Pregant Wife

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Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
I know it's lame to blame my wife...

But I have no freaking self control.

This is why I don't buy alcohol, I'll drink it all at once. I also don't buy snack foods, I'll eat it all at once.

The problem is that the wife is pregnant and constantly insisting on things like pizza, Mexican platters and the like... but then she only eats a little of it and, well, I just don't have the self-control to not eat it. I'll think "I'll throw this away" and next thing I notice I've put a slice of pizza in my mouth.

I plan on making a menu just for myself and following it exactly; but I know that if she keeps eating like this I'm going to keep eating like her.

Any thoughts?
"get some self control"
Seriously, I have major impulse control issues and yea, I should see a therapist about it... but until then...


Oct 12, 2009
Gonna suck for your goals. 6 months to drop 70lbs. The only solution is more cardio/exercise. Wife's going to get what she wants.


Mar 14, 2003
have some food or snacks in the house at all times that are healthy for you and when the wife orders pizza or mexican eat a bunch of your food before you place the order or immediately after, as long as you do it before you pick up the food and bring it in the house. this way you're not hungry or as tempted when presented with the leftovers. also, what i tend to do is either order stuff from the pizzeria or mexican joint that is healthy or order healthy food from a different place and pick it up right after picking up her food so that i can eat at the same time she is eating and be full when there are leftovers.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
In the nicest way possible, I'd suggest trying to steer your wife in the direction of perhaps more nutritionally sound food options. I'm not a medical pro, and I can't say what it's like to be pregnant, but at your weight, unless you're very tall, your life is in danger. If your wife loves you, hopefully she'd be willing to listen to a conversation about how your family can be as healthy and happy as possible.

WedMD has some guidelines for healthy weight gain during pregnancy here:

It is not necessary to "eat for two" during pregnancy. It's true that you need extra calories from nutrient-rich foods to help your baby grow, but you generally need to consume only 100 to 300 more calories than you did before you became pregnant to meet the needs of your growing baby.

Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain during pregnancy. A woman of average weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Underweight women should gain 28-40 pounds during pregnancy. Overweight women may need to gain only 15-25 pounds during pregnancy. You may need to gain more or less weight, depending on what your health care provider recommends.

If you need some ammo, talk to her doctor and see if he or she can be your ally in this endeavor. Your wife may take offense or get angry if you approach her the wrong way, but if the same info comes from the mouth of a trusted doctor, you may be on your way to solving this food problem.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
pregnant wife and reasonable do not go together.

Indeed this is true. My wife is similar, and eats much more, but then again, she drops it quickly, or has after our first two kids. She's now growing with #3 (the last), and easily out-eats me.


Oct 12, 2009
Indeed this is true. My wife is similar, and eats much more, but then again, she drops it quickly, or has after our first two kids. She's now growing with #3 (the last), and easily out-eats me.
Ha. Before and after, mine never cleans her plate. During, I'd turn my head and my steak would be missing.


Nov 9, 2000
Good luck OP. Sympathy eating is just par for the course. I went through this with my wife, we have 3 children. I ate like a hog. :)


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2009
pregnant wife and reasonable do not go together.

Having an insane pregnant woman, I have to agree. Suggesting her choices are poor will also result in some kind of insane tirade and possibly tears. Not worth it.

You can certainly suggest healthy things OP, just don't tell her that her choices are bad.

Lastly, don't ever ever tell her that you are getting fat because she's pregnant -- she might maim you. A lot of guys gain weight while their women are pregnant, it's very common. Your hormones also get affected, and that doesn't help.

So work on portion control and self control, because it really does sound like you need it for yourself. But also think about what your child will learn if you don't -- your child will also learn not to have self-discipline.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
If you don't have any impulse control, then ruin the food as soon as she's done. Pour dish detergent on it so you won't be tempted to eat it. If you have impulse control problems, you can't win by just thinking "I won't eat this" because - eventually - you'll cave. I have to keep sugar and other crap out of my house because I'll binge too if it's available, as soon as my mood changes. I'm totally driven by blood chemistry, so if I get weak and something is available, I'll eat it.

So try that - when she's done eating, ruin the food. It sounds stupid, but you have to take physical action to combat the problem. It means no leftovers for her, but no fat gain for you. Or, keep just thinking about not eating it and then cave :awe:

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
There have been a number of awesome posts here, thank you all.

I think a benge on celery combined with dawn on the leftovers is the best move.

My wife is highly rational for a pregnant woman... She tells me quite rationally "I'm not being rational right now".


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2009
There have been a number of awesome posts here, thank you all.

I think a benge on celery combined with dawn on the leftovers is the best move.

My wife is highly rational for a pregnant woman... She tells me quite rationally "I'm not being rational right now".

I used to do that. I think that was the worst part actually, I knew I was being insane or space brained, but I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I ate well, I took DHA; but still, I eventually just stopped driving because along about the last month or so, I could barely remember how to drive.

Also, don't binge on celery. If you starve your body of calories and nutrients, you'll only make the cravings worse. Learn how to cook healthy meals, or how to buy healthy meals. But if you must binge on some kind of green thing, try parsley instead. -- full of great info


Junior Member
May 6, 2011
I think you need to be realistic as well. Perhaps you can use the junk food as a reward at various times, say a slice of pizza after doing a workout etc. Dump/Dish detergent the rest. I hate seeing people waste food however in this case your health is definitely more important, especially with a baby on the way.

Good Luck!
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