Obama Concedes He Hasn't Brought Country Together

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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I'm not sure who you were saying did that?

Like that LK did to you once.

We all do it Craig, but partisans more, shutting down conversation and evolution.. The proverbial cuss words like "liberal" "socialistic" "racist" "Facist" always come out while those ta top of mountain laugh at our division.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Do you think people really cared about the actual act of perjury or that Nixon broke a federal law ? Do some reading on human psychology. It was the fact they lied directly to the people that caused the uproar.

When people cannot find jobs, lose their homes, and cannot feed their families and see someone they voted for break promises they feel betrayed. It doesn't matter what the actual act was that caused the betrayal, only the lack of trust that results from it. Ask people if they would vote for Obama again if they knew what they know now , that is an example of a leader who can no longer lead because nobody will follow.

The only thing I can think of that would lead you to hold this position is that you aren't old enough to remember pretty much any other president ever. What I'm telling you is that the promises Obama has broken are no different and in many cases far less important than what every single other president in the history of campaigns has done.

Did every president in history find themselves unable to lead due to trust issues from this? Of course not.

Oh, and the idea that the severity of the act has no bearing on whether or not people trust someone is absurd. Please do try reading human psychology.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I guess I'm from a time when someone making promises meant something. Sad that so many are willing to compromise just because it is accepted that is what a politician does.

A politician making promises has always meant exactly the same thing, you just weren't paying attention.


Oct 9, 1999
Kind of hard to unite something when just under half of it refuses to unite. It's not Obama's fault that some just want to continue the Failed policies of the previous 8 years.

Such a simple mind. If you stop thinking about breathing, do you start to turn blue?

Democrats have no more intention of uniting than Republicans. Unite indicates compromise. Neither side wants that. For both it's their way or the highway.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
If you research the history of this man (what little is out there) you come to realize that this man has a far different view of the U.S. than the mainstream. He wants it fundamentally transformed. He's told us this. You aren't raised by those with extreme left views, you don't seek out and take council with those with extreme left views and mesh with mainstream America.

You're very ignorant to reality. Obama is not a extreme leftist, and that's a shame for you and me.

I have no issues whatsoever along racial lines with this light skinned man with no Negro dialect. The preceding statement is proof of that.

It's his actions I have major problems with.

As cool and witty as you think you are, racism isn't limited to the left or right (or a political party), it's simply that the majority of racists exist in the GOP (for good reason, they didn't elect a multiracial President).
Since Obama.. if you are a racist, you definitely made the switch to the GOP now.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
If American's truly wanted a united "political" country...than why are the number one rated News programs on Fox and MSNBC?

I agree with Eskimospy, Obama made a good faith effort that failed. It's unsurprising given that from the very get-go his opposition wanted to him to fail. There isn't much else he could have done except pass zero legislation, and he does not have a magic control button over the legislative branch. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Obama wanted to stem Pelosi/Reid a bit, but they refused as some sort of backlash given the previous administrations treatment of Congress.

Obama is not "far" left. People who think so don't understand left policy stances.


Feb 22, 2007
The only thing I can think of that would lead you to hold this position is that you aren't old enough to remember pretty much any other president ever. What I'm telling you is that the promises Obama has broken are no different and in many cases far less important than what every single other president in the history of campaigns has done.

Did every president in history find themselves unable to lead due to trust issues from this? Of course not.

Oh, and the idea that the severity of the act has no bearing on whether or not people trust someone is absurd. Please do try reading human psychology.

I'm older than most on this forum having seen 6 presidents come and go. Not one has been successful once they started losing trust. Severity matters but not like you are portraying it. The victim is what matters to people. If the victim is a broken law people judge it one way, but if they are directly the victim then their reaction is much more severe.

He cannot unite anyone if what he is saying isn't to be believed.


Feb 18, 2004
The president said his second-year agenda will be refocused on uniting the country around common values, ''whether we're Democrats or Republicans.''

how about instead, he spend his second year agenda focused on job stimulation and wtf he's going to do with Afghanistan?


May 1, 2006
Like that LK did to you once.

We all do it Craig, but partisans more, shutting down conversation and evolution.. The proverbial cuss words like "liberal" "socialistic" "racist" "Facist" always come out while those ta top of mountain laugh at our division.

LK didn't do anythiug but make a fool of himself, but thanks:)

I'm stilll not sure who were saying did this:) I tend to bully those who try to bully.


Feb 22, 2007
A politician making promises has always meant exactly the same thing, you just weren't paying attention.

I treat people as people, I don't think making someone a politician means they are exempt. And no , not all politicians making promises break them so blatantly. If someone makes a promise then makes every effort to keep it I can accept that. Making promises just for the sake of making them I will not accept.


Feb 18, 2004
If American's truly wanted a united "political" country...than why are the number one rated News programs on Fox and MSNBC?
the vast majority of Americans don't watch any cable news whatsoever.

