Obama finally throws Rev. Wright under the bus

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Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: loki8481
Obama's just doing what a politician does. he's finally disowning Wright with the hopes that it'll be a non-issue in October.

Nah I think he is doing what every dishonest politician does, which is called deception;

What I heard on the radio this morning was this was really a planned event that was staged between the Obama, his camp and Wright so Obama could distance himself further and try to burry this whole saga once and for all before he squares off with McCain if and when he gets nomination.

They said Obama and Wright have been way to close for way too long for Wright to ever deliberately try to sink Obama?s ship.

I think what I heard on the radio is right; the whole thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax to fool the voting public.

IMHO it back fired if it was a hoax. This blow up put his decision making ability in serious question and that is one the key particulars that most voters look at when voting for a president. Either way you cut it be it a hoax or not it is a big screw up by Obama politically.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Drift3r
You can spin it all you want but in the end middle America and the core group of independent voters won't view this debacle as you are portraying it. This is an example of Obama making a bad political and personal life decision and it will resonate amongst undecided voters who aren't rabid Obama supporters.

That's because middle America gets their opinions from the MSM, which is basically the tabloids. This, however, is Anandtech and in particular the P&N boards where I've given the benefit of the doubt to the users as being fairly well educated or at least fairly intelligent. If I was addressing middle America, I would've used all caps with bold font, some shiny colors, a catchy phrase that diminishes a complex issue into an easy and fun one, and then call it a day.

Since I'm addressing those that I feel offer critical thought and well rounded knowledge about current events, I focused my post to tailor to them. It's not spin, it's called addressing your audience.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Comments made about Wright prior to the national press club speech:

Originally posted by: Craig234
In other words, it reflects well on Obama that he has a relationship with this impressive man

Originally posted by: ericlp
I can relate to Wright he is way more intelligent then Hagee could ever be....

Originally posted by: sandorski
This was a very good Interview. Not only does Wright address all the issues brought against him, but they show extended video clips where all these soundbites come from. It is quite clear that his words have been misrepresented.

Originally posted by: Lemon law
I have to agree that the somewhat thinking person will see Wright as a person whose comments were taken out of context and therefore the swift boat of Rev Wright will fail with that set.

Originally posted by: Craig234
Wright is right. The only problem is the Democrats not pushing the truth as hard as they need to.

Originally posted by: b0mbrman
What's sad is that it only took a five-second soundbite to brainwash you ;)

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:

Originally posted by: sandorski
Wow, you three are quite clueless on this subject. Wright is not "Racist" at all. Watch the interview.

Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Those Americans whose self hate has taken the form of substituting real self respect for identification with flag and country will see evil in R. Wright because they will feel their self hate projected back at them through him. This is how self hate makes people morons.

Originally posted by: OrByte
wow the more I hear Rev Wright speak the more I would like to hear more

and the WINNAR!:

Originally posted by: jpeyton
Wow, right on the money. I would give Wright a cabinet position.

We should throw the separation of church and state out the window. If Wright can be a key issue in the primaries, I say let the guy start soliciting votes for Obama during sermons.

Fern and Palehorse get gold stars for clear eyed interpretations of Wright before and after his rise and fall.

Ok, so was Bill Maher right about Wright being a dick, eh? Was everyone who saw the short sermon video clips and able to identify this guy as a scumbag right or wrong? Eh? Come on, it's ok, you can say it, everyone knows. :laugh:

LOL, I was thinking the same thing but was too lazy to search out all the quotes. Nice job! Worthy of a bump. ;)


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Socio

Actually I listen to Laura Ingraham, Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and Shawn Hannity mostly.

The hoax accusation is only spin to the brainwashed Obamazombies, to everyone else it is not only plausible it is highly likely.

I think it's awesome that you listen to Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and think other people are brainwashed.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Comments made about Wright prior to the national press club speech:


Ok, so was Bill Maher right about Wright being a dick, eh? Was everyone who saw the short sermon video clips and able to identify this guy as a scumbag right or wrong? Eh? Come on, it's ok, you can say it, everyone knows. :laugh:
We should make you elite for that post alone.

Talk about making people look like fools, good job.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: glutenberg
Originally posted by: Drift3r
You can spin it all you want but in the end middle America and the core group of independent voters won't view this debacle as you are portraying it. This is an example of Obama making a bad political and personal life decision and it will resonate amongst undecided voters who aren't rabid Obama supporters.

