My series of unfortunate events


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
None of these deserves a thread on their own, but I just wanted to whine and complain. Please send a whaaambulance.

My thanksgiving week in chronological order:

1) My lap cat is dying. She is the best lap cat I've ever seen, instantly jumps on your lap when you sit, and won't get off no matter what. She just purrs for hours there if you pet her or not. She just won't eat any more. She had a massive infection, for which I hospitalized her for several days. She entered a coma, had IV fluids, and large doses of antibiotics. She is back home and acts just perfectly normal and very happy. But she won't eat. I've tried many foods, and even force feeding her, but what I get into her stomach won't stay in for long.

2) Tuesday, GF accidently stood me up for a date. She forgot about it, and went out with her family instead (the same family that she was travelling 1 hour to see for the entire week). And she has a rule that when she is eating with family she doesn't answer the cell phone. Me: 3 hours waiting at work calling every 30 minutes (I didn't want to drive home just to turn around and drive back). I had cancelled a fun night for this date too. I forgive her though as it was just an innocent mistake and she is wonderful in every other way.

3) Tuesday, a 26-year old cousin (mother's side) of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was caught very early (early enough that the 1st doctor said it wasn't cancer). So the prognosis is good. But since she and her family were all flying from CA to NE to visit, it made Thansgiving worse. Only her mother arrived from that family. Other relatives (all my mother's side) did come, but none were too happy due to this.

4) Wednesday, I take off a half day of work to drive to visit my relatives. I let them know several days ahead when I was arriving. I got there and there was a note that they were all shopping and will be back in a couple of hours. Wasted a little vacation time.

5) Saturday, I wake up with a sore throat. Today it is a full blown cold. Sore throat, coughing, runny nose. At least it is a mild cold.

6) Saturday, I'm out of town at my GF's parents house. I park across a very wide street (easilly enough room for 4 lanes and parking, but it is a seldom used residential road and is just two very wide lanes). I park across the street and offset from the driveway by 1 car length. Her parents had lots of people over, so I was just one in a line of cars. GF's dad decided to switch some of his cars around. Pulled out, way out, way out into my driver's side door. Mirror is loose, door is dented in, and paint distroyed on door, no other damage. 2002 Civic: two estimates are both around $1250.

Ok, thanks for letting me complain. If you don't like it, why did you read it this long?


Golden Member
Dec 10, 2004
sorry about cat/cousin.........i hear ya on all the other stuff just a long weekend, very long.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
This morning? My brother in law is yelling at his two kids, I'm trying to sleep... BOTH OF THE KIDS ARE CRYING. I'm like... great. I lock my nephew out of the house because he didn't want to go to school because he forgot his homework. I throw a backpack and his shoes outside with a letter of tardiness. I mean, I try to talk him into all sorts of stuff like he needs to show up even if he's 1 hour late and didn't do his homework - Don't be like the kids in Minnesota who end up dropping out of high school and work in the factory, soup'ing up their Honda Civics... Alright, I didn't really say that, but you get the point.

My sister calls me and is upset that I did so. I get the notion, "okay so this is how much you care about your kid?" I've had it with my neices and nephew. One more thing, I was able to get my neice to school. But man, my nephew is stubborn, he's only 8 or 9. My brother in law and sister want to get their kid a laptop!? I'm like... "wonderful." After that, I wanted to just yell at my nephew and make his life hell. But then I was like, this isn't me and since his ignorant father already attempted it, I think I'll save my energy from getting drained quickly from such a pathetic cause.

But the minute you lower your guard on your kids, and you don't catch up with their behavior, they will run your life for you. You don't have to be strict with kids, you just have to teach them at the exact time they decide to flip ya over. So thumbs up on my lazy nephew being able to stay home, and thumbs down for my sister and brother in law. All plays out in the end when he's sagging his pants in high school and ditches English class to grab a sneak into his buddies house to play on the Playstation 4. Pretty pathetic if you'd ask me. Point being is, either you keep up with events and give it everything you got, or you let things happen to you and watch your life get recycled by a bunch of people who think they're so worth crying to.

