With women it's the package and the personality to me...to many eyecandy types are frigid due to their parents insanity at home.
My first wife was barbie...my friends were all trying to get me into therapy when I decided to divorce her.
When I am single, if I see someone that catches my eye and I have time I try to strike up a conversation...you can get a good idea in the first few words exchanged if it's headed anywhere (that chemistry thing)...otherwise I close it and move on.
There have been quite a few women I have noticed and my friends have said 'damn I'd love to hit that'...and I ended up taking her home/her home/car/bathroom/dark corner/etc when I thought possibly I'd be shot down...many times these types of women have no one even trying them.
However love is a way different set of criteria. My wife cooks for me when she's exhausted, looks out for me, etc...she's not an animal in bed by any means and I have upset her sometimes with myself, however we work at it and know where it is going and that is what it takes to be happy.
Sex will always be a temptation, but when it's all said and done it's really not that different from anyone else providing you aren't talking the extremes. I still get offers time to time and even after I say I am married...most of the time they are even more ready to go, the sad fact is almost 50% of males and females will have at least one infidelity while married. My first wife and I when we knew it was over, but still married would lie in bed and talk about the other people we were seeing and then ourselves have sex it was messed up but it was so much in flow with both of our high profile lives at the time.