Old White Men vs. ?

Nov 17, 2019
It's been said there are too many old white men making the rules for everyone else and we need to get younger lawmakers and more women and minorities.

But then we see the likes of Mace, Boebert, Ivey, Greene, Gaetz, Noem, Reynolds, Robinson, Lake, Rubio, Suarez and so many other complete fools in or seeking various offices around the country. I've lost count of them all.

Where do we go?


Feb 27, 2003
It's been said there are too many old white men making the rules for everyone else and we need to get younger lawmakers and more women and minorities.

But then we see the likes of Mace, Boebert, Ivey, Greene, Gaetz, Noem, Reynolds, Robinson, Lake, Rubio, Suarez and so many other complete fools in or seeking various offices around the country. I've lost count of them all.

Where do we go?
To me it is the opposite in Denmark, to many young idealistic politicians use the parliament as a stepping stone for their career. They have very little experience with how legislation works in the real world and that shows... The average age of our parliament is ~47 years.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
This is a subset of a much larger issue. Humanity is upside down living in a wrong world. To coin a phrase, as I did with the polar liberal and conservative "brain defects", anybody pointing out the differing types of insanity on on the left and the right or expressing them to any extreme will be "shrilled" as we see in efforts called referred to popularly now as "cancel culture". Everybody is screaming about their sore toes and nobody is listening to other people complaints or warnings about the dangers to society this presents. Complain about your issue over theirs or point to the childishness of their hysteria and the assault on you as a person begins.

Some of the issues affected are race, gender, age, religion, political leanings. To deaf monkey and the blind monkey had had it's dumbness removed by imagining it has WOKE screaming baby from a nightmare. Nobody will have any peace. Put Black people down and you'll get the Black Panthers. Put women down and you'll get universities full of raging bitches, (need a better term here). Ignore the needs of men and you get Incels. Make judgments on age and make society divided distrustful and stupid. Attack the religious and invite pogroms to your front door. Attack political parties and encourage succession. All of these things happen because people are asleep.

And in all of this there are the shrill screamers and the wise who struggle to hold things together.

Where we go is to recognize there is wisdom and madness and that who is a fool and who is wise has nothing to do with age or any of those other things. Insanity is the absolute certainty of belief that you know what you are talking about by the magnitude of the pain in your toe you unconsciously but with motivation left out to in the aisle to be stepped on.

A world that uses shame to control others will create people who can feel no shame.
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Nov 21, 2001
Be careful what you wish for.
For every warmongering McCain that came out of war and the military, there were many like my father who would do everything to keep from sending young people off to get maimed or die for stupid shit. He knew the price as viewed from the trenches.


Feb 27, 2003
Here in Denmark we one of our famous democracy thinkers is Hal Koch, who wrote a book called "What is democracy?"

His key point is:

Koch was instrumental in post war Denmark of forming the Danish concept of democracy.

His main point is, that democracy is not merely a form of governing, but it is a lifestyle and a mindset that each generation must be brought up with. One of the core principals is that democracy is only real, when it is based on a true conversation. Not a stump speech, but actively listening to the points the other person is making.
Democracy is, of course, formal regulations, proceedings, electoral law and decisions about majority and minority rights, and so on. But democracy is also much more than law. The law and the legal aspects provide a framework, but it must be embodied and correspond with everyday living,” says Kristian Sloth and elaborates that democracy is about the way we live and interact with each other: “It will only exist, if conversation takes place. It is expressed in the public debate, in the associations, between neighbors, how you as a citizen meet the others. It’s not about agreeing, but through keeping the dialogue and the conversation going, we are constantly getting a little wiser and at least getting along with each other."

An from I can understand from you guys living in US, it might be something you need in your democracy.
Nov 29, 2006
It's been said there are too many old white men making the rules for everyone else and we need to get younger lawmakers and more women and minorities.

But then we see the likes of Mace, Boebert, Ivey, Greene, Gaetz, Noem, Reynolds, Robinson, Lake, Rubio, Suarez and so many other complete fools in or seeking various offices around the country. I've lost count of them all.

