Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: JLee
FWIW, it is illegal in NH to record another person with audio and video (just video is okay) without consent. There's an exception for law enforcement on traffic stops (cruiser video), but it does require that the person stopped is notified that they're being recorded. So I suppose it is entirely possible that the above recording is illegal. I dunno.
Yeah, in Pa., public audio recordings are illegal without consent, but public video recordings which just happen to have an accompanying audio soundtrack aren't. This one Pa. example is a case of the law lagging WAY behind technology, like, decades behind.
I'm just mystified by peeps here, like Waggy, being outraged enough to want that (admittedly annoying) guy ARRESTED, while showing ZERO outrage at that fat assed, lazy, law breaking, bundle of animated cellulite sucking down her big and benefit package on the way to her equally fat assed pension, all on the taxpayers' dollar.
What am I missing here?