Predictions for POTUS SOU speech?


Nov 29, 2006
So, what do you expect or not expecting he'd say this time? I can almost guarantee that we'll hear about 9/11 eleventy hundred times again; about Iraq; about deficit and a lot of numbers spinning like you've never seen before; about commitment to the environment or lack there of; and pluggings for the 2008 elections; more of the same...



Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
I expect the same "stay the coarse, by changing coarse" rhetoric, and possibly a return to "uniter not a divider" meaninglessness.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
We will get a big clue if an Iranian invasion is planned if he spends lots of time demonizing
Iran. And also important for the betting pool types is the number of times he mentions
international terrorism divided by the number of words in the speech. We have a betting pool at
work and I drew a 1 in 15-17.

He may even admit mistakes were made Iraq, but now is the time to puff up his surge and the Malki
government. Because if the surge is implemented as stated, it going to skyrocket combats deaths and really put possibly fatal pressure on the Malki government.

But woven through the whole speech will be unstated America should bless its lucky stars we choose me to lead and any self doubt is unforgivable.

I will probably listen to it live---and the real question is do you in advance---treat the coming upset stomach or the upcoming headache.

Or does LSD fit the mood better---because only someone totally hallucinating could distort reality as bad as this upcoming speech will.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Terrer Terrer Terrer

WMD WMD WMD ....oh wait, used that one up already.

Well if its an oldie but a goodie---play it again---but this time the WMD is in Iran.

One nation under gullibility indivisible with GWB liberty and justice for some.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
how irans dictator is trying to create wmds and needs to be overthrown so democracy can flourish


May 1, 2006
I am not too interested in his speech, because it's just a chance for him to have his speechwriters further his agenda, which I think is a bad one.

I saw one prediction that he will say little on Iraq - that sounds probable, though he'll have to say something. Apparently, because Iraq is so bad for him, they might try to raise other issues - the usual combination of some popular ones to get the positive energy flowing, and some of his agenda of taking care of the wealthy donors.

Of course there will be some pandering to the religious right as well. He knows he's a lame duck...

One wild card, will he further argue for war with Iran?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
He's gonna bring back up the axis of evil and name Iran a bunch of times. Chances are it's gonna piss a whole lot of rational people off while the sheep applaud, as usual.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
The State of the Union speech may be GWB&co's last hurrah. By summer all grandiose puffing
of the Surge and Iraqi progress may be well be totally discredited by likely events and democratic congressional investigations only now starting may well expose large parts of the GWB admin to
criminal liability.

In terms of widening the war to include Iran, its likely soon or never.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
I predict he is gonna talk for awhile and then the liberals and democrats will run to the AT P&N forums talking about a "slew of lies".



Oct 11, 2005
"New way forward", Iran is evil, exit strategy for Iraq is entry into Iran, taxing employer provided healthcare insurance, etc, etc. Pretty much an hour of empty airtime. I'd rather watch 24, it's more grounded in reality. :(


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Sinsear
I predict he is gonna talk for awhile and then the liberals and democrats will run to the AT P&N forums talking about a "slew of lies".
Why are you so hard on the Republicans? I'm sure many of them are perceptive enough to figure that out as well. Perhaps you haven't seen recent polls, but the BushCo brainwashing is wearing off.


I agree, aside from the usual talking points about terror (where is OBL, by the way?) and tax loans, we'll get some idea of how obsessed he is with attacking Iran. If we hear all about Iraq's ^h^h^h^h^h Iran's "mushroom cloud" and "Axis of Evil" propaganda, it's déjà vu all over again. If not, perhaps more rational heads are prevailing (i.e., not Dick). I suspect he'll also throw some blame at Congressional Democrats for not working with him, even though opposition to his agenda is increasingly bipartisan.


Nov 29, 2006
Originally posted by: Sinsear
I predict he is gonna talk for awhile and then the liberals and democrats will run to the AT P&N forums talking about a "slew of lies".

You misspelled "libruls" and "demcrats".


Nov 25, 2001
No matter what he says, Americans aren't going to be in a good mood about it:

State of the Union: Unhappy With Bush
Bush's 33 Percent Approval Rating Lowest Since Nixon for President Entering State of the Union Speech

Jan. 22, 2007 ? President Bush faces the nation this week more unpopular than any president on the eve of a State of the Union address since Richard Nixon in 1974.

