An article about STDs from the U of T Health Centre (where students usually go in to get tested/treated for these things.
<< ?The most common STD that we see is genital warts. Second is chlamydia,? revealed Sara Taman, Physician-in-Chief at the U of T Health Services Centre. ?We completed a study in 1993 on the prevalence of HPV [the virus that causes genital warts] in female students who visited the health centre and found it was around 26%.? >>
<< ?The most common STD that we see is genital warts. Second is chlamydia,? revealed Sara Taman, Physician-in-Chief at the U of T Health Services Centre. ?We completed a study in 1993 on the prevalence of HPV [the virus that causes genital warts] in female students who visited the health centre and found it was around 26%.? >>