- May 21, 2001
- 25,684
- 4,205
- 126
None of these deserves a thread on their own, but I just wanted to whine and complain. Please send a whaaambulance.
My thanksgiving week in chronological order:
1) My lap cat is dying. She is the best lap cat I've ever seen, instantly jumps on your lap when you sit, and won't get off no matter what. She just purrs for hours there if you pet her or not. She just won't eat any more. She had a massive infection, for which I hospitalized her for several days. She entered a coma, had IV fluids, and large doses of antibiotics. She is back home and acts just perfectly normal and very happy. But she won't eat. I've tried many foods, and even force feeding her, but what I get into her stomach won't stay in for long.
2) Tuesday, GF accidently stood me up for a date. She forgot about it, and went out with her family instead (the same family that she was travelling 1 hour to see for the entire week). And she has a rule that when she is eating with family she doesn't answer the cell phone. Me: 3 hours waiting at work calling every 30 minutes (I didn't want to drive home just to turn around and drive back). I had cancelled a fun night for this date too. I forgive her though as it was just an innocent mistake and she is wonderful in every other way.
3) Tuesday, a 26-year old cousin (mother's side) of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was caught very early (early enough that the 1st doctor said it wasn't cancer). So the prognosis is good. But since she and her family were all flying from CA to NE to visit, it made Thansgiving worse. Only her mother arrived from that family. Other relatives (all my mother's side) did come, but none were too happy due to this.
4) Wednesday, I take off a half day of work to drive to visit my relatives. I let them know several days ahead when I was arriving. I got there and there was a note that they were all shopping and will be back in a couple of hours. Wasted a little vacation time.
5) Saturday, I wake up with a sore throat. Today it is a full blown cold. Sore throat, coughing, runny nose. At least it is a mild cold.
6) Saturday, I'm out of town at my GF's parents house. I park across a very wide street (easilly enough room for 4 lanes and parking, but it is a seldom used residential road and is just two very wide lanes). I park across the street and offset from the driveway by 1 car length. Her parents had lots of people over, so I was just one in a line of cars. GF's dad decided to switch some of his cars around. Pulled out, way out, way out into my driver's side door. Mirror is loose, door is dented in, and paint distroyed on door, no other damage. 2002 Civic: two estimates are both around $1250.
Ok, thanks for letting me complain. If you don't like it, why did you read it this long?
My thanksgiving week in chronological order:
1) My lap cat is dying. She is the best lap cat I've ever seen, instantly jumps on your lap when you sit, and won't get off no matter what. She just purrs for hours there if you pet her or not. She just won't eat any more. She had a massive infection, for which I hospitalized her for several days. She entered a coma, had IV fluids, and large doses of antibiotics. She is back home and acts just perfectly normal and very happy. But she won't eat. I've tried many foods, and even force feeding her, but what I get into her stomach won't stay in for long.
2) Tuesday, GF accidently stood me up for a date. She forgot about it, and went out with her family instead (the same family that she was travelling 1 hour to see for the entire week). And she has a rule that when she is eating with family she doesn't answer the cell phone. Me: 3 hours waiting at work calling every 30 minutes (I didn't want to drive home just to turn around and drive back). I had cancelled a fun night for this date too. I forgive her though as it was just an innocent mistake and she is wonderful in every other way.
3) Tuesday, a 26-year old cousin (mother's side) of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was caught very early (early enough that the 1st doctor said it wasn't cancer). So the prognosis is good. But since she and her family were all flying from CA to NE to visit, it made Thansgiving worse. Only her mother arrived from that family. Other relatives (all my mother's side) did come, but none were too happy due to this.
4) Wednesday, I take off a half day of work to drive to visit my relatives. I let them know several days ahead when I was arriving. I got there and there was a note that they were all shopping and will be back in a couple of hours. Wasted a little vacation time.
5) Saturday, I wake up with a sore throat. Today it is a full blown cold. Sore throat, coughing, runny nose. At least it is a mild cold.
6) Saturday, I'm out of town at my GF's parents house. I park across a very wide street (easilly enough room for 4 lanes and parking, but it is a seldom used residential road and is just two very wide lanes). I park across the street and offset from the driveway by 1 car length. Her parents had lots of people over, so I was just one in a line of cars. GF's dad decided to switch some of his cars around. Pulled out, way out, way out into my driver's side door. Mirror is loose, door is dented in, and paint distroyed on door, no other damage. 2002 Civic: two estimates are both around $1250.
Ok, thanks for letting me complain. If you don't like it, why did you read it this long?