Palin bashing is women bashing - OP-ED


Jul 28, 2006
Ignore the title and read this article and look at the overall theme of this piece. It became very clear last year that women are treated very differently than men when it comes to politics.

Hillary was treated poorly and Palin was just blasted. Was Hillary crying after New Hampshire? How much did Palin spend on clothes? Hillary is a shrew, Palin is the hot librarian. etc etc.

It is really sad that we can't look at female politicians for just their political positions and instead have to focus on all the outside BS.

Let's call it what it is: sexism in the media. No matter your political stripe, pundits are skewering Sarah Palin. Again. Back in the media spotlight for announcing her resignation as governor July 3, she's become easy fodder for misogynistic bashing.

During the presidential campaign, the press bombarded her with stereotypes that already plague us as a gender ? airhead, stupid, not qualified. And no, the media weren't picking on her just because she was a former beauty contestant. If Governor Palin was crucified, Hillary Rodham Clinton was slaughtered. Here, a woman of substance, education, and strength was portrayed as weepy, dowdy, and shrewish.

In a commentary this past week on the Huffington Post, Peter Daou qualifies the reasons for such bashing: "Unlike Clinton, Palin didn't have time to develop the layers of thick skin required to handle the withering glare of the national celeb/politico spotlight, a glare that for some reason shines much more harshly on women like Palin and Clinton."

Some reason? Please. Read the word "women" above and know the truth of it. While it may be true that Palin wasn't "seasoned" enough to bear the spotlight, that "withering glare" shines on all women, no matter who they are. Even the venerable New York Times stooped to this superficial level when Condoleezza Rice was chosen by President Bush as national security adviser. A front-page story featured her clothing selection ? that she preferred comfortable pumps and conservative jewelry.

My point is that women, no matter their political leanings, can't seem to get a fair ? or balanced ? shake from the press. It's the damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't scenario, especially for female politicians. This treatment of women in politics, however, is representative of a greater problem: the rampant sexist portrayal of women and girls in general. Whether it's the derisive terms and demeaning depictions in rap and hip-hop music and videos, or the barely dressed women adorning the stages of game shows, sexist ideas and imagery abound in the mass media.

In research for an article on "Gender and the media" that I wrote for Soroptimist's Best for Women magazine, I found that sexualization of women is an even bigger problem. Last year, a Dolce & Gabbana magazine ad portrayed a scantily clad woman pinned down by one man while four others looked on. After a global outcry, the ad was pulled. In films, The Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media based in California found that females are more than five times as likely as males to be shown in alluring apparel. The institute is concerned not only about how these messages affect women and young girls, but young males as well.

Some men complain they aren't represented fairly, either. They protest commercials or sitcoms that portray them as inept, bumbling, or overly-aggressive. True. In the overall scheme of media representation, however, women continue to bear the harsher wallop. In movies, magazine ads, and on television, we are valued first for our appearance and second for our inner character and intelligence.

The discussion about gender portrayal in the media is not new, yet little changes. Why is that? Numbers. We have more men than women calling the media shots. Today, women have little access to authority and ownership levels in the media, with women owning only 6 percent of commercial broadcast television stations and 6 percent of all full-power radio stations.

While we can complain about gender misrepresentation ? or no representation at all ? we have to shift our focus. We can write e-mails and letters voicing our concerns, but we also must ensure that more women move into decisionmaking positions in the media. We can foster media change by backing the initiatives of organizations that work to promote portrayals of both genders in film and TV as valid and important. We can also become better informed about how the media system operates and how public policy shapes the industry.

But it's up to us to make that happen. It's up to us to let the powers-that-be know that we want to be valued for our character and strengths and not our outfits or bodies. Until that day, we'll continue to witness media portrayals of women that are rooted in something much deeper than political partisanship. We'll continue to see Palin bashing. You may like her. Or dislike her. But calling her "wacky" or "caribou Barbie" is not called for. It's sexist.

Marielena Zuniga is a journalist from Bucks County, Pa., and a staff writer for Soroptimist International of the Americas, a Philadelphia-based organization dedicated to improving the lives of women around the world. She's a winner of the recent Jane Cunningham Croly Award for Excellence in Journalism Covering Issues of Concern to Women, and is featured on a creative writing blog, .