Your story reminds me of myself. I moved out of my parents house for a reason. And now I need to move out of this house, my sister and brother in law are raising their kids like livestock, and hearing them trashing and hammering their kids when they get home from work isn't even the beginning... it's draining just to have to know that people you try to help will just kick you aside like road kill and wait for the train to run you over. But I guess sometimes you need to slow down in one area of life and speed up what isn't happening fast enough. Get in the fast lane when you figure out your goals' horizons, and don't look back until the rides over...


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
that's a bummer.

1) have you taken your cat back to the doctor to see why she isn't eating anything?

2) nothing you can do i suppose.

3) at least they caught it early. i lost my grandmother to cancer. early diagnosis is the best treatment.

4) that's just annoying. did they at least apologize?

5) i have a cold too. and it's freezing here.

6) at least his insurance should take care of it. right?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Thats not too bad, I'd gladly trade you.

1) Too many people let go on vacation prior to holiday resulting in me doing three jobs at once. Get in trouble for making mistakes as a result, proceed to give the verbal finger since it wasn't my fault.

2) Family decides to switch detergents without telling me. Break out in an itchy bodywide rash that is very slow to go away. Popping antihistimne like sweet tarts. Must rewash lots of clothes. One patch of rash now infected.

3) Renters not paying up

4) Find out that car was towed from my deeded spot in my condo garage since they decided to work on something with two days notice given. I was of course out of town. Must reclaim car from tow company and pay for tow/storage (I have little doubt I will never see a dime from the contractor).

5) Return flight lands 4 hours late (2:00 A.M). CTA Green Line hits somebody and make it into work 45 minutes late, further in trouble for events out of my control.



Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Sorry to hear of other people's troubles. It just feels good to write it all down. None are too bad, and overall I'm in a decent mood.


I haven't taken the cat back to the vet. She has been on hunger strikes before, and each time the vet prescribes high calorie density semi-liquid food. I've tried stuffing this down her throat, but 2 hours later it is back on the carpet. The vets in the past have also recommended surgery to implant feeding tubes, and a permanent feeder that she'd have attached to her body. I care a lot about her, but that is no life for a cat. Each time, I got her through by remembering that she always begs to eat chicken (even though I only feed her cat food). So I cooked up chicken and she gobbled it in her previous hunger strikes. This time though, even the chicken isn't working. For an unknown aged probably elderly cat, who has already cost me an arm and a leg, this might be the last time.

Yes, they appologized.

I just called with the estimates. He wants to think today to decide to continue going through his insurance or just pay it out of pocket. I suspect his deductable is probably $1000 and $1250 out of pocket may be cheaper in the long run.


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: dullard
Sorry to hear of other people's troubles. It just feels good to write it all down. None are too bad, and overall I'm in a decent mood.


I haven't taken the cat back to the vet. She has been on hunger strikes before, and each time the vet prescribes high calorie density semi-liquid food. I've tried stuffing this down her throat, but 2 hours later it is back on the carpet. The vets in the past have also recommended surgery to implant feeding tubes, and a permanent feeder that she'd have attached to her body. I care a lot about her, but that is no life for a cat. Each time, I got her through by remembering that she always begs to eat chicken (even though I only feed her cat food). So I cooked up chicken and she gobbled it in her previous hunger strikes. This time though, even the chicken isn't working. For an unknown aged probably elderly cat, who has already cost me an arm and a leg, this might be the last time.

Yes, they appologized.

I just called with the estimates. He wants to think today to decide to continue going through his insurance or just pay it out of pocket. I suspect his deductable is probably $1000 and $1250 out of pocket may be cheaper in the long run.

For the cat have you tried baby food or some tuna water/chicken broth over her food?


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: K1052
Thats not too bad, I'd gladly trade you.

3) Renters not paying up

yep, I'm having the same problem. It happens every year around the holidays, unfortunately.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Linflas
For the cat have you tried baby food or some tuna water/chicken broth over her food?
I've done chicken broth, but not baby food or tuna. I'll buy some tonight.


