My dream boy/girl

Apr 5, 2000
*- likes to eat mcdonald's (haha i know i'm gross)
*- let me be myself without judging me or forcing me to change
*- doens't have to be physically attractive but must be attractive to me
*- must be able to make me laugh as well as laugh at himself
1/2*- must have focus and ambition in life
*- must like kids and think family is important
*- listens to the same music as me and would like to attend many concerts with me!
- reads books (vonnegut/asimov/ender's game anyone?)
*- is intelligent and can hold deep conversations
*- not a big clubber
*- is willing to try new things/go out and explore/travel
*- has a good heart
*- surfs AT so I can talk about AT with someone (hehe)
*- likes to play video games but doesn't mind getting beat by a girl
*- doesn't pick video games OVER me
*- proud of who he is but not overly egotistical
*********************************- is shy, not a playa :p

* = characteristic/something I do :D

Since you're willing to try new things/go out and travel, maybe you can come to Texas to be my girlfriend ;) j/k

My dream girl:

- intelligent
- doesn't care about what other people think
- comfortable with herself
- accepts me