That's because middle America gets their opinions from the MSM, which is basically the tabloids. This, however, is Anandtech and in particular the P&N boards where I've given the benefit of the doubt to the users as being fairly well educated or at least fairly intelligent. If I was addressing middle America, I would've used all caps with bold font, some shiny colors, a catchy phrase that diminishes a complex issue into an easy and fun one, and then call it a day.

Since I'm addressing those that I feel offer critical thought and well rounded knowledge about current events, I focused my post to tailor to them. It's not spin, it's called addressing your audience.

That is great but P&N is not a major political voting block and frankly it doesn't matter if Anandtech's P&N "Gets the Obama message". If Obama wants to win this primary and ultimately the election then he has to change his tune big time and stop all the shenanigans being played out infront of the American public and media. He is giving Clinton and the GOP major political ammo to use against him gratis.

The way I see it Obama supporters can either view the truth of the matter ( how it's being played out to large important voting blocks all across America ) and try to do something about this issue or they can sit there and act like a group of elitist, condescending Obama-bois sucking their thumps while ignoring the damage being done to Obama's character by this Wright issue. If Obama supporters don't believe that damage is not being done via this issue then they are blind and if they don't care then they are to arrogant and ignorant to help their guy get elected by the majority of people in this country.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: loki8481
Obama's just doing what a politician does. he's finally disowning Wright with the hopes that it'll be a non-issue in October.

Nah I think he is doing what every dishonest politician does, which is called deception;

What I heard on the radio this morning was this was really a planned event that was staged between the Obama, his camp and Wright so Obama could distance himself further and try to burry this whole saga once and for all before he squares off with McCain if and when he gets nomination.

They said Obama and Wright have been way to close for way too long for Wright to ever deliberately try to sink Obama?s ship.

I think what I heard on the radio is right; the whole thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax to fool the voting public.

Why don't YOU just tell the truth yourself and admit that the only thing you ever hear on the radio is Rush Limbaugh's biased rantings?

And while I think the hoax accusation is pure spin, you gotta love the way Obama played it, eh?
You can't accuse him of being a Muslim no more... no more BHO :(


Ah... the best pwnage is when the person being pwned doesn't even know it.

Actually, I listened to Rush for a while today and, while I was listening, he was talking about how Wright was pissed at Obama which caused him to rant and Obama to denounce. As far as I know, Rush hasn't figured out yet that it was all staged.

Well... one of those MSM talking heads, I'm sure.

The "all staged" is something I'm going to need some proof of. Otherwise, this accusation/spin only goes to prove the pwnage. And the whining crybabies who finally woke up and realized they were attacking a mainline Christian church, not a Muslim. Oops! Can't say I didn't warn you.

I don't see how you could think it was anything but a staged event. To believe otherwise, you'd have to accept that dear uncle Jeremiah Wright would deliberately try to destroy Obama. Why on earth would he do that? Obama has already said that they're like family.

When I saw the coverage of the speach at the NAACP event Sunday, my initial reaction was OMG this can't be good for Obama. If it had ended there I probably wouldn't have given it another thought but, on Monday, Wright continued and increased the rhetoric. This is when I started thinking that it just didn't make sense. I knew they were up to something. Wright is just too smart to make a stupid mistake like this and there's no way he would destroy the chance for a black man, especially one who is like family, to be President. On Tuesday it became clear, Wright had deliberately come out with the very public rant to give Obama an acceptable opportunity to distance himself from Wright. Like Wright said - "If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me," Mr. Wright said with a shrug. "I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen." It makes a lot more sense than thinking that Wright is just a lunatic or that he deliberately tried to destroy Obama.

There is no proof so far, that I know of, besides common sense logic and some circumstantial evidence. We may never know for sure if it was staged but to think that it was anything but staged requires a willful suspension of disbelief.



May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: sirjonk
I bet Wright wishes he was allowed at least in the back of the bus rather than under it.


He pushed Obama there first. Obama merely returned the favor.

the question is will wright volley? this has the potential to get worse

Wright will not volley. Wright did exactly what Obama wanted him to do. This whole thing was a well scripted act. Both actors have played their parts and are not looking for an encore.

RY62 is paid by Al Queda, and he's been mentally programmed not to remember that, so he'll deny it. He's a tool of the terrorists as part of an evil master plan to destroy America.


