My parents are making me get a job!


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
Last year I wanted a summer job, but couldn't get one, this year I don't want one and they are making me get one :confused:. I need help again trying to find a job, maybe I will get one since I'm starting so early. First I'm 15(can't drive :(), have the following certs NET+ A+, MCP(certified in 2k pro and server), working towards MCSA/MCSE. I have no actual expierance(sp?) and I know very little actual stuff about server(just certified on paper). The large companies around here are mainly banks, you guys probably send your credit card payments here(Wilmington, DE). The first place I'm gonna check out is MBNA, they have like 5 different resumes from me from last year lol. What should I put on my resume? On the parts like positions and pay. Hehe I want to be the President and make 5 billion dollars, just kidding, but should I put the price a little higher then I wanna get or just put down the bare minium wage(gotta find out what that is)?


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2001

<< My parents are making me get a job! >>

Welcome to the real world.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2001
Well give it a shot with the banks. If that doesn't work, then I guess you can be a normal 15 year old with a first job making minimum wage. Secondly, it's considered bad form (or at least i was taught) to put pay on a resume. Instead of position, you might want to put an objective. For instance, the objective on my resume currently reads "To obtain a challenging internship position involving programming." Also, you gotta take into account that some of those jobs might require a high school diploma. Anyways, good luck.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Two words:

Tech Support

Think small for now, if you can get $10 an hour in today's market you're doing very well, especially for your age.

Viper GTS

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
First thing is, do you have a workers permit?

Without that I think that the only hours you can work are like 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Then certain hours on Weekends. There's a lot of nasty child labor laws that the employer has to work around if you don't have a permit.

Second, unless you directly know someone who in turn directly knows someone, don't get your hopes up doing anything remotely respectable in the IT field. The IT bubble has burst. There are THOUSANDS of IT professionals twice your age with twice your experience looking for employement. The chances of you getting a job over one of them is highly unlikely.

Those two points out of the way, I'd be hunting for customer service/tech support positions. They offer the most flexibility and have the highest amount of turnover(read: most desperate to hire).


Aug 9, 2000
Get a job at a supermarket or something. It's so much more fun to work with people who are your own age.


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Get a job shagging shopping carts or working as a dishwasher. Then you'll have a point of reference for the absolute worse job. This will act as a natural motivator, since you will never want to go back.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999

<< Get a job shagging shopping carts or working as a dishwasher. Then you'll have a point of reference for the absolute worse job. This will act as a natural motivator, since you will never want to go back. >>

I did that for a summer. Didn't make jack sh!t. :|

Look for a support position at an ISP, or something similar. The pay is decent, they won't care that you're 15, & the turnover rate is high (tech support is a relatively high-stress job). Lots of 18-25 year olds come & go through places like that, you'll fit right in.

Viper GTS


Sep 7, 2001

<< On the parts like positions and pay. Hehe I want to be the President and make 5 billion dollars, just kidding, but should I put the price a little higher then I wanna get or just put down the bare minium wage(gotta find out what that is) >>

You're 15 with no experience. You put down:

"Any available entry-level position" and "customary entry-level wage" like I did until I was 19 or 20.



Aug 9, 2000
<< Get a job shagging shopping carts or working as a dishwasher. Then you'll have a point of reference for the absolute worse job. This will act as a natural motivator, since you will never want to go back. >>

I did that for a summer. Didn't make jack sh!t.

Look for a support position at an ISP, or something similar. The pay is decent, they won't care that you're 15, & the turnover rate is high (tech support is a relatively high-stress job). Lots of 18-25 year olds come & go through places like that, you'll fit right in.>>

well, if you work at a supermarket, I would hope that you know you will make next to nothing. i work at a supermarket and I like it because i love teh people I work with. If you work hard enough, you will get "promoted" to a supervisor in no time and you get to boss your pals around;) Also, workign at a supermarket is more of a social outlet rather than work.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
It is a very hard market right now for anyone in the tech field, trust me I'm looking too. But being 15 with no experience is going to be very, very hard to get in the door, probably hard at your age but do you know anyone in local small companies that could give you a push?


