to behave in public btw, but we wouldn't allow them to disrupt other peoples dining experience....at least, not for long ;)


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
While I think there are restaurants where parents should probably NOT take their children with them, for the most part, as long as the kids are well-behaved and QUIET, I have no problem with kids in restaurants.
Nor wants to see their George of the Jungle antics climbing over booths etc.

There have been a few times in my life where I've told people that if they couldn't shut their kid up, I'd be happy to give them one of my socks to stuff in the kid's mouth...:D

For some reason, that's not always taken very well...but fortunately, the point is usually taken without resulting in a fight...and they shut the kid up...or leave.

My poor wife gets absolutely mortified when I do stuff like that...but fuck it. I don't pay my money to hear some asshole's kids screaming and hollering...control your brood or leave them home.


Sep 11, 2005
Alright, I'll bite.

If your kid is well-behaved enough to be quiet and not be obnoxious, by all means, bring them out. However, if your kid is loud, annoying, and just generally being a little shit, GTFO of the restaurant. I pay for someone to cook, serve, and clean up my dinner, NOT to listen to some kid scream and cry.


Senior member
May 31, 2002
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.

My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?

My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.

But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: xalos
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.

My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?

My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.

But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.

If your children can't behave then leave them at home with a babysitter. I don't care if you son is handicapped, if he is disruptive to others around him that are trying to have a nice dining experience then he needs to stay at home, it really is that simple. If your other children can't sit quietly because "they're hungry" then feed the little critters something before going to the restaurant or again leave them home with a babysitter. Personally a 1 and 3 year old have no business in a nice restaurant, it's Chuckie Cheese and McDonald's as a training ground to teach then how to behave when eating out, not the nicer restaurants.

No one said you have to stay at home when you become a parent, but given the responses from some, I would venture the guess that you can't find a babysitter because your little darlings are too out of control and no one wants to watch them so you have to bring them along. Remember, being a parent doesn't give you the right to be an ass in public and inconsiderate of others.


Senior member
May 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Slapstick
Originally posted by: xalos
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.

My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?

My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.

But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.

If your children can't behave then leave them at home with a babysitter. I don't care if you son is handicapped, if he is disruptive to others around him that are trying to have a nice dining experience then he needs to stay at home, it really is that simple. If your other children can't sit quietly because "they're hungry" then feed the little critters something before going to the restaurant or again leave them home with a babysitter. Personally a 1 and 3 year old have no business in a nice restaurant, it's Chuckie Cheese and McDonald's as a training ground to teach then how to behave when eating out, not the nicer restaurants.

No one said you have to stay at home when you become a parent, but given the responses from some, I would venture the guess that you can't find a babysitter because your little darlings are too out of control and no one wants to watch them so you have to bring them along. Remember, being a parent doesn't give you the right to be an ass in public and inconsiderate of others.

My children are quite behaved thank you very much. I'm just saying that things come up on why children might misbehave in a restaurant even when a parent has pretty good control of their children.

Restaurants are public places. If you dislike the people and their children that frequent there. Don't go there.

Here is a hint for you people that don't like children where you eat.....

If the restaurant has a kid's menu... Don't eat there.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Slapstick
Originally posted by: xalos
My wife and I take our children (all 3) to restaurants a few times a month. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to sit at home and eat dinner at home for the rest of your life.

My oldest son (9 years old) is handicapped. He acts like he is 12 months old. I then have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They all behave relatively fine in restaurants if theyre not hungry. The problem with going out to eat is waiting for the food. If the restaurant takes awhile for appetizers or the server is busy or slow or whatever. Guess what happens?

My kids will cry because they see other people eating. Often we will bring snacks and other stuff to calm the children. But, sometimes you run out or it gets dropped and you hope for the best. Not a lot you can do in that scenario.

But, to all of you who are complaining about kids in restaurants. Some of you will end up as parents some day. I hope you end up practicing what you preach.

If your children can't behave then leave them at home with a babysitter. I don't care if you son is handicapped, if he is disruptive to others around him that are trying to have a nice dining experience then he needs to stay at home, it really is that simple. If your other children can't sit quietly because "they're hungry" then feed the little critters something before going to the restaurant or again leave them home with a babysitter. Personally a 1 and 3 year old have no business in a nice restaurant, it's Chuckie Cheese and McDonald's as a training ground to teach then how to behave when eating out, not the nicer restaurants.

No one said you have to stay at home when you become a parent, but given the responses from some, I would venture the guess that you can't find a babysitter because your little darlings are too out of control and no one wants to watch them so you have to bring them along. Remember, being a parent doesn't give you the right to be an ass in public and inconsiderate of others.

Wow, you sound like a bag full of fuck. Chances are, you're going out to a "nice" restaurant like Applebee's or Chili's at 4:40pm and complaining that your $8.99 senior citizen discounted meal is ruined by some kid who quietly sneezed across the room.

Whee, aren't stupid exaggerations for the purpose of insults fun! :roll:


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Paladin3
Father of three here. I could be at an inner-city McDonald's on $.99 Big Mac day I still wouldn't allow my kids to make a fuss at the expense of other diners. Call me old fashioned, but my children were taught at a young age how to behave in public.

My wife and I were blessed with kids who are naturally pretty well behaved, but when they were too young to know any better and acted up in public we took them outside and resolved the issue or simply left. I know, shocking idea, huh?

OMG!! Too much logic! This thread can't handle common sense! OMG you're going to destroy us all!


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999

Originally posted by: xalos

.............Here is a hint for you people that don't like children where you eat.....

If the restaurant has a kid's menu... Don't eat there.

That's the beautiful part about not having kids, I can afford to eat at those places and do, no pictures on the menus at my favorite places. Unfortunately every now and then you have some ass bring their screaming little brats in thinking they are cute and every one just loves to see them throw their temper tantrums. Anyone who falls into that category is an ass, plain and simple.