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: Linflas
For the cat have you tried baby food or some tuna water/chicken broth over her food?
I've done chicken broth, but not baby food or tuna. I'll buy some tonight.

For the tuna make sure it is water and not oil, with baby food we had good luck with both chicken and beef ones. BTW has the cat been diagnosed with something that would cause this?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: K1052
2) Family decides to switch detergents without telling me. Break out in an itchy bodywide rash that is very slow to go away. Popping antihistimne like sweet tarts. Must rewash lots of clothes. One patch of rash now infected.

That sucks. Do you have a skin condition or was it just a bad reaction?

I have excema (on my calves & shins) and the cold weather really makes it itchy. I need to go back to my dermatologist to get some more cream.



Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Linflas
For the tuna make sure it is water and not oil, with baby food we had good luck with both chicken and beef ones. BTW has the cat been diagnosed with something that would cause this?
The vets were very conserned about a poisoning. But I don't think that could have happened. She is restricted to half of the house, a half that the only chemical that she could get to is cans of latex house paint (not old lead paint). However, none of the paint cans seem to be disturbed.

She had a massive infection, her white blood cell count was supposedly off the charts. The vets suspected it was a kidney infection due to some blood in her urine, but they weren't 100% certain.

I have one other cat, a himalayan. The other cat roams the other half of the house exclusively (they don't get along, so I keep them separate). Himalayans are well known for common bladder/urinary tract infections. He did have a urinary tract infection the week before the other cat got sick. So, I suspect that either I transmitted it from one cat to another or that their paw fighting under a door transmitted it.


Senior member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: Linflas
For the tuna make sure it is water and not oil, with baby food we had good luck with both chicken and beef ones. BTW has the cat been diagnosed with something that would cause this?
The vets were very conserned about a poisoning. But I don't think that could have happened. She is restricted to half of the house, a half that the only chemical that she could get to is cans of latex house paint (not old lead paint). However, none of the paint cans seem to be disturbed.

She had a massive infection, her white blood cell count was supposedly off the charts. The vets suspected it was a kidney infection due to some blood in her urine, but they weren't 100% certain.

I have one other cat, a himalayan. The other cat roams the other half of the house exclusively (they don't get along, so I keep them separate). Himalayans are well known for common bladder/urinary tract infections. He did have a urinary tract infection the week before the other cat got sick. So, I suspect that either I transmitted it from one cat to another or that their paw fighting under a door transmitted it.

Sorry to hear all that man.

Is the cat still on IVs? My cat had a bladder infection and kidney infection, and off the chart readings with everything else. She wouldn't eat anything. She was acting normal.

I went to the vet and they did IVs for 3 days. She seemed to get better, but then the same thing happened...won't eat again, chart readings are high.

Finally, they gave me some IV packs, and I gave her IVs myself for 3 weeks straight every day - just pumped her full of fluids as a last resort, and she started eating and got better. It is worth a shot. Hope your cat starts feeling better.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Tremulant
Originally posted by: K1052
2) Family decides to switch detergents without telling me. Break out in an itchy bodywide rash that is very slow to go away. Popping antihistimne like sweet tarts. Must rewash lots of clothes. One patch of rash now infected.

That sucks. Do you have a skin condition or was it just a bad reaction?

I have excema (on my calves & shins) and the cold weather really makes it itchy. I need to go back to my dermatologist to get some more cream.

No chronic skin problems or known allergies (though Cheer goes up on the board as the first now). As an added bonus it seems to have helped infect a pore that is now bulging with puss. You don't want to know where.



Jun 6, 2005
I too would like to add my bad luck to this.
Made plans with fiancee to go on holiday the 6th of next month two monthes ago, we both haven't gone on one for at least year and a half. Her boss decide to tell her this week that her approved vacation might have to be cancle since she's the only one competent enough to get a contract signed. Now 3k worth of airline tickets and high hopes might have to be flushed down the drain.