Just as much as he has, but there's even more evidence against his fantasies than there is against my post.

We'll just have to see which fantasy is more believable. I say Wright won't attack Obama. I'd guess that he'll ease up on the rants to see if the act has had the desired effect. After a while he'll probably come out and admit that his rants were divisive and say that Obama has shown him the light.

It makes no sense as a staged event, but you are too blinded by partisanship to consider any other theory which lacks the dishonest behavior by Obama.

The people who are convinced this is a conspiracy have a lot in common with those who are convinced Bush was the one who ordered the 9/11 attacks.

Your weak, fallacious logic is basically, if something helps Obama, then it's a lie, and if it hurts him, it proves something bad about him.

To the common sense crowd, the incident here looks like Wright reacting defensively to the huge negative press treating him as some sort of monster, and in part trying to defend himself against the charges by alleging that hero Obama's distancing himself is a political ploy by Obama, without regard for how that baseless statement hurts Obama, and Obama correctly reacts to the false charge with his own attack that it's false.

Wright may well not attack again - he's shot his wad, and at this point, probably doesn't see much more good to do. At the end of the day, he's still a man who's about some morality, a pastor, and he has some common interests with Obama. So I suspect he might just be quiet now, but he might say more, too. But I doubt he'll do what you predict, and say Obama led him to the truth, so if we use that a test for who's right, I'll watch for your admission of error. How long until you will agree to say you were wrong if Wright doesn't say it?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Comments made about Wright prior to the national press club speech:

Originally posted by: Craig234
In other words, it reflects well on Obama that he has a relationship with this impressive man

Originally posted by: ericlp
I can relate to Wright he is way more intelligent then Hagee could ever be....

Originally posted by: sandorski
This was a very good Interview. Not only does Wright address all the issues brought against him, but they show extended video clips where all these soundbites come from. It is quite clear that his words have been misrepresented.

Originally posted by: Lemon law
I have to agree that the somewhat thinking person will see Wright as a person whose comments were taken out of context and therefore the swift boat of Rev Wright will fail with that set.

Originally posted by: Craig234
Wright is right. The only problem is the Democrats not pushing the truth as hard as they need to.

Originally posted by: b0mbrman
What's sad is that it only took a five-second soundbite to brainwash you ;)

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:

Originally posted by: sandorski
Wow, you three are quite clueless on this subject. Wright is not "Racist" at all. Watch the interview.

Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Those Americans whose self hate has taken the form of substituting real self respect for identification with flag and country will see evil in R. Wright because they will feel their self hate projected back at them through him. This is how self hate makes people morons.

Originally posted by: OrByte
wow the more I hear Rev Wright speak the more I would like to hear more

and the WINNAR!:

Originally posted by: jpeyton
Wow, right on the money. I would give Wright a cabinet position.

We should throw the separation of church and state out the window. If Wright can be a key issue in the primaries, I say let the guy start soliciting votes for Obama during sermons.

Fern and Palehorse get gold stars for clear eyed interpretations of Wright before and after his rise and fall.

Ok, so was Bill Maher right about Wright being a dick, eh? Was everyone who saw the short sermon video clips and able to identify this guy as a scumbag right or wrong? Eh? Come on, it's ok, you can say it, everyone knows. :laugh:

I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Typical, conservatives can't win on the issues (they have darn near run this country into the ground) so they bring out the swift-boating...


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Corbett

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:

I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.

I fail to see how my quote is being "owned"??? So are you saying you have evidence that he preached these things every Sunday?


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
Wright may well not attack again - he's shot his wad, and at this point, probably doesn't see much more good to do. At the end of the day, he's still a man who's about some morality, a pastor, and he has some common interests with Obama. So I suspect he might just be quiet now, but he might say more, too. But I doubt he'll do what you predict, and say Obama led him to the truth, so if we use that a test for who's right, I'll watch for your admission of error. How long until you will agree to say you were wrong if Wright doesn't say it?

Unless it was staged, there was no good to do with this latest incident. The only thing I said I'm sure of is that he won't take the offensive against Obama again. If he speaks publicly about Obama again, it won't be until after the nomination has been decided, it will be before the general election, and it will be positive for Obama.


