Negative Ion Generators, Ozone?


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
My mother got a new furnace a couple years ago, and since she's old, she got scammed into having a ion generating attachment installed with it. Yesterday I was at her house, and the smell of ozone was strong. I had a sore throat by the time I left. I was gonna ask if the ozone caused it, but in the middle of creating this thread, I decided to do my own work, and found that yes, it was probably the ozone that caused my sore throat. So consider this a PSA. Beware the snakeoil salesmen.

My mother has the wonderful combination of being stupid, and always right, so she won't listen to me about shutting that stupid machine off. Next time I'm up there, I'll have to see if I can turn it waaaay down or off, and just don't say anything.


Jan 12, 2005
Ozone is pretty bad for you. Why the hell anyone would sell a device that releases it a house?
Are you sure its pumping out ozone?


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Ozone is pretty bad for you. Why the hell anyone would sell a device that releases it a house?
Are you sure its pumping out ozone?
Yea, you can smell it. The primary feature is negative ion generation, with ozone as a byproduct. Negative ions clean the air by attaching to particulates, then usually attach to the walls and stuff, but I imagine they're supposed to be caught by a filter. At the time, I read through the sales brochure, and they claimed the levels of ozone were safe. I didn't buy it then, and I certainly don't buy it now. Can't tell my mother anything though. As long as you're a "professional" eg you sell some crap and have a sign and glossy brochures, you're right, and I don't know know shit. Whatever... I just need to quietly fix it, and don't say a thing.


Jan 12, 2005
Would hiring an O3 detector and showing her the results help? Or is that going to be too "sciency" for her (not meaning to insult your mum there but it numbers on the science thingy vs that nice young man in the suit that sold it to her).

At the least if the numbers are horrible you could report the device and get it recalled.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Would hiring an O3 detector and showing her the results help? Or is that going to be too "sciency" for her (not meaning to insult your mum there but it numbers on the science thingy vs that nice young man in the suit that sold it to her).

At the least if the numbers are horrible you could report the device and get it recalled.
If I hired a "professional"(see above) she might believe it, but that's a lot of effort and expense for uncertain results. I do like the idea of initiating a recall, but again; it's a lot of effort and expense that likely won't do anything; especially if I'm the only one complaining.

Oh, and my mother's the least "sciency" person I've ever known. She couldn't logic her way out of a paper bag. Her "knowledge" comes from her parents(who I never knew, but I suspect weren't the brightest bulbs on the tree) and tv. She's governed by superstition and authority, as long as that "authority" isn't me.

This is getting into OT(maybe L&R?) territory, but what's galling is she always said how smart I was in that vapid "supporting your kids at all costs" sort of way. She's never been qualified at assessing intelligence, and I always recognized that. If I'm so damned smart, why doesn't she ever take my word on anything; even stuff that's directly in my wheelhouse, and have been doing for the last few decades?!