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Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Netflix streaming PSA:

Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
Bill Cunningham New York

Haven't seen either yet but I've been patiently waiting, and they are now available

Nice! Both are very good. Conan's mainly if you are a Conan fan, but the Cunningham doc is awesome no matter who you are.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Drive - 9/10

Wow. What an awesome movie.

I actually knew nothing of the movie other than seeing the trailer.

I was worried it'd be another dumb action movie, but holy shit, instead it was a slow burner of a tension-building art film with some action thrown in.

Freaking fantastic movie.
Easily the best i've seen in quite a while.

The music was perfect for it as well.

Seriously impressed. Go see it!


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Talk To Her (Hable con ella) - 7/10: Ok, my second Almodovar film and it was much, much better than the first. This follows the story of two guys who form a friendship as they watch over two girls in comas. I was worried at the beginning of this film because it felt as cheesy and predictable as All About My Mother, but it takes a bit of a turn around 25 minutes in or so that was very interesting and the rest of the film did not disappoint from there. I became very interested in the characters and the relationship they had developed and the story itself was quite compelling. It also reminded me how much I hate modern dance. If not for a horrible start and a couple of bad musical pieces throughout I would have rated this much higher as it is an interesting and well done film outside of that.



Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
I wanted to watch drive but my friends wouldn't believe it got good reviews :(

Hot Tub Time Machine - 6/10 was bored, picked it up on rental, was looking for a decent sit back laugh movie, and this did the job. Not a great movie, but wasn't too awful either. I enjoyed watching it.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2010
The New Daughter - 6/10

I'm not a big horror movie fan. This one was ok, worth watching if you like this sort of thing.

It's about a divorced writer (Kevin Costner) who moves to an isolated house in South Carolina with his two children. His daughter's behavior becomes stranger by the day and appears to be connected to an old Indian burial mound in the back yard.

The acting was good. Kevin Costner does a good job as an ordinary kind of guy struggling with writer's block. He does everything he can to get through to his daughter. I thought the camera work was very good. There is a nice counterpoint between the warmth of the house and the dark scary woods at night. The pace is kind of slow. The film builds fear by revealing very little to the viewer (reminds me of M. Night Shymalan) until the very end, as well as the usual sound effects.
I was a little disappointed by the creatures in the end.


Nov 27, 2005
but you should definitely see more Polanski! I have the Cul De Sac Blu-ray at home as my next Polanski watch. Chinatown is one of my favourite films ever.


Cul-De-Sac - 8/10:
I went into this not knowing anything about it, other than it was a Roman Polanski film. It caught be a bit off guard, it wasn't what I was expecting, as I haven't seen many of his films. I was probably a bit too tired for this kind of movie, so I didn't fully appreciate it, so I could see this movie being up to a 9 for some people. I've also heard that it improves a lot with each viewing, and that definitely seems probable.

The movie is about two wounded "bad guys" who end up stranded with their car in the middle of nowhere. One guy is hurt pretty badly, so the other looks for a place to go. He finds a castle and basically kidnaps the married couple who lives there.

That's just the basic gist, but this is more of a dark comedy based on the strange relationship between the couple and their captor.

I don't think I've ever complained about the quality of a streaming Netflix movie before, but the audio of this one was pretty bad. There were times, especially near the beginning, where I struggled to hear what was being said; It was very muffled. The picture was average but the sound was poor. This didn't help keep me focused as it got late last night. I think the Blu Ray version would be a huge boost to the movie, as the scenes are very beautiful. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if the conditions were better. I definitely want to watch it again, on BR


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Cul-De-Sac - 8/10:
I went into this not knowing anything about it, other than it was a Roman Polanski film. It caught be a bit off guard, it wasn't what I was expecting, as I haven't seen many of his films. I was probably a bit too tired for this kind of movie, so I didn't fully appreciate it, so I could see this movie being up to a 9 for some people. I've also heard that it improves a lot with each viewing, and that definitely seems probable.

The movie is about two wounded "bad guys" who end up stranded with their car in the middle of nowhere. One guy is hurt pretty badly, so the other looks for a place to go. He finds a castle and basically kidnaps the married couple who lives there.

That's just the basic gist, but this is more of a dark comedy based on the strange relationship between the couple and their captor.

I don't think I've ever complained about the quality of a streaming Netflix movie before, but the audio of this one was pretty bad. There were times, especially near the beginning, where I struggled to hear what was being said; It was very muffled. The picture was average but the sound was poor. This didn't help keep me focused as it got late last night. I think the Blu Ray version would be a huge boost to the movie, as the scenes are very beautiful. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if the conditions were better. I definitely want to watch it again, on BR

Cool, glad you liked it. Sucks about the audio though. Going to try and pop the blu in tonight.

