My Return


Dec 29, 2002

In high school I was a pretty decent runner, I qualified for the Illinois state track meet in the 800 meter and I was a solid 400 runner as well. I loved to run, my life pretty much revolved around it.

I went to college and excelled, but not before severe hardships. For the first time I became injured. I suffered 2 stress fractures in my lower right shin. They couldn't figure out the cause of them until an MRI showed a tumor inside of my shin, effectively making my shin hollow. No wonder it hurt so bad! I had surgery to remove the tumor and I have an artificial shin in that spot. The doctor said running was unlikely ever again. I was pretty beat up.

While on crutches I started to swim run in our pool. I would go for 2 hours at a time. Then I decided to get crazy and swim run without the flotation belt on. I bet a senior (I was a freshmen) on the team that I could go longer with no belt than him. He went for 5 minutes before he had to stop, I went for 35 minutes before I almost drowned. From then on I did swim running with no belt, once reaching 45 minutes. Tough stuff.

I hit the roads. My coach advised against it, but I told him I only get to live once and this is what I want. I gradually started running again, slowly getting back into the rhythm. My leg felt great. Three months later I became a conference champion as part of the 2 mile relay. I also did extremely well in the 400 meter, and I also picked up javelin and did that a lot. I ran cross-country and excelled at that as well.

Then my senior year I suffered a blood clot in my right leg (same damn leg!). It went undiagnosed for 6 months, I was lucky to live. My right leg swelled up and remained like that for over a year and a half. It was so painful I couldn't run on it. I lost my senior year of track and cross-country. Sucked.

After college and a LOT of physical therapy, my swelling in my leg finally went down and I started to jog again. I worked my way up to 2.5 hour runs. I had no GF at this time and lived alone, so all I did was run to kill time. I started doing a lot of road races. I got 2nd place in a large 10k road race (3-4k people) and was pretty happy with that. A kid I ran with in college beat me :awe:

Then in the winter (Feb) of 2009 I went skiing and fell. I thought I twisted my ankle, I shook it off and kept going. I tried running on it and it was soooo painful. I gave it a few months rest, thinking I just twisted it. That summer I started running again and the pain was worse. I would collapse on it on occasion while I was walking. My stubborn ass didn't go to a doctor. I tried to push through the pain, continuing to run while I winced every step.

I went to the doctor a few months ago to see whats going on. An MRI showed a giant cyst inside of my ankle. The doctor says that I broke my ankle in that fall and my ankle filled with fluid and didn't heal properly. The fluid turned into a cyst, and a bone scan showed the cyst was growing. It was basically decomposing my ankle. He told me I am lucky it didn't collapse on itself, I would have needed a complete ankle replacement. Did I mention this was also in my right leg? My damn right leg has been through hell.

Anyway, where was I. I had surgery on August 5th to remove the cyst. The doctors are hoping that healthy bone regrows in the socket where the cyst was, or else I will need another surgery. I have been on crutches since and will be on them until at least September 10th. FML

Today I got a membership at a badass gym right near where I live. Here is my new home for the next several months:

Every day I am going to be in there. Problem is, I dont know how to swim properly. I am taking some private swimming lessons to learn how to swim. I plan on swimming for hours. The lifeguards are going to think I am nuts, which I am. I will also be biking. When I am finally able to run again, I will be running like a maniac. Did I mention this orthopedic surgeon said I should never run again?

My goal is to do triathlons. Not just complete them, but compete for wins. I wasn't blessed with natural ability with athletics. I was so bad at running when I first started, I couldn't break a 6 minute mile for months. I work extremely hard, and unlike 99% of America I LOVE to work hard. I love coming home beat to hell. When I race, I race so when I finish I know I have no regrets about how I raced. I cannot wait for next spring and summer, I will be in the best shape of my life.


Nov 9, 2000
You've been through a lot Nick. Hope this go 'round is better for you.

I'm also training for a tri, the Musselman. It's a half iron distance race held in July. I only learned to freestyle a month ago, my swim is horrible.

Have you tried running trails? It may be easier on your ankle. I know my joints take trail adventures better than road adventures.


Jul 2, 2009
That's ridiculous. Seems like everyone has that one body part that is just a pain in the ass. Mine are my eyes.

That gym looks nice. Good luck with your goals...keep us updated.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
I just drove by the healthplex today. It's a pretty impressive place, but too far out for me to want to drive to. Went there a few times in high school for PE class to learn about physical training. Words can't really describe how much crap they have there. Those panorama's don't do it justice. Good luck!!!
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Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Good luck mate and keep it real.

If you get hurt see a Dr. I'm guilty of not seeing a Dr also and it just ends up of bumming you later on mate. But luckily only one of my injuries was serious. The other one was just a 12 week don't run, use the left knee.

Don't let the Dr tell you, you can't do it. Most Dr's are only use to seeing old people and not young athletic people. They said I couldn't lift again and that I'd want surgery...that was 4yrs ago and I'm making PB's :)



Sep 17, 2002
Good luck Nick! You've been through hell with those injuries. I feel for your right leg.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Damn kid, you have had a tough row to hoe. But your head is in the right place, so you will be fine. Don't rush the running though, or you may just keep sabotaging yourself.


Dec 29, 2002
Damn kid, you have had a tough row to hoe. But your head is in the right place, so you will be fine. Don't rush the running though, or you may just keep sabotaging yourself.

My plan is to ease back into the running. Start with little half-mile jogs and see how its feeling, and increase from there.

