Official Swiftboat Thread

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Creation of the Monica scandal? Creation? Discovery! How did a 250K oer year President manage to buy a 1.8 million house after 8 years and get the loan from the Dim party with an instant write off? Forgot the fundraisers for the Dims every day and every trip? The undisputed death list? The Ark State Troopers that he had pimp for him? The vid with the coke parties in the govenors manse in Ark? Funny how the focus seems to rebound to Monica and "it was only sex.". Before Clinton, I was never aware that 62% of American voters are just plain stupid!


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Condor
Creation of the Monica scandal? Creation? Discovery! How did a 250K oer year President manage to buy a 1.8 million house after 8 years and get the loan from the Dim party with an instant write off? Forgot the fundraisers for the Dims every day and every trip? The undisputed death list? The Ark State Troopers that he had pimp for him? The vid with the coke parties in the govenors manse in Ark? Funny how the focus seems to rebound to Monica and "it was only sex.". Before Clinton, I was never aware that 62% of American voters are just plain stupid!

Yes, creation. The president's bj was not important. The Republicans exploited it to remove a democratically-elected president from office.

Clintion, unlike Bush, is a very smart man. That's how he paid for everything. Everyone knows presidents can make a lot of money lecturing after and writing books. Who wouldn't loan him money? He's guaranteed to pay you back.

Again, you Republicans were whining, crying, and trying to get a great president removed from office. Harldy good behavior. :roll:


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
I agree that the bj wasn't the issue. It was his general lack of character and strength. He didn't just lie about the Monica thing. I watched him through the first campaign and liked him until I realized that his words and reality never seemed to meet.


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
posted by Infohawk

Yes, creation. The president's bj was not important. The Republicans exploited it to remove a democratically-elected president from office.

Clintion, unlike Bush, is a very smart man. That's how he paid for everything. Everyone knows presidents can make a lot of money lecturing after and writing books. Who wouldn't loan him money? He's guaranteed to pay you back.

Again, you Republicans were whining, crying, and trying to get a great president removed from office. Harldy good behavior.

Either you are a very young child or you are a very mixed up person


Jan 12, 2002
Either you are a very young child or you are a very mixed up person

I know it's frustrating to be presented with opposing views. I understand that your only reaction was a personal attack. I understand, DoubleL, that you are a conservative.


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
No Infohawk that wasn't a personal attack but you are right about me being a conservative, A conservative Democrat for 21 years and more than that as a conservative Rep., But back to the post, The truth is not a personal attack and if you look the other way and say well what he did wasn't that bad and lying to a grand jury and asking others to lie in court, Well it didn't hurt me, I could go on but it would take all day, To say to your kids if you ever have any now my hero was impeached, Was found unfit to prctice law, Did things to a girl the age of his daughter I can't even say, You have to wonder about the girls that stayed all night with his daughter when she was growing up, Last but not least had a blow job named after him, I don't care what party he was, To try and say well so and so lied more just don't cut it


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: DoubleL
No Infohawk that wasn't a personal attack but you are right about me being a conservative, A conservative Democrat for 21 years and more than that as a conservative Rep., But back to the post, The truth is not a personal attack and if you look the other way and say well what he did wasn't that bad and lying to a grand jury and asking others to lie in court, Well it didn't hurt me, I could go on but it would take all day, To say to your kids if you ever have any now my hero was impeached, Was found unfit to prctice law, Did things to a girl the age of his daughter I can't even say, You have to wonder about the girls that stayed all night with his daughter when she was growing up, Last but not least had a blow job named after him, I don't care what party he was, To try and say well so and so lied more just don't cut it

Bush's failures and lies have led to many many deaths. Clinton got a consensual bj. End of story.


Jan 12, 2002
I'm glad you agree Bush's failures have lead to the deaths of thousands. That's part of why I'm voting for Kerry.


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
You know in a way I feel sorry for people like you, God help them for they know not what they do, Have a nice day


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: DoubleL
You know in a way I feel sorry for people like you, God help them for they know not what they do, Have a nice day

Here you go again:

I know it's frustrating to be presented with opposing views. I understand that your only reaction was a personal attack. I understand, DoubleL, that you are a conservative.



Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
LOL You help a lot Infohawk. I really get a kick out of coming up here, You go right on but always remember it was them conservative soldier that fought and died to give you the right to come in here and type what you do. Only in the US. Have a nice day


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
This thread has been rendered moot. The sticky needs to come off and let this sucker die. Same with the Rathergate one and the Where Was Bush one.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Stanman
Stolen Honer Link

That's ok, I'll paraphrase it....

I went to Vietnam. I didn't actually know John Kerry. Kerry is a liar and a coward. I heard from a guy that heard from a guy that knew a guy that heard from a guy that Kerry wasn't really injured. Kerry lied to Congress and disgraced us... blah blah blah blah blah.

Hey Snapperheads, what he said to Congress DID happen and was the truth. He was trying to get everyone home! The only thing I gather from all of this is that the soldiers that actually did the acts are pissed because they can't deny its occurance and tuck it away in their mind and play the denial game with themselves until the day they die. He told the truth which shows a HELL of a lot more courage than all of you 15-minutes of fame wannabe losers.