Jan 10, 2002
I think its more sad that we even have to look at her... with all of her qualifications and such :roll:


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2001
Believe me, if Sarah Palin was a guy I'd be just as frightened of the idea of him/her holding any elected office. She's just ignorant about WAY too many things and blames everyone else for that. That's not a woman thing, that's a Sarah Palin thing.



Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2003
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Jun 5, 2000
that huffington post writer needs to be fired for attacking Palins kids. that dirt bag would never ever say shit like that about Obama.

"Palin Will Run in '12 on More Retardation Platform".

that was totally unprofessional and uncalled for.

then you have david letterman making jokes about her 14 year old daughter getting raped.

wtf man that is some fucked up shit.



Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.

not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.

the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.

i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.


Nov 20, 1999
Oh no, the female version of george bush is getting bashed... sexism! :( :( :(


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Slick5150
Believe me, if Sarah Palin was a guy I'd be just as frightened of the idea of him/her holding any elected office. She's just ignorant about WAY too many things and blames everyone else for that. That's not a woman thing, that's a Sarah Palin thing.

/thread and any chance of her ever becoming POTUS


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.
I was critical of the Hillary attacks last year BEFORE Palin was picked. It was obvious during the primaries that Hillary was being treated badly. It was the first time I ever felt anything other than disgust for Hillary.

I have FAR more respect for Hillary today than I ever did before.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.

not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.

the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.

i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

noone ever made any jokes about any of palins kids getting raped.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It won't be me and I agree with you on the offensiveness of the Palin family attacks. Can comment on the degree she has is worse as that is very subjective. We see according to whose ox gets gored.

Furthermore, I think Palin is within the range of past presidential potential. She could manage the job. I sure as hell won't vote for her, however. Like Bush, she has no intellectual curiosity, in my opinion. Why would she need it. She already knows everything, no?


Nov 23, 2001
I don't bash her because she's a woman, I bash her because she's an idiot who can't hold a coherent thought. Never mind the fact that I disagree with her on almost everything.


Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Citrix
not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.
the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.
i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

"Kool Aid, Kool Aid, tastes great!
Kool Aid, Kool Aid, can't wait!

Somebody here must have slept through the entire Clinton administration.

I also like the Letterman strawman attack. I'm sure it's impossible that Mr Letterman (or his writer) could have been referring to the infamously pregnant Bristol...

So, am I your favorite "Wing Nut" now?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Slick5150
Believe me, if Sarah Palin was a guy I'd be just as frightened of the idea of him/her holding any elected office. She's just ignorant about WAY too many things and blames everyone else for that. That's not a woman thing, that's a Sarah Palin thing.

There is a difference in disagreeing with her politics. What the left and media have done is make it personal and gone way beyond politics in attacking her kids, family, spreading rumors as fact.

I wouldnt have a problem if she was attacked on policy. But that isnt what happened. Even when the election was over the railing never stopped. Non-stop ethics complaints that were dismissed and frivelous. A record amount of freedom of information act request from her office. Ect ect.

This is the problem with politics in this country now. When somebody dares voice a different view of the world we have stopped debating the policy. Instead we make it our mission to destroy our opponents personally. It happens on both sides of the aisle, so the right doesnt get off in my book either.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: CallMeJoe
Originally posted by: Citrix
not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.
the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.
i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

"Kool Aid, Kool Aid, tastes great!
Kool Aid, Kool Aid, can't wait!

Somebody here must have slept through the entire Clinton administration.

I also like the Letterman strawman attack. I'm sure it's impossible that Mr Letterman (or his writer) could have been referring to the infamously pregnant Bristol...

So, am I your favorite "Wing Nut" now?

Please tell me who in the MSM attack chelsey in the 90's.



Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.

not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.

the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.

i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

noone ever made any jokes about any of palins kids getting raped.

OH? then why did Letterman apologize for his stupid joke, but not before trying to skirt around it and make light of it????????


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CallMeJoe
Originally posted by: Citrix
not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.
the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.
i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

"Kool Aid, Kool Aid, tastes great!
Kool Aid, Kool Aid, can't wait!

