Obama committed ‘biggest political crime in American history, Trump says

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Feb 6, 2002
I'm not even talking about Trump at this moment.

It is my opinion they were out to get the Trump Administration and or Trump and set up an attempt by screwing over Flynn after bankrupting him and threats. As many stated they saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Flynn.
How do you screw over Trump by getting to Flynn when Flynn wasn't working for Trump when the investigation started? Besides Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn because he was dirty.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
How do you screw over Trump by getting to Flynn when Flynn wasn't working for Trump when the investigation started? Besides Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn because he was dirty.
Funny how Obama warned Trump of his nefarious plan to get him ahead of time and showed him how to thwart it by simply not hiring Flynn.

This conspiracy theory is one of the dumber ones to come out in recent years. Did any of these clowns think this through?
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Mar 17, 2008
I see geek has finally come out of the closet as slows spirit animal. About time.


May 15, 2000
I'm not even talking about Trump at this moment.

It is my opinion they were out to get the Trump Administration and or Trump and set up an attempt by screwing over Flynn after bankrupting him and threats. As many stated they saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Flynn.

Please tell me you are kidding because that’s some bat shit level insanity right there.


May 15, 2000
True form Slow inception right there. Its harrowing to witness.

Like what could someone possibly be consuming to believe such a conspiracy? There are like a million and one ways “they” could have gone after trump if that was their plan. Why would they take such an indirect route? The pretzel logic one would have to twist themselves into to accept such a conspiracy is mind boggling.
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Mar 17, 2008
Like what could someone possibly be consuming to believe such a conspiracy? There are like a million and one ways “they” could have gone after trump if that was their plan. Why would they take such an indirect route? The pretzel logic one would have to twist themselves into to accept such a conspiracy is mind boggling.

I actually think its the "Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" move. I think they are without a strategy right now and is in a bit of a panic to find one.
In a few weeks they are gonna pick "Obama Gate"(birtherism 2.0), Burisma(too russian) or some other BS and roll with that.
Dems got momentum right now and Rs cant make anything stick cause people are dying. Very inconvenient.
Mar 11, 2004
Please tell me you are kidding because that’s some bat shit level insanity right there.

I'm sorry, are you unfamiliar with clownbaby? He's been posting shit this stupid for years on here.

Like what could someone possibly be consuming to believe such a conspiracy? There are like a million and one ways “they” could have gone after trump if that was their plan. Why would they take such an indirect route? The pretzel logic one would have to twist themselves into to accept such a conspiracy is mind boggling.

Did you forget that Turmp is playing 47 dimensional chess? Granted it took him 3.5 years to figure out that Flynn was a honeypot from Obama, after Obama straight up told him Flynn is dirty before Turmp even became President. But Flynn was only dirty because they spent years working with the Russians to get Flynn to compromise himself, so that they could then years later have him in a gotcha when invterviewing him to try and take down Turmp. Nevermind that Flynn had already compromised himself before Turmp ever ran for President.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
So are we ever going to find out what "the biggest political crime in American history" was? Or are we just supposed to believe that without questioning?


Aug 11, 2005

is this it?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yeah, That's it...
yea, rememebr how when it was the worst thing ever and super impeachable when a president does that exact thing?

now, apparently, it isn't a crime.

would you then, if you are being honest with yourself about the things you certainly claim to be "your opinion," absolve president Clinton of doing the very same thing?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Seems we have two America's.
One is trying damn hard to promote the facts of a virus and the debunking of conspiracy theories. Where the other half is totally absorbed within conspiracy theories.
One half are the adults in the room, and the other half the children.
One half truly wants everyone to be safe and for truth to rule the day, while the other half wallows in chaos and insanity.
I'm just glad I'm with the first half because the second half will eventually self destruct, or I would hope. You can't play nutz all the time and get away with it.
The second half is going to try to take us with them. We can't even get people to wear masks in public when people are demonstrably dying because of our failure to do so. How the fuck are we supposed to address global warming?

Edit: see, e.g., boomerang.


Jun 30, 2004
Yep, that's where his hatred of President Obama took real root. The thin-skinned orange menace probably thinks of that humiliation by Obama, over and over.

Its his reason for trying to undo anything Obama passed, during his Presidency. He thinks it will undo the pain of his humiliation but it won't. Just like he can't undo that title of "impeached president" next to his name in the history books.
Perhaps the roast at the WH Correspondent's Dinner is a motivation. But -- really -- the Mother of Motivations is racism. You could surmise that perhaps Trump just couldn't take a joke. That is true: When did he -- ever? But there's more to it. Obama -- especially Obama -- should not have made a buffoon out of Trump because Obama is black, and Trump is white. He feels entitled to the deference. He probably thinks no black people should make fun of him.

I've yet to read books like "What's the Matter with Kansas". But I see an underlying psychology -- and mass-psychology no less -- behind Trump and his minions. It's rooted in some stupid ideas about human progress, bloodline entitlement and other aspects.

Some of Trump's supporters, for instance White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis, always look back 2,000 years at the Great Roman Empire for their paradigm of greatness. In looking forward, they are also worried about the "pollution of the White Race". They simply can't accept the fact that much of the human race a few thousand years hence will all be something of a mauve color, or all sorts of varieties. They somehow assume that the "White Race" is something separate or unique, or that the White Race doesn't have any Black -- or other -- origins.

So being Stupid, as they are, they're all wrapped up in differences like skin-color, noses, eyes, lips, hair and hair-color -- things that are inconsequential aspects of DNA. If the human race had been blind, we wouldn't have any of the problems that have plagued us over race since God-knows-when.