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 1999
Originally posted by: Craig234

To the common sense crowd, the incident here looks like Wright reacting defensively to the huge negative press treating him as some sort of monster, and in part trying to defend himself against the charges by alleging that hero Obama's distancing himself is a political ploy by Obama, without regard for how that baseless statement hurts Obama, and Obama correctly reacts to the false charge with his own attack that it's false.

Wright may well not attack again - he's shot his wad, and at this point, probably doesn't see much more good to do. At the end of the day, he's still a man who's about some morality, a pastor, and he has some common interests with Obama. So I suspect he might just be quiet now, but he might say more, too. But I doubt he'll do what you predict, and say Obama led him to the truth, so if we use that a test for who's right, I'll watch for your admission of error. How long until you will agree to say you were wrong if Wright doesn't say it?

Wright is quoted in the newspapers exactly 1 year ago today that Obama would need to distance himself from Wright at some point should he win the nomination. Wright also said Obama agreed with him.

So, now, unless you want to argue that Wright was once again taken out of context, nothing he said was any different than the stuff he was saying in his sermons. Only this time, Wright added that Obama is a politician and did exactly what Wright said Obama would do 1 year ago which is to politically posture himself from Wright. Obama answer was that he was hurt and angry that Wright said Obama was only politically posturing. Obama was only angry and outraged that Wright would do this now, saying "I don't think he showed much concern for me ... and what we are trying to do in this campaign."

It's all about Obama

Feigning ignorance and false anger about what Wright has been saying is disingenuous on Obama's part and doesn't explain away his 20 years of close association with Reverend Wright.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Comments made about Wright prior to the national press club speech:

Originally posted by: Craig234
In other words, it reflects well on Obama that he has a relationship with this impressive man

Originally posted by: ericlp
I can relate to Wright he is way more intelligent then Hagee could ever be....

Originally posted by: sandorski
This was a very good Interview. Not only does Wright address all the issues brought against him, but they show extended video clips where all these soundbites come from. It is quite clear that his words have been misrepresented.

Originally posted by: Lemon law
I have to agree that the somewhat thinking person will see Wright as a person whose comments were taken out of context and therefore the swift boat of Rev Wright will fail with that set.

Originally posted by: Craig234
Wright is right. The only problem is the Democrats not pushing the truth as hard as they need to.

Originally posted by: b0mbrman
What's sad is that it only took a five-second soundbite to brainwash you ;)

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:

Originally posted by: sandorski
Wow, you three are quite clueless on this subject. Wright is not "Racist" at all. Watch the interview.

Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Those Americans whose self hate has taken the form of substituting real self respect for identification with flag and country will see evil in R. Wright because they will feel their self hate projected back at them through him. This is how self hate makes people morons.

Originally posted by: OrByte
wow the more I hear Rev Wright speak the more I would like to hear more

and the WINNAR!:

Originally posted by: jpeyton
Wow, right on the money. I would give Wright a cabinet position.

We should throw the separation of church and state out the window. If Wright can be a key issue in the primaries, I say let the guy start soliciting votes for Obama during sermons.

Fern and Palehorse get gold stars for clear eyed interpretations of Wright before and after his rise and fall.

Ok, so was Bill Maher right about Wright being a dick, eh? Was everyone who saw the short sermon video clips and able to identify this guy as a scumbag right or wrong? Eh? Come on, it's ok, you can say it, everyone knows. :laugh:

I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Bird222
Originally posted by: Corbett

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:
I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.
I fail to see how my quote is being "owned"??? So are you saying you have evidence that he preached these things every Sunday?
It has to do with the fact that you and all the others quoted defended Obama and his relationship with Wright.

But now Obama is backing away from Wright which proved that you were all wrong to defend Wright. Or Obama is wrong to distance himself from Wright.

Either way Obama comes out of this looking bad.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Bird222
Originally posted by: Corbett

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:
I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.
I fail to see how my quote is being "owned"??? So are you saying you have evidence that he preached these things every Sunday?
It has to do with the fact that you and all the others quoted defended Obama and his relationship with Wright.

But now Obama is backing away from Wright which proved that you were all wrong to defend Wright. Or Obama is wrong to distance himself from Wright.

Either way Obama comes out of this looking bad.

He had the gumption to defend him and Wright made a fool of him. You're right, he does look bad. It's like someone you know stabbing you in the back.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: bthorny
Typical, conservatives can't win on the issues (they have darn near run this country into the ground) so they bring out the swift-boating...