I'm too lazy to look up the numbers, but I'm going to comfortably say off the cuff that cable news ratings are dwarfed by local news ratings nation-wide.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'm older than most on this forum having seen 6 presidents come and go. Not one has been successful once they started losing trust. Severity matters but not like you are portraying it. The victim is what matters to people. If the victim is a broken law people judge it one way, but if they are directly the victim then their reaction is much more severe.

He cannot unite anyone if what he is saying isn't to be believed.

Dude, I guarantee you that an exceedingly small number of people in America feel victimized by Obama due to the fact that his negotiations on health care were not conducted in the way that he promised on the campaign trail.


May 1, 2006
I'm older than most on this forum having seen 6 presidents come and go. Not one has been successful once they started losing trust. Severity matters but not like you are portraying it. The victim is what matters to people. If the victim is a broken law people judge it one way, but if they are directly the victim then their reaction is much more severe.

He cannot unite anyone if what he is saying isn't to be believed.

Ten, if you count Bush 43.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Dude, I guarantee you that an exceedingly small number of people in America feel victimized by Obama due to the fact that his negotiations on health care were not conducted in the way that he promised on the campaign trail.

Why do you believe its all about health care? Obama has done just the Opposite of every promise he made except one. The one is a change you can count on . Can't wait till he completely fulfills that promise


May 1, 2006
I guess I'm from a time when someone making promises meant something. Sad that so many are willing to compromise just because it is accepted that is what a politician does.

You know, nostalgia ain't what it used to be, I heard.

I was at the Truman library, reading some of his correspondance, and saw a personal letter he wrote assuring the reader he abbslutely was not leaving the Senate by running for Vice President.

\Written shortly before he ran for vice president, with a guy who had won the last election on the platform that he would keep American out of that foreign war. A bit before he got America into that war.

And Truman's reputation is that of possibly our most 'straight shooting' modern president.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Why do you believe its all about health care? Obama has done just the Opposite of every promise he made except one. The one is a change you can count on . Can't wait till he completely fulfills that promise

I said health care because that's what he mentioned.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
Why do you believe its all about health care? Obama has done just the Opposite of every promise he made except one. The one is a change you can count on . Can't wait till he completely fulfills that promise

Actually, you are mostly incorrect. Tax policy, Cap and Trade, Health Care Reform, and the Stimulus bill pretty much mirror what Obama believes to be the right direction for the country. You could read "Audacity of Hope" where he pretty much outlines what he would do as President to see this is the case.

His foreign policy is basically exactly where he said he would go during the campaign, and I think his administration doesn't receive enough credit for the changes its made on this issue.

His biggest failures have been in reigning in the deficit and cutting down the DC chatter. Both unsurprising given economic and political conditions in the U.S.

Politi-fact keeps track of Obama campaign promises here: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/


Feb 22, 2007
You know, nostalgia ain't what it used to be, I heard.

I was at the Truman library, reading some of his correspondance, and saw a personal letter he wrote assuring the reader he abbslutely was not leaving the Senate by runnifor Vice President.

Shortly before he ran for vice president, with a guy who had won the last election on the platform that he would keep American out of that foreign war. A bit before he got America into that war.

It isn't nostalgia with me. It was something my dad drilled into me that when a person gives his word on something it means something. I never make promises unless I am 100% positive that I will give it my all to fulfill it. I see many people tossing around promises like it is just another word, but to me it is more than that. I know that isn't popular with many people now but I think it also correlates with the decline in people willing to make agreements and break them without much of a thought as if the agreement meant nothing.

Truman wasn't the most honest of people I agree, but I think that a lot of his decisions were not intended to mislead like the recent politicians.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Amazing isn't it? Jobs are just an afterthought.

As opposed to what alternative? There is no viable alternative. McCain would have us in wars -across- the entire middle east, and if he had his way, Russia, North Korea and Venezuela.
AND he'd done all the stimulus packages and bailouts, that's the kind of Republican he and Bush are. That is the only kind of Republican that exists anymore (outside of Ron Paul who will be going nowhere near the Oval Office).

The GOP is completely bunk and entirely irrelevant. Dems just need to withdraw funding from Afghanistan and the military (but increase funding for VAs and injured troops by 10fold and mean it), pass socialized health insurance and we'll have reduced wasteful spending by a tremendous amount.

And as far as jobs, it's the financial system that's at fault for today's conditions.. well that and the natural ending of all capitalist economies, hollowing itself out (damage done to itself by capitalism, not Obama's "socialism" which has so far failed in being socialist enough to do significant good).


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Amazing isn't it? Jobs are just an afterthought.

No ones stopping you from joining the war machine.:rolleyes:

I love troops in general feel like most are just young, join for right reasons and all that but lets face it UE would be fucken huge without that welfare program.

We need to get real Jobs back here.