Nixon was beleaguered by the Watergate scandal; for Bush, three decades later, it's the war in Iraq. With his unpopular troop surge on the table, his job rating matches the worst of his presidency: Thirty-three percent of Americans approve of his work in office while 65 percent disapprove, 2-1 negative, matching his career low last May.

Only three postwar presidents have gone lower ? Jimmy Carter, Nixon and Harry Truman. And only one has had a higher disapproval rating, Nixon.

Lowest approval since NIXON! Ouch.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
No matter what he says, Americans aren't going to be in a good mood about it:

State of the Union: Unhappy With Bush
Bush's 33 Percent Approval Rating Lowest Since Nixon for President Entering State of the Union Speech

Jan. 22, 2007 ? President Bush faces the nation this week more unpopular than any president on the eve of a State of the Union address since Richard Nixon in 1974.

Nixon was beleaguered by the Watergate scandal; for Bush, three decades later, it's the war in Iraq. With his unpopular troop surge on the table, his job rating matches the worst of his presidency: Thirty-three percent of Americans approve of his work in office while 65 percent disapprove, 2-1 negative, matching his career low last May.

Only three postwar presidents have gone lower ? Jimmy Carter, Nixon and Harry Truman. And only one has had a higher disapproval rating, Nixon.

Lowest approval since NIXON! Ouch.
And a 65% disapproval rating, second-highest ever. I guess he is a great uniter after all. ;)



Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
according to some news sites there will be alot of energy stuff being said. I expect large subsidies for wind, solar, clean coal, and nuclear. And also ethanol, biodiesel etc. Basically just the good old tried and true method of throw some money at the problem and maybe it will go away. Not saying that the wrond solution, but subsidizing EVERYTHING is kinda pointless.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: BrownTown
according to some news sites there will be alot of energy stuff being said. I expect large subsidies for wind, solar, clean coal, and nukular. And also ethanol, biodiesel etc. Basically just the good old tried and true method of throw some money at the problem and maybe it will go away. Not saying that the wrond solution, but subsidizing EVERYTHING is kinda pointless.
Fixed. :D


Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: BrownTown
according to some news sites there will be alot of energy stuff being said. I expect large subsidies for wind, solar, clean coal, and nuclear. And also ethanol, biodiesel etc. Basically just the good old tried and true method of throw some money at the problem and maybe it will go away. Not saying that the wrond solution, but subsidizing EVERYTHING is kinda pointless.

I've been severely critical of GWB over the years, for many reasons, but I have no complaints about these initiatives beyond the scope, of which I wish was larger and more sincere.

I hope there is action behind the words on this one, if so I will gladly give him some props for it.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
No matter what he says, Americans aren't going to be in a good mood about it:

State of the Union: Unhappy With Bush
Bush's 33 Percent Approval Rating Lowest Since Nixon for President Entering State of the Union Speech

Jan. 22, 2007 ? President Bush faces the nation this week more unpopular than any president on the eve of a State of the Union address since Richard Nixon in 1974.

Nixon was beleaguered by the Watergate scandal; for Bush, three decades later, it's the war in Iraq. With his unpopular troop surge on the table, his job rating matches the worst of his presidency: Thirty-three percent of Americans approve of his work in office while 65 percent disapprove, 2-1 negative, matching his career low last May.

Only three postwar presidents have gone lower ? Jimmy Carter, Nixon and Harry Truman. And only one has had a higher disapproval rating, Nixon.

Lowest approval since NIXON! Ouch.

Who in the hell are the 33 percent of people that approve of his work?! :confused: That sounds too high to me.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
"Hello, fellow citizens of the United States,,yada,yada, Iran, terrorists, bomb, yada, yada, God, stay the course, family values, yada, yada, -----now as The Decider, I have decided that I am now and forever the Dictator. I dismiss Congress, suspend the Constitution and close the federal courts. Me and my toadies,"cough"appointees will rebuild the USA into a country that would make mien Grandfather proud! Now stand and Heil the Fourth and Final Bush Reich!


Sep 15, 2002
America, I am so sorry for what I have done.

That's what I really want to hear. :(