Well I'm pretty happy being single. I dunno if I really have a dream gal.
Also, I haven't spent any time dating or anything, so I don't know what kind of things in a woman would really bug me...and I guess to a lesser degree what would really draw me. So far there is nothing that really draws me enough to make me want to date anyone
But there are some qualities that I can think of.
- Honest...I have learned the value of honesty the hard way, and would require it in a girlfriend.
- Understands that I need time to myself...not that I would completely neglect her, but if I don't have time to myself I go insane.
- Should respect that I'm a computer guy...she doesn't have to love computers, and she's well within her rights to be annoyed if I ignore her in favour of my computer, but if she thinks I'm a total loser because I like my computer, and never wants me to play with it, then I'll get annoyed fast. Kinda goes with the one above, If she lets me have my time to myself with my computer, then we get two birds with one stone

and she can have the rest of my time.
- Does not want kids...I do not want to have Children...so if I'm to have any sort of lasting relationship she better not either. I don't really hate kids or anything, I just don't want any.
- Nice smile and warm eyes.
- Physically attractive
to me, I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't matter to me. However, I have my own view of what's attractive, she doesn't have to be a maxim covergirl, in fact looking like that is often a strike against. But in my eyes, she must be attractive.
- Intelligence is really sexy...whatever her chosen field, she should be good at it and smart.
- Affectionate and Snuggly...the one thing that some days makes me wish I wasn't single is that I don't get to snuggle nearly enough
I dunno...aside from the not wanting kids thing, there is really nothing important I have to say most of this list is pretty standard I would think

I'm sure there are plenty of things that could get added to this list if I really tried, and there are probably some things that belong on this list that I don't know about and won't unless I started dating.
Oh yeah...She better not mind that I am listening to the music from the boss of final fantasy X at a volume that kinda makes my head hurt

This is kind of a double point...it A) makes me a huge geek

and B) for those that haven't had the joy of beating FFX, this song is pretty heavy metal.
So I'm a huge geek that likes loud heavy metal...so she better be okay with that
And non-sexual freindship would be a big plus. Beauty fades, and Sex wanes, but I'll still need someone to talk with over breakfast. Especially in my case since I don't have much of a sex drive
Of course...given the two bits of information that I don't want kids and don't have much of a sex drive....there's not a whole lot of incentive for me to have a
girlfriend over friends that are female.

Except the occasional desire for a good snuggle