Those vehicles don’t pay the road taxes via gas axes or licensing taxes to support the costs of the roadways.
Don't know about the US, but there's no such tax as 'road tax' here. Road building and maintenance is paid for out of local property taxes and general taxation.
And the taxes motorists do pay (vehicle excise duty and fuel tax - the latter of which has been frozen for some time) come absolutely nowhere close to paying for the costs motorists impose.
Roadwear, which varies with the 4th power of the mass of the vehicle, so is negligible for bikes and scoooters
The regular damage to road fixtures caused by drivers driving into them (main road I walk down regularly always has some debris or other - smashed in garden walls, knocked over bollards or traffic lights, etc, caused by a driver who couldn't stay on the road)
The health costs of the massive pollution ICE or deisel cars put out (the one cost that electric vehicles don't cause, the others still apply even for electric cars).
The more subtle health problems caused by the inactivity associated with driving - professional drivers are by far the most likely group to suffer cardiovascular disease, there was even a study done once that found bus drivers had much higher rates of heart disease than bus conductors. Also that can affect the brains of motorists, who have been shown to have sub-clinical cognitiive effects from those cardio-vascular effects - maybe that explains 'road rage'?
And the cost of disposing of abandoned cars and car tyres every year.
And the cost to the NHS of treating all the injuries from RTAs.
Anyway, if you want to claim exclusive ownership of roads you need to pay the
rental cost of that valuable land, and motorists come absolutely nowhere near doing that, with the relatively small sums they pay in fuel duty and VED. I doubt they even pay the true rental cost of the space wasted on storing their oversized vehicles (i.e. on-street parking).