The GOP didn't do anything. Sorry but if anyone was "swift-boating" it was Wright with his comments. He could of been a good friend and laid low but I guess 15 minutes of fame is far to much for him to handle if this was not a staged act. If it was staged then this is about the dumbest ploy I ever seen pulled by a candidate. Either way it reflects poorly on Obama.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2007
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Comments made about Wright prior to the national press club speech:

Originally posted by: Craig234
In other words, it reflects well on Obama that he has a relationship with this impressive man

Originally posted by: ericlp
I can relate to Wright he is way more intelligent then Hagee could ever be....

Originally posted by: sandorski
This was a very good Interview. Not only does Wright address all the issues brought against him, but they show extended video clips where all these soundbites come from. It is quite clear that his words have been misrepresented.

Originally posted by: Lemon law
I have to agree that the somewhat thinking person will see Wright as a person whose comments were taken out of context and therefore the swift boat of Rev Wright will fail with that set.

Originally posted by: Craig234
Wright is right. The only problem is the Democrats not pushing the truth as hard as they need to.

Originally posted by: b0mbrman
What's sad is that it only took a five-second soundbite to brainwash you ;)

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:

Originally posted by: sandorski
Wow, you three are quite clueless on this subject. Wright is not "Racist" at all. Watch the interview.

Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Those Americans whose self hate has taken the form of substituting real self respect for identification with flag and country will see evil in R. Wright because they will feel their self hate projected back at them through him. This is how self hate makes people morons.

Originally posted by: OrByte
wow the more I hear Rev Wright speak the more I would like to hear more

and the WINNAR!:

Originally posted by: jpeyton
Wow, right on the money. I would give Wright a cabinet position.

We should throw the separation of church and state out the window. If Wright can be a key issue in the primaries, I say let the guy start soliciting votes for Obama during sermons.

Fern and Palehorse get gold stars for clear eyed interpretations of Wright before and after his rise and fall.

Ok, so was Bill Maher right about Wright being a dick, eh? Was everyone who saw the short sermon video clips and able to identify this guy as a scumbag right or wrong? Eh? Come on, it's ok, you can say it, everyone knows. :laugh:

I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.




May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: chowderhead
Originally posted by: Craig234

To the common sense crowd, the incident here looks like Wright reacting defensively to the huge negative press treating him as some sort of monster, and in part trying to defend himself against the charges by alleging that hero Obama's distancing himself is a political ploy by Obama, without regard for how that baseless statement hurts Obama, and Obama correctly reacts to the false charge with his own attack that it's false.

Wright may well not attack again - he's shot his wad, and at this point, probably doesn't see much more good to do. At the end of the day, he's still a man who's about some morality, a pastor, and he has some common interests with Obama. So I suspect he might just be quiet now, but he might say more, too. But I doubt he'll do what you predict, and say Obama led him to the truth, so if we use that a test for who's right, I'll watch for your admission of error. How long until you will agree to say you were wrong if Wright doesn't say it?

Wright is quoted in the newspapers exactly 1 year ago today that Obama would need to distance himself from Wright at some point should he win the nomination. Wright also said Obama agreed with him.

So, now, unless you want to argue that Wright was once again taken out of context, nothing he said was any different than the stuff he was saying in his sermons. Only this time, Wright added that Obama is a politician and did exactly what Wright said Obama would do 1 year ago which is to politically posture himself from Wright. Obama answer was that he was hurt and angry that Wright said Obama was only politically posturing. Obama was only angry and outraged that Wright would do this now, saying "I don't think he showed much concern for me ... and what we are trying to do in this campaign."

It's all about Obama

Feigning ignorance and false anger about what Wright has been saying is disingenuous on Obama's part and doesn't explain away his 20 years of close association with Reverend Wright.

Obama had *already* 'distanced' huimself from Wright. He gave a great speech which was almost universally praised. If Wright was trying to help him, he was done.

There wasn't anything to gain from this latest round, and a lot to lose for Obama. Your theory doesn't even make sense; and even if it did, it's not proof at all.

The PNAC document talked about how a 'second Pearl Harbor type incident' could let them speed their war plans in the middle east by decades - does that prove they did 9/11?

I think that you're letting partisanship make you say reckless and false things, and you should be ashamed for not showing more responsibility with accusations.