Where do we go?
All those people you named have 1 thing in common. Should be easy to figure out. That is the problem. Not their ages.
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Nov 17, 2019
"democracy is not merely a form of governing, but it is a lifestyle and a mindset that each generation must be brought up with."

Which is exactly why the Pubs don't want certain things in schools and insist on others.

Get 'em while they're young and impressionable, indoctrinate them.


Nov 21, 2001
"democracy is not merely a form of governing, but it is a lifestyle and a mindset that each generation must be brought up with."

Which is exactly why the Pubs don't want certain things in schools and insist on others.

Get 'em while they're young and impressionable, indoctrinate them.
Same with the alternate history they are pushing. Civil Rights Movement?
What's that we never saw any of that in the books.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2010
It's not too many old white men making rules, it's too many Republicans making rules. Look at what Biden and Bernie are doing carrying out a progressive agenda. White male politicians can care about the working class. Sure it would be great to have a younger, more progressive president, but I would hardly say that Biden's old man whiteness is a strike against him. He's shown a degree of empathy that no other president ever has.


Feb 6, 2002
It's not too many old white men making rules, it's too many Republicans making rules. Look at what Biden and Bernie are doing carrying out a progressive agenda. White male politicians can care about the working class. Sure it would be great to have a younger, more progressive president, but I would hardly say that Biden's old man whiteness is a strike against him. He's shown a degree of empathy that no other president ever has.
Somehow the party of giving tax cuts primarily to the rich convinced the Republican working class they care about them


Jun 23, 2004
It's been said there are too many old white men making the rules for everyone else and we need to get younger lawmakers and more women and minorities.

But then we see the likes of Mace, Boebert, Ivey, Greene, Gaetz, Noem, Reynolds, Robinson, Lake, Rubio, Suarez and so many other complete fools in or seeking various offices around the country. I've lost count of them all.

Where do we go?
When they are incapable of speaking and moving and campaigning...​
When they are infirm, physically and mentally. Then it is a problem.​

Your examples are not issues of age. They are issues of ideology. Republicans just want to watch the world burn. Younger ones are more fanatical about it as we devolve from civil discourse towards outright violent force. Younger politicians will not solve the issue of Republicans wanting to end Democracy.

Voting Democrat will at least blunt Republican efforts in a legal sense. But that will be cold comfort when they choose to ignore the law and take up arms against us.
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Jan 12, 2005
I think that a mix of older, more cynical people and younger, more idealistic people is needed.
You need the older people with experience in the machinations of politics to push legislation through and say "that's great but it's never going to work or get passed".
You need younger people who are actually invested in the future and making longer term plans that are based on vision and ideology.
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Oct 15, 1999
Here in Denmark we one of our famous democracy thinkers is Hal Koch, who wrote a book called "What is democracy?"

His key point is:

Koch was instrumental in post war Denmark of forming the Danish concept of democracy.

His main point is, that democracy is not merely a form of governing, but it is a lifestyle and a mindset that each generation must be brought up with. One of the core principals is that democracy is only real, when it is based on a true conversation. Not a stump speech, but actively listening to the points the other person is making.
Democracy is, of course, formal regulations, proceedings, electoral law and decisions about majority and minority rights, and so on. But democracy is also much more than law. The law and the legal aspects provide a framework, but it must be embodied and correspond with everyday living,” says Kristian Sloth and elaborates that democracy is about the way we live and interact with each other: “It will only exist, if conversation takes place. It is expressed in the public debate, in the associations, between neighbors, how you as a citizen meet the others. It’s not about agreeing, but through keeping the dialogue and the conversation going, we are constantly getting a little wiser and at least getting along with each other."

An from I can understand from you guys living in US, it might be something you need in your democracy.
I found this very interesting and decided to look into Denmark and it's demographics. That rabbit hole ended up at this article https://eitw.nd.edu/articles/why-race-matters-in-denmark-and-the-consequence-of-ignoring-it/ which I found really interesting. I had also forgotten what a small country it is.
If I didn't hate traveling so much I'd be inclined to visit, really interesting place.