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
On MBNA's job app, it ask for desired wage so I think I'm suppose to put something in. This is a summer job, and I can obtain working papers easily. The supermarkets are kinda far and I would need some type of transportation, the banks are much closer(20-30 minute walk, little further then where my school is). Also, what should I wear for like a job interview or something? I know MBNA is kinda business attire, but what does that translate to for a 15 year old girl? Don't want to look too old and all.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
i hope you have better luck than i did. i applied everywhere i could(0 experience, same as you, no certs though) and i got a job at a grocery store. two actually, and working in the grocery dept. is horrible. i highly suggest sticking to cash or something easy like produce if you do get a job at a grocery store, do NOT go to grocery


Senior member
Jan 9, 2002

<< Also, what should I wear for like a job interview or something? I know MBNA is kinda business attire, but what does that translate to for a 15 year old girl? Don't want to look too old and all. >>

For girls it is a little easier than guys. The range from casual to formal is narrower. Basically what you want to go with is a conservative (slightly above knees at most) black skirt and a white blouse. A tie might work if you want to be a little more formal. You can also go with a pant suit if you don't like skirt suits.

Also, don't wear perfume or wedding/engagement rings.


Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2001
Miss Cleo pays about $11.50 an hour from your home (seriously). I agree with others who say "start small", as it is HIGHLY unlikely that a major bank would hire you, and almost certainly not for an IT position. That's not to say you would not be a good worker, but you might try to be more realistic. Your paper certs or good grades mean little to an employer like MBNA. Don't let that stop you from trying but DO ACTIVELY PURSUE a backup plan, even if it is less glamorous. Maybe they are hiring CSRs -- are you by any chance bilingual?


Oct 9, 1999

<< My parents are making me get a job! >>

Sue them for child abuse.

Russ, NCNE


Apr 26, 2001


<< My parents are making me get a job! >>

Sue them for child abuse.

Russ, NCNE

The sad thing is that he would probably win...


Aug 23, 2001
Suck it up and take it like a man (girl). I had my first job at 15 and now I am 17 working 3 jobs. Certifications, meet Jack Squat, Jack , meet Certifications. Seriously... employers don't care about certs these days...they are incredibly easy to get. Experience is what is needed... and since you have none, you will probably get a job just like every other 15 year old pushing carts or taking pizza orders. Once you get older you will develope connections which can in turn get you to better jobs. Don't mean to sound mean or anything, but that's the reality we have all had to face.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
MacBaine, I totally understand that there is only like 5% if that chance of me getting a nice job on my qualifications. What are the 3 jobs you have at just 17?

Jfur, as a matter of fact I speak chinese, MBNA does hire students, in fact several people at my school work for them(what they do or how they go the job I don't know, it is something in the IT department with the servers and stuff) And I don't want to do anything major, probably something like tech support and taking tickets would be fine. Kinda consider FirstUSA because of casual attire, but their tech support seems to sit there all day(but they have the most awesomest chairs) and be dull.

CSoup, where am I gonna have a(n) wedding/engagement rings? Actually I guess it isn't too far off, some girl at my school just got a proposal(bet the single teachers were feeling jealous), thanks for the advice.

Russ, Don't think my parents have anything to sue for, unless they are hiding something....


Jan 15, 2000

<< Get a job shagging shopping carts or working as a dishwasher. Then you'll have a point of reference for the absolute worse job. This will act as a natural motivator, since you will never want to go back. >>

Only for the shortest time possible. I did that with the intention of staying just long enough to buy my guitar, but ended up working for 1.5 years :Q

I had a landscaping job, working for 8-10 hours in the scorching sun for $9/h this summer and it was heaven compared to that sh!t.. :(


Dec 6, 1999
Careful, all those people trying to give your beer and the gals rubbing your face with their....
well, just get a job.