Obama's future Commerce Secretary under grand jury probe in possible pay to play scheme

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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
The other non Prof John allegation, namely that Obama's incoming cabinet choices are meeting with bad luck, is totally absurd. Because Obama's choices for cabinet level and team choices are getting rave reviews
even before he was elected. It very much looks like team Obama is ready to hit the ground running on 1/20/2009, and will perhaps be setting new world records on Presidential team preparedness.

Suffice it to say, we are unlikely to have any you are doing a hell of a job Brownie incompetents in key positions. And given the total incompetence of GWB&co., a new broom sweeping clean is really needed ASAP.


Apr 25, 2001
Hang on a second there, Chief. The only thing I've seen to suggest that the "Blago problem" has snared Obama's Chief of Staff, or anyone in the Obama administration, is you folks repeating the allegation over and over again. I don't know about you, but where I come from that's not enough to declare anyone guilty and move on to the next issue. Aren't hitmen, even political ones, supposed to finish off one target before moving on to the next? At the very least you could pretend that you care at all about the issue and aren't just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: Zebo
Black Bush is going to disappoint many but they'll still defend because they are emotionally invested.

i see you have gotten into the prophet industry.

Any other words of sooth you wish to share?

Well he hasn't taken office yet but I cover his dubious and wall street relationships, neo-con appointments and early broken promises in the - Obama making all the right moves - thread.

I'd find this instant dislike of Obama a LOT more interesting if it wasn't coming from the usual Democrat bashing suspects. Wow, Zebo and ProfJohn don't like Obama...stop the presses :roll: Talk about emotional investment...could you be a little more hypocritical?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: senseamp
I really hope you are right that Obama = Clinton's third term.

It's begining to look that way. With Inflation and assuming Reps take back the Congress in 2010, I predict $120Million for the ensuing 6 years of ever changing go nowhere Investigations....until Obama denies an unpaid Parking Ticket, giving the Reps a sense of Moral Justification for doing Nothing.

So who will be the 12 people who plead out or are convicted?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: senseamp
I really hope you are right that Obama = Clinton's third term.

It's begining to look that way. With Inflation and assuming Reps take back the Congress in 2010, I predict $120Million for the ensuing 6 years of ever changing go nowhere Investigations....until Obama denies an unpaid Parking Ticket, giving the Reps a sense of Moral Justification for doing Nothing.

So who will be the 12 people who plead out or are convicted?
The Bush Cabinet?


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2008
ProfJohn, why do you hate America so much?

Seriously, why do you even live in the US when you hate the country so much?

You stick up for a traitor like Bush and you attack a guy who hasn't even taken power yet.


Nov 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Hang on a second there, Chief. The only thing I've seen to suggest that the "Blago problem" has snared Obama's Chief of Staff, or anyone in the Obama administration, is you folks repeating the allegation over and over again. I don't know about you, but where I come from that's not enough to declare anyone guilty and move on to the next issue. Aren't hitmen, even political ones, supposed to finish off one target before moving on to the next? At the very least you could pretend that you care at all about the issue and aren't just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.

You forget, Rainsford, that anything repeated often enough becomes "the Truth", even if that's only in the rightwing echo chamber.

Given the results of their ideology, both at home and abroad, and the fact that they have no legitimate issues to speak of, it's no surprise that the slime cannons are being fired desperately and continuously, if only in an attempt to hold the Faithful...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Obama is not having much luck lately.

Maybe he should just vacation in Hawaii till Jan.

First we have the Blago problem that looks to have snared Obama's future Chief of Staff.

And now we have Richardson's donor being looked at by a grand jury in a pay to play scheme.

Where is PJ? Post spewage and run coward.

So what if Obama took vacation till Jan? Then you'd be complaining he isn't doing shit.

404 not found of Obama's future Chief of Staff "snared".

A donor != Richardson



Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Oh I see, PJ got his facts wrong. As usual. The grand jury is probing the company (CDR Financial Products Inc.) not Richardson.

One of the people called to testify before the Albuquerque grand jury said federal investigators asked if Richardson?s office directed the state agency to select CDR. Investigators also asked about how responses to a request for investment advisory services were scored.

Another person familiar with the probe said the thrust of the investigation is whether people in Richardson?s office influenced the selection of CDR

Ayup. Don't see any indication that they are even remotely probing Richardson.

All of the news reports indicate that the federal grand jury has been setup to probe the DONOR, not Richardson. It's not my fault they're not probing Richardson or even his office directly, so don't get all bent when you guys can't read the facts of the story correctly.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: JSt0rm01
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Topic Title: Obama's future Commerce Secretary under grand jury probe in possible pay to play scheme

Wait, what?

Grand Jury Probes Richardson Donor?s New Mexico Financing Fee

Oh I see, PJ got his facts wrong. As usual. The grand jury is probing the company (CDR Financial Products Inc.) not Richardson.

Get your shit straight, PJ, or we'll probe you someplace uncomfortable next. :shocked:

What pj is going after are people who read the titles only. In his own tiny little way he wants to help his party. You notice he starts these things and then runs away from them never to mention them again.

Originally posted by: eskimospy
The title of this thread is extremely misleading, and the conclusions Pro-Jo is trying to draw from it are mighty thin.

Thought all that wasn't allowed?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: Zebo
Black Bush is going to disappoint many but they'll still defend because they are emotionally invested.

i see you have gotten into the prophet industry.

Any other words of sooth you wish to share?

Well he hasn't taken office yet but I cover his dubious and wall street relationships, neo-con appointments and early broken promises in the - Obama making all the right moves - thread.

I'd find this instant dislike of Obama a LOT more interesting if it wasn't coming from the usual Democrat bashing suspects. Wow, Zebo and ProfJohn don't like Obama...stop the presses :roll: Talk about emotional investment...could you be a little more hypocritical?

I don't like too many politicians I know they will serve the elite and MIC who put them there. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are about it. Perhaps a few more genuine people but Obama is bought and sold already by war party, check around. There are excellent editorials over at antiwar.com by Justin. And he is crooked and uneithical as fusk coming out of that machine in Chicago. PJ is a partisan hack like you I call them as I see them. Black Bush!! You just notice when I bash your team, as I said, emotional investment.