If you wanted to discuss the theory and do it fairly with the pros and cons, fine, but you're making baseless claims.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Bird222
Originally posted by: Corbett

Originally posted by: Bird222
See this is the problem you see a couple of clips and extrapolate it to that is all he said every Sunday. :disgust:
I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.
I fail to see how my quote is being "owned"??? So are you saying you have evidence that he preached these things every Sunday?
It has to do with the fact that you and all the others quoted defended Obama and his relationship with Wright.

But now Obama is backing away from Wright which proved that you were all wrong to defend Wright. Or Obama is wrong to distance himself from Wright.

Either way Obama comes out of this looking bad.

Did you read my post responding to this post, for why you are wrong about being wrong to defend Wright?

As for Obama coming out of this looking bad - not necessarily, there's a risk but if continues to handle it well, he can make lemonade of lemons.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Barack Obama
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: Corbett

I nomiate this post for ownage of the year.



So, clever three, posts are made defending Wright for earlier statements; then, Wright makes other, different statements that get a different response.

The original quotes about the earlier statements are posts, and it's suggested that the later statements somehow 'prove' the earlier posts were wrong.

The poster of the earlier posts says 'I stand by the positive comments about Wright's earlier statements', and you say this is somehow some big point. Maybe in your little world it is.

But you're wrong. If we praise JFK's speeches, are we proven wrong about the speeches when it comes out about his adultery?

If we praise past speeches and actions by Hillary Clinton, and tomorrow she comes out tomorrow calling for the return of slavery, does posting our posts prove we were wrong?

Maybe it would if we had said 'I'm positive Hillary doesn't have a racist bone in her body', but if we'd simply said 'we agree with her speeches and they show she has good qualities', and then we renounce her call for the return of slavery and say that it's a different person than we've seen before, are we proven wrong for our earlier comments?

Well, to the thoughtless, perhaps, they think so. But that's not the case.

And where are the posts on the crazy bigots McCain has been pursuing endorsements from? Let's look at your bias in your concerns.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Bird222
I fail to see how my quote is being "owned"??? So are you saying you have evidence that he preached these things every Sunday?
It has to do with the fact that you and all the others quoted defended Obama and his relationship with Wright.

But now Obama is backing away from Wright which proved that you were all wrong to defend Wright. Or Obama is wrong to distance himself from Wright.

Either way Obama comes out of this looking bad.

I still stand by my statement that 2-3 snippets don't equate to 30+ years of sermons.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
So, clever three, posts are made defending Wright for earlier statements; then, Wright makes other, different statements that get a different response.

Wrong. The statements Wright made over the weekend are no different than the statements that caused the controversy in the first place. The only difference is that liberals like yourself and Obama saw a way out after this weekend and decided to take it.

Edit: We can add this issue to that list of things Craig is consistently wrong about.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
So, clever three, posts are made defending Wright for earlier statements; then, Wright makes other, different statements that get a different response.

Wrong. The statements Wright made over the weekend are no different than the statements that caused the controversy in the first place. The only difference is that liberals like yourself and Obama saw a way out after this weekend and decided to take it.

Edit: We can add this issue to that list of things Craig is consistently wrong about.

If you're running out of room I believe that microcenter has a 1TB drive on sale for $199, you'll probably need a couple.

Edit - Ooohhh....does that make us "the clever 4" now?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
In other words you're inncapable of using a little reasonoing and logic to divine reasons why people might leave their churches unless someone polls them and puts a link to the poll on the internet. Why does it seem so many of Obama's supporter suffer from that same affliction.

:laugh: Now you know why I like the :laugh: icon :laugh:

Reasoning and logic? Right. You made this accusation with zero proof. There are many reasons why someone would leave one church for another and the reason you *assume* she left is only one of them. And you expect Obama supporters to prove you wrong? Uh, don't think so.

:laugh: @ glutenberg's 'jump to conclusions mat' comment!

That's the whole point.

You can't prove me wrong anymore then I can prove you wrong. Only Oprah can say the real reason she left the church, but that doesn't mean I can't take an educated guess as to why she decided to leave the church.

It's really a moot point anyway since Obama has kicked Wright to the curb, too bad he didn't wise up sooner. Clearly a lapse in judgement on his part, which is what I've been saying all along.

Does "You're doing a good job Brownie" ring a bell??

There is simply no debating with you because you go round and round in circles.