Has anyone seen this trailer for Tyrannosaur yet? I ran across it the other day on a trailer website i frequent. I cant access it at work but i think this IMDB link has the trailer. I think this movie looks very good and cant wait to see it.

Seeing this opening night at the film festival here. Looks great and I've heard it's fantastic from some friends that saw it at TIFF. Can't wait!



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Cul-De-Sac - 8/10:

Cul-De-Sac - 8.5/10: Watched this Saturday night. I liked the dark comedy aspect of this; was not something I expected, but there was some great lines in this that made me laugh. The characters are what make this movie and the three main characters in-particular since most other characters are quite minor (Françoise Dorléac was freaking gorgeous and apparently she was Catherine Deneuve's sister, but sadly died in a car crash only a year after this movie came out.) Lionel Stander was great as the main gangster who was so hard to read; he was a bad guy, but also seemed to be a bit of a softie; he pulled it off perfectly. Interestingly I had re-watched the original Straw Dogs on Friday night and there are actually several similarities between the two films, which is a good thing, since I'm a fan of Straw Dogs. Dogs is much darker, with not a lot of humour, but they have many of the same themes. Anyway, just thought that was interesting. Repulsion is the superior film by a long shot, but again Polanski does not disappoint here.



Nov 27, 2005
(Françoise Dorléac was freaking gorgeous and apparently she was Catherine Deneuve's sister, but sadly died in a car crash only a year after this movie came out.)

I read that after I watched it. She was beautiful in this, and her attitude was so sexy


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I forget if I mentioned it before, but Better Off Ted is fucking hilarious. Why did it only get two seasons?


Dec 5, 2000
I forget if I mentioned it before, but Better Off Ted is fucking hilarious. Why did it only get two seasons?

agreed, hilarious show.

Gunless - 6/10 - pretty cliched type of movie, Western comedy set in late 1800s in Canada. Was ok for a once through.


Sep 2, 2006
am i supposed to be able to see mod forums? - 11/10:

without a doubt the best dramatic performance i have ever witnessed. directed by AC.fries, it featured an all-star cast who put on riveting, nay, visceral performances of the highest caliber. AISTBATSMF captures the entire human experience - love and hate, camaraderie and division, brotherhood and betrayal - and condenses all that into a mere 50 pages. it forces you to choose sides in an epic struggle that is more gray than black and white, and you can't help but cheer for your heroes and hiss at your villains. i did not know i was capable of crying tears of sadness, joy AND laughter all at the same, but AISTBATSMF proved that i am. to put it simply, i was completely captivated from beginning to end, in a way that no other media production has ever done before.

on a scale of 1 to 10, i have to give it an 11. my meter is now broken.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2004
Enter the Void: 3/10

This movie was a total mindf*ck. The camera work is cool I guess if you're into this style of movies. First person view in the first 15 mins of the movie was well executed. But when he turned into a ghost, the camera got really annoying for me.

The story is sloooooow, and the movie is very hard to watch (had to watch it over like 4 sessions.)

I personally wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

am i supposed to be able to see mod forums? - 11/10:

without a doubt the best dramatic performance i have ever witnessed. directed by AC.fries, it featured an all-star cast who put on riveting, nay, visceral performances of the highest caliber. AISTBATSMF captures the entire human experience - love and hate, camaraderie and division, brotherhood and betrayal - and condenses all that into a mere 50 pages. it forces you to choose sides in an epic struggle that is more gray than black and white, and you can't help but cheer for your heroes and hiss at your villains. i did not know i was capable of crying tears of sadness, joy AND laughter all at the same, but AISTBATSMF proved that i am. to put it simply, i was completely captivated from beginning to end, in a way that no other media production has ever done before.

on a scale of 1 to 10, i have to give it an 11. my meter is now broken.

Go away
Last edited:


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
Dexter Season 5: 7/10

Followed pretty much the same formula of the previous four seasons. I would have to say the finale was somewhat weak. It's one of the few shows that makes you hate having to wait to watch the next episode.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Dexter Season 5: 7/10

Followed pretty much the same formula of the previous four seasons. I would have to say the finale was somewhat weak. It's one of the few shows that makes you hate having to wait to watch the next episode.

Its good stuff but they are definitely retreading old ideas.
I think they should call it quits while still ahead. If they milk it long enough they will leave a bad legacy like other shows who went past their prime.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Enter the Void: 3/10

This movie was a total mindf*ck. The camera work is cool I guess if you're into this style of movies. First person view in the first 15 mins of the movie was well executed. But when he turned into a ghost, the camera got really annoying for me.

The story is sloooooow, and the movie is very hard to watch (had to watch it over like 4 sessions.)

I personally wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

Insane movie and I loved every minute of it! :D

I forgot to ask, how was the blu ray?

Awesome. Sound was only 2 channel, but the picture was awesome. Very clean print with good grain. Recommended!

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