Thus, when a Black Man succeeds as President, they cannot accept it. So Barack Obama's Legacy must be erased. Human and American History cannot show Obama as a consequential or successful President. In their minds, they think that Obama was an "Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action" President. He really didn't earn his way! He didn't deserve to be President on his own merits! His supporters elected him as an Affirmative Action initiative -- because -- he was Black!

Therefore, Trump had to disband Obama's Pandemic Response Team -- because it was Obama's, and because Obama was black. Trump had to attempt destruction of the ACA -- because it was Obama's legacy, and -- Obama was black. They had to undermine the State Department, because it was Obama's and Hillary's, and because Obama was black. It could not be otherwise: Obama was black, therefore, everything he did had to be wrong. Of course, there's all the "Deep State" palaver, but that's because they are also Ignorant. If they want to understand bureaucracy, they need to read a serious book about it -- perhaps, Anthony Downs' "Inside Bureaucracy" -- a work done under RAND Corporation oversight on contract to the US Air Force. But much of their worrisome fantasies about government are merely -- fantasies.

That is why we must erase the Trump Legacy. What is there to erase, though? We must erase the erosion of Rule of Law. We must erase the politicization of the federal agencies and their employees. I can think of many things that need to be erased, and they are all bad things.

They are bad things, not because Trump is White, but because Trump is bad. His supporters are either ignorant, or they are bad. They hate America, hoping to turn it upside down with the idea that all America has been over the past 100 years of unparalleled prosperity is somehow undesirable. They cannot accept the idea that a Mixed Economy with public "markets" and traditional private-good markets owes to both aspects all that prosperity. And their disabled thoughts and ideas (if you could call them such) are contrary to American values shared by thinking, decently-educated people.

Do I want revenge? Probably. But I'm not wrong here. Not by a long shot.
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Aug 11, 2005

well now....

The big twist in this story is the revelation of its true hero: Richard Burr.

Burr was Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and he protected the FBI investigation and pushed it over the finish line, at great personal cost.

Trump and Barr attacked Burr to try to shut him down. They figured out Burr had engaged in suspicious stock trades and tried to use it against him. They raided him and seized his phone to force him to step down as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

On May 14, 2020, Burr stepped down as Chairman of Senate Intelligence. But Trump and Barr were too late. Burr had already stuck the dagger in their backs before he stepped down: The Report was already finished!

On May 15, 2020, the Senate Intelligence Committee announced that its report on the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation was complete and submitted it to ODNI for declassification.

Trump hurried to install a new DNI to try and keep the report from getting out. But Senate Intel had a plan to protect against that as well. You see, they prepared their own redacted version of the report, and Mark Warner stands ready to read it on the Senate floor.

If you look closely at those two days, May 14 and May 15, you will see that’s when Trump became truly desperate.

Over those two days, Trump announced “OBAMAGATE!!!” in a last, desperate attempt to attack and discredit the FBI counterintelligence investigation.

It didn’t work.

When Trump realized “OBAMAGATE” was a dead end he made one last effort to gnaw off his own leg to escape the trap: He tried to stage a military coup to take over the entire county. Yep, that happened. But that plan too was foiled last night when the military rebuked Trump.

It’s all over now folks. The report is coming out and Trump will be exposed as a Russian asset. Trump is all out of options. His attempt at a forcible coup was thwarted.

Trump is trapped like a rat.
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Jun 4, 2004

well now....

The big twist in this story is the revelation of its true hero: Richard Burr.

Burr was Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and he protected the FBI investigation and pushed it over the finish line, at great personal cost.

Trump and Barr attacked Burr to try to shut him down. They figured out Burr had engaged in suspicious stock trades and tried to use it against him. They raided him and seized his phone to force him to step down as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

On May 14, 2020, Burr stepped down as Chairman of Senate Intelligence. But Trump and Barr were too late. Burr had already stuck the dagger in their backs before he stepped down: The Report was already finished!

On May 15, 2020, the Senate Intelligence Committee announced that its report on the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation was complete and submitted it to ODNI for declassification.

Trump hurried to install a new DNI to try and keep the report from getting out. But Senate Intel had a plan to protect against that as well. You see, they prepared their own redacted version of the report, and Mark Warner stands ready to read it on the Senate floor.

If you look closely at those two days, May 14 and May 15, you will see that’s when Trump became truly desperate.

Over those two days, Trump announced “OBAMAGATE!!!” in a last, desperate attempt to attack and discredit the FBI counterintelligence investigation.

It didn’t work.

When Trump realized “OBAMAGATE” was a dead end he made one last effort to gnaw off his own leg to escape the trap: He tried to stage a military coup to take over the entire county. Yep, that happened. But that plan too was foiled last night when the military rebuked Trump.

It’s all over now folks. The report is coming out and Trump will be exposed as a Russian asset. Trump is all out of options. His attempt at a forcible coup was thwarted.

Trump is trapped like a rat.
Interesting thread. But before I believe this report exists or believe it will have an impact it’ll actually have to be released.
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Jun 2, 2000
Lindsay was supposed to have his headhunting committee issue subpoenas in this shitstorm today but he unexpectedly pushed it over till next week:

My guesses (in descending order of probability):

-Graham knows issuing subpoenas today will have zilch PR effect, being totally swamped by the current protests and whatever dumb thing(s) The Donald twits today.

-Graham doesn't have the votes-among the GOP majority on his committee, or

-the light has come on in his dim head and Graham is going to be a rat leaving this sinking ship.