Need help with a workout plan

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Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Edit: One thing I didnt mention is that I am on disability right now for my back and depression (dep because of the back injury)

Ok I made another post and they said to post here to get exact info. Dont worry this is a different question then I asked before so I am not double posting.

Ok I have 3-4 herniated disk in my lower back l4-l5 area. I am not capable of walking around a block but I am capable of riding an excersise bike for 30 mins and lifting weights. (the doctor said I could lift weights as long as it doesn't agitate my injury)

Ok So i am looking for a workout plan. Today just to give you an idea of what I am doing I lifted weights every 30 mins 20-25 reps of 65lbs. Mind you I have 0 muscle mass so 65lbs is alot to me. I cant do repeated reps like lift 20-25 times wait 3-4mins then do it again. This agitates my injury. If I wait 30mins or so it doesn't hurt as bad or barely at all. So is this a good workout plan or should I be doing something else. I know doing repeated reps in a row is best but I'm not able to do this.

Please dont bring up talk to a doctor because I have. They have no idea about a workout plan. Trust me I asked and she had no clue what I should do. I am hoping that working out will build up my back and get rid of my moobich (man boobs)(big ass man boobs)

So what should I do as a workout plan. I have a
a. Weight bench
b. Excersise bike
c. A bar with weights on it (a 2nd one that I can do curls on)
d. I have hand weights 5 10 15lbs.

The workouts that I do now is
a. I ride an excersise bike for 20-45mins a day
b. I lift weights every 30mins or so give or take a bit.
c. I take the 5lbs and role them in my hands to build up my forearms.
d. I havent started this but I plan on doing curls with the extra bar.

So what else can I do to get back into shape. Mind you I dont know the lingo very well so if you could describe what you tell me what to do I would appreciate it. Also tell me what musles the workout works out. Give a real generic answer about the mustles because I dont know the real names of musles so I wont know what your talking about.

Sorry about the bad grammer. My spelling sucks but my math is ability are incredible.

Overall just a quick shortcut of what everything says above
Just to cut it short. Im looking for a good work out plan. Only if and or but is It cant be multi reps in a row. Like I can do 20-25 reps then I need to take a 30 min break before I do it again because of my back.
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Mar 22, 2002
Go see a physical therapist about your back or an ortho if surgery is necessary. This is crazy. You can't just avoid the back issues. Take care of them before you get serious about an exercise program. Definitely continue activities that don't bother you, but ramping things up is not a good idea at all right now.

Do NOT try to work through your symptoms. That's a great way to get a lifelong injury. At this stage, it doesn't have to be that, especially if you seek treatment.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I've seen every doctor imaginable. Even a nerve doctor and had my nerves tested. The only thing they did for me was perscribe lortabs which I am now addicted to and working to get off of.

I dont have back issues as long as I am careful and I dont over do it. The only real time my back hurts alot is when I try to walk and thats it. It doesnt hurt my back to lift weights. Sometimes I feel a little pinch but other then that its fine I am able to lift perfectaly fine. The only thing that I am missing is a real workout schedule. Which I was hoping ot get here.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
anyone else have any thoughts. or a good workout plan for me to use. I started an online journal of what I do now. Per day on this sight take a look and any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Mar 22, 2002
I've seen every doctor imaginable. Even a nerve doctor and had my nerves tested. The only thing they did for me was perscribe lortabs which I am now addicted to and working to get off of.

I dont have back issues as long as I am careful and I dont over do it. The only real time my back hurts alot is when I try to walk and thats it. It doesnt hurt my back to lift weights. Sometimes I feel a little pinch but other then that its fine I am able to lift perfectaly fine. The only thing that I am missing is a real workout schedule. Which I was hoping ot get here.

Have you seen a good physical therapist? Walking is pretty low level and the way you described it before, it sounded like your back was very easy to aggravate. Your physicians just tried to address the symptoms, but the issue can be biomechanical in nature. Things like specific core strength (rotation, sagittal, maybe even frontal), neuromuscular awareness, etc are all things that can be easily addressed with physical therapy. You can't say you're ok. You're just living with a pretty severe condition that will only get worse with time.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Ok im coming one hundred percent clean. I am suffering from sever depression. I cant leave the house for long periods of times. If I do I have massive panic attacks. The only thing that calms me down is smoking and thats it. So i cant just go see someone. Its tough and embarrassing. So I cant see a physical therapist unless they come to the home. Which I am guessing t hey dont anymore. The only time I leave my house is for doctors apt. and my small walk around the block and thats it.
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