Its funny because right before I got hurt I was going to start doing triathlon training. I thought to myself "Running will be my strongest component". Now it may be my weakest. Odd how tables turn like that.

Thanks all for the kind words. I'll try to update this thread with my recovery process and training.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
maybe you should ughhhh you know....give running a break and pick up a new sport?

It's not an option...if my back was f0cked and I couldn't OLift and squat I would be COMPLETELY's probably my biggest passion in life, training and competing in OLifting. When it's that big a part of you, you can't just give it a break. Other stuff is fun but not on the same level. But a major back injury also shuts the door on many activities that I do.



Mar 6, 2008
Also my favorite thing to read when I fuck myself up lifting.

"It seems to me that some of the talented athletes lack one thing-- they haven't had an injury. That's right! An injury that will put them out of commission for a year during which time they'll have a chance to weigh everything. I, too, would not be where I am if I had not injured my back. I suffered for a year and a half thinking everything over ... After a misfortune, people pull through and become, if possible, great people -- and sportsmen, in particular. Those who are stronger find their way out and to the top ..." Vasily Alexeev A bad motherfucking Russian Olympic lifter



Dec 29, 2002
Also my favorite thing to read when I fuck myself up lifting.

"It seems to me that some of the talented athletes lack one thing-- they haven't had an injury. That's right! An injury that will put them out of commission for a year during which time they'll have a chance to weigh everything. I, too, would not be where I am if I had not injured my back. I suffered for a year and a half thinking everything over ... After a misfortune, people pull through and become, if possible, great people -- and sportsmen, in particular. Those who are stronger find their way out and to the top ..." Vasily Alexeev A bad motherfucking Russian Olympic lifter



Jul 11, 2000
Thats like asking me to stop breathing

Understood though you must look to the future as well. You aren't getting any younger, maybe the next injury stops you from walking normally, forget running. They are your legs though so you will obviously do whats best for you. I'm just saying, you could be missing out on something(another sport) that you would love even more.


Jun 16, 2000
It's not an option...if my back was f0cked and I couldn't OLift and squat I would be COMPLETELY's probably my biggest passion in life, training and competing in OLifting. When it's that big a part of you, you can't just give it a break. Other stuff is fun but not on the same level. But a major back injury also shuts the door on many activities that I do.


Yea I feel that. This summer has not been fun.


Sep 27, 2003
Understood though you must look to the future as well. You aren't getting any younger, maybe the next injury stops you from walking normally, forget running. They are your legs though so you will obviously do whats best for you. I'm just saying, you could be missing out on something(another sport) that you would love even more.

I think he is looking forward to the future, hence competing in triathlons. He's a former HS/college cross country runner. Do 100 mile weeks sound fun to you? Doing a tri means he'd be doing 2 a days, with approx 2-3 runs, bikes, and swims a week. Triathlons are perfect for those looking to bump their mileage down (depending on if it's sprint, olympic, or half Ironman - he's cutting his weekly mileage by at least 2/3 that) but still compete like you're running. I'm looking to make the switch after my 2 marathons this fall - my body is starting to tell me I need to take a break or cut back on the running. I'm in love with running and have been the past 3 years. It's all I think about and it's the only way I get through work is by having a solid morning run. Until you have something in life you are so passionate about, it's a hard thing to explain. We're passionate to a fault until our body tells us no.

Logically, what you're saying makes sense, and Nick is doing that by switching to tri's.


Sep 27, 2003
My plan is to ease back into the running. Start with little half-mile jogs and see how its feeling, and increase from there.

Its funny because right before I got hurt I was going to start doing triathlon training. I thought to myself "Running will be my strongest component". Now it may be my weakest. Odd how tables turn like that.

Thanks all for the kind words. I'll try to update this thread with my recovery process and training.

Nick - are you still in the Marines? I remember a head injury during OCS right?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2007
I totally sympathize with you Nick. I've definitely had my share of injuries over the 13 years I've been running - achilles tendinitis, ITB syndrome, multiple stress fractures in my shins, pulled hip flexors, and now the latest one - periostitis in my shin, which had me out of commission for almost 4 months.

I had a really solid year in 2009 - two good marathons, a half and a trail race; then 2010 started well with a 10k win, before I got injured and limped home in my marathon in May.

I've just now finished my walk/run program and done a couple of slow 30 min runs over the past few days.

People who aren't runners simply don't understand. When I was forced to rest, I tried doing cycling and pool running, and going to the gym to stay in reasonable shape. In recent weeks I've been able to go hiking too. All of this is fun, but it's not the same as running.

I've had some really depressing days over the summer, I've partied more than I probably should, and not slept enough, and I've gained 10 lbs. I'm taking it slow to get back into running but I may have to go swimming to stay in shape; we'll see.

I wish you all the best. I know what a hard worker you are, and that's what it takes.


May 28, 2007
Love of running is one thing I'm glad I was never stricken with. Runners just seem to get the nastiest injuries; IT Bands, Tendonitus, Plantar fasciitis. Playing soccer, hockey and baseball/softball involves enough running/skating for me.


Sep 17, 2002
Love of running is one thing I'm glad I was never stricken with. Runners just seem to get the nastiest injuries; IT Bands, Tendonitus, Plantar fasciitis. Playing soccer, hockey and baseball/softball involves enough running/skating for me.

I specifically quite playing soccer just because of the constant injuries I got. I've had very few injuries from running alone. I still play ice hockey although i'm not currently in a league.

Running is more than just the exercise. For me it is a time to meditate, read books, and get a way from my busy life if even for a short while.