Somebody here must have slept through the entire Clinton administration.

I also like the Letterman strawman attack. I'm sure it's impossible that Mr Letterman (or his writer) could have been referring to the infamously pregnant Bristol...

So, am I your favorite "Wing Nut" now?

Please tell me who in the MSM attack chelsey in the 90's.



Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CallMeJoe
Originally posted by: Citrix
not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.
the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.
i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

"Kool Aid, Kool Aid, tastes great!
Kool Aid, Kool Aid, can't wait!

Somebody here must have slept through the entire Clinton administration.

I also like the Letterman strawman attack. I'm sure it's impossible that Mr Letterman (or his writer) could have been referring to the infamously pregnant Bristol...

So, am I your favorite "Wing Nut" now?

Please tell me who in the MSM attack chelsey in the 90's.

Really? I remember her being the brunt of many late night TV jokes.

Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

-- Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: CallMeJoe
Originally posted by: Citrix
not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.
the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.
i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

"Kool Aid, Kool Aid, tastes great!
Kool Aid, Kool Aid, can't wait!

Somebody here must have slept through the entire Clinton administration.

I also like the Letterman strawman attack. I'm sure it's impossible that Mr Letterman (or his writer) could have been referring to the infamously pregnant Bristol...

So, am I your favorite "Wing Nut" now?

no you are just a asshole.



Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: CallMeJoe
Originally posted by: Citrix
not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.
the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.
i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.
"Kool Aid, Kool Aid, tastes great!
Kool Aid, Kool Aid, can't wait!
Somebody here must have slept through the entire Clinton administration.
I also like the Letterman strawman attack. I'm sure it's impossible that Mr Letterman (or his writer) could have been referring to the infamously pregnant Bristol...
So, am I your favorite "Wing Nut" now?
no you are just a asshole.
High praise, coming from you.

And you may be right about Chelsea; none of the people making sick jokes about her qualified as "human", much less "reporters".


Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.

not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.

the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.

i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

noone ever made any jokes about any of palins kids getting raped.

OH? then why did Letterman apologize for his stupid joke, but not before trying to skirt around it and make light of it????????

It was a slow news week (this was before MJ croaked) and Palin used faux-outrage as a ploy to get herself into the spotlight by pretending it was about her 14 yo rather than her previously knocked-up older daughter.

It was more of an A-Rod joke anyway, and you didn't see him feigning outrage.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: dainthomas
It was a slow news week (this was before MJ croaked) and Palin used faux-outrage as a ploy to get herself into the spotlight by pretending it was about her 14 yo rather than her previously knocked-up older daughter.

It was more of an A-Rod joke anyway, and you didn't see him feigning outrage.
Does it matter which daughter the joke was about???

Imagine someone cracking a joke about Bill Clinton's daughter or Obama's daughters once they become legal age.
The left would go nuts.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: dainthomas
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Ldir
Meh. McCain was old. Obama was black and a Muslim. Kerry was horse-faced. Bush looked like a chimp. Edwards was a pretty boy and got an expensive haircut. Male candidates get superficial critiques too. I think someone got her panties in a bunch for exaggerated reasons.


Funny as when Hillary was in the front and this was happening the republicans did not care and it was the way it works. But as soon as palin got the same then it was biased.

not even close dude. nobody ever attacked hillary like they have palin nor has any reporter made fun of Chelsey Clinton or a talk show hose making jokes about her getting raped.

the personal attacks against palin are way over the line and they need to stop.

i know there are going to be the foaming at the mouth wing nuts that will come into this tread and defend the attacks on Palins kids. Im just waitig to see which one of our resident wing nuts will be the first.

noone ever made any jokes about any of palins kids getting raped.

OH? then why did Letterman apologize for his stupid joke, but not before trying to skirt around it and make light of it????????

It was a slow news week (this was before MJ croaked) and Palin used faux-outrage as a ploy to get herself into the spotlight by pretending it was about her 14 yo rather than her previously knocked-up older daughter.

It was more of an A-Rod joke anyway, and you didn't see him feigning outrage.

So she pretended that the joke about her daughter getting raped at the ballgame was about her 14 year-old? The same 14 year-old who just happened to be the only one of her daughters who was at the game? Seriously?