Yes!!! Norton anything except System Works 2001 is a problem with ME. If you have NSW 2000, it will run if you download the latest patch with Live Update. But above all . . . I strongly recommend turning off NAV so it absolutely does not run in background even with NSW 2001.
but i gotta have the antivirus (it makes me feel better)
and as aformentioned, it shuts down fine after awhile, so mebbe its the nvidia drivers that everyone says it is........
Thanks G14, the patch didn't help me though. The readme file says it is for an old problem that started under Win98 with ATA100 drives, which my m/b doesn't even support. Oh well, the hunt continues.
like I said I tried the ATA100 patch to no avail. I'll give 6.31 a go (even though I'm using 6.26) and see what happens. And mine did this when it wasnt overclocked also, and voltage adjustments have not helped. Wish I could at least figure out where the error is coming from......
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