Feb 6, 2002
Old white men should no longer be allowed to write history books. They can’t even get what happened on Jan 6 correct and that was a few years ago.

Can they be trusted with 250 years ago?
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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Old white men should no longer be allowed to write history books. They can’t even get what happened on Jan 6 correct and that was a few years ago.

Can they be trusted with 250 years ago?

History is always written (or rewritten) by the victors. Give the (R)s a few more years in power and Jan. 6th will become the day when peaceful picnicing families were brutally attacked by the Democrat-controlled Capital Police and undercover Antifa-FBI agents.


Feb 27, 2003
I found this very interesting and decided to look into Denmark and it's demographics. That rabbit hole ended up at this article https://eitw.nd.edu/articles/why-race-matters-in-denmark-and-the-consequence-of-ignoring-it/ which I found really interesting. I had also forgotten what a small country it is.
If I didn't hate traveling so much I'd be inclined to visit, really interesting place.
Yes Denmark is really not a multicultural society. I don't know if it is better or worse than any other place, though.

Obviously US has a longer history of immigrants (and slaves) than the Nordic countries from all over the world, so your culture has had a long time to adapt and find its ways.

The slaves Denmark had was only brought to the colonies, so it is only in the 60's and 70's we start inviting guest workers from Turkey that non European nationalities start emerging in Denmark in larger quantities. And then we start taking in refugees from Africa and the Middle East, and they are given permanently residency in Denmark. And that is we're the cultural conflicts start to emerge, as they did not come here as immigrants with work skills needed, and we were really bad at adopting our society, so we could fit them into our highly regulated workforce. So they were often "parked" on social services, which did not help integration at all.
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Jan 14, 2013


Mar 17, 2008
I found this very interesting and decided to look into Denmark and it's demographics. That rabbit hole ended up at this article https://eitw.nd.edu/articles/why-race-matters-in-denmark-and-the-consequence-of-ignoring-it/ which I found really interesting. I had also forgotten what a small country it is.
If I didn't hate traveling so much I'd be inclined to visit, really interesting place.
That lesson is at least 20 years old in terms of course correcting.
But I really do feel we’re making the same mistake as everyone else albeit a few decades later… We’ve forgotten what we have and why its so precious. Time for another populist fascist dipshit I guess.
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Feb 6, 2002
I found this very interesting and decided to look into Denmark and it's demographics. That rabbit hole ended up at this article https://eitw.nd.edu/articles/why-race-matters-in-denmark-and-the-consequence-of-ignoring-it/ which I found really interesting. I had also forgotten what a small country it is.
If I didn't hate traveling so much I'd be inclined to visit, really interesting place.
Do you consider the description of how race is handled in Denmark as a positive or negative?

See any similarities in this country?


Mar 17, 2008
Looks to me like they have the same tribalism as pretty much everyone else.
3% hard nationalists(df)
10% hard stance on immigration(æ)

for a net total of 13% greyish populist and confused.
The other 87% of us is trying to get shit done. You know, instead of pitting people vs each other, how do we get to a point where everyone participates regardless of color and creed.

Show me your numbers.
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Oct 15, 1999
3% hard nationalists(df)
10% hard stance on immigration(æ)

for a net total of 13% greyish populist and confused.
The other 87% of us is trying to get shit done. You know, instead of pitting people vs each other, how do we get to a point where everyone participates regardless of color and creed.

Show me your numbers.
What numbers? What are you defending, and why can't 87% of you get shit done?

If you're talking about the article I linked, take it up with the authors if you have a problem with it. I'm sure as hell not going to defend it.


Mar 17, 2008
What numbers? What are you defending, and why can't 87% of you get shit done?

If you're talking about the article I linked, take it up with the authors if you have a problem with it. I'm sure as hell not going to defend it.
Day drinking?