You little passive aggressive pussy! Obviously you are scared to say what you really want to say to me. I have PMs enabled and I have an e-mail address, yet you are such a little scaredy cat that you fvcking sign me up for spam and mailing lists instead. Fvck you asshole! Are you three years old? I have my suspicions on who did it.
WHAT THE FVCK is your problem? Can't you face someone if you have a disagreement with them? Is that the best you can do? Half the damn things you signed me up for automatically remove you if you don't reply. The other half were easy to remove myself from. Do it again and I WILL e-mail the list owners and get your IP and I will SUE your ass.
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Please stay out BruinEd if you are only going to say hug. You can argue with me, insult me, or even cuss me out, but blatant trolling and trying to disrupt the thread is not needed.
EDIT- Talked to Spaced on AIM. He says he had nothing to do with it and I have to take his word. I offered an apology to him as well. He says he didn't do it and I can do nothing but take his word for it. Still waiting for one of the lists to give me IP information or the like.
WHAT THE FVCK is your problem? Can't you face someone if you have a disagreement with them? Is that the best you can do? Half the damn things you signed me up for automatically remove you if you don't reply. The other half were easy to remove myself from. Do it again and I WILL e-mail the list owners and get your IP and I will SUE your ass.
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Please stay out BruinEd if you are only going to say hug. You can argue with me, insult me, or even cuss me out, but blatant trolling and trying to disrupt the thread is not needed.
EDIT- Talked to Spaced on AIM. He says he had nothing to do with it and I have to take his word. I offered an apology to him as well. He says he didn't do it and I can do nothing but take his word for it. Still waiting for one of the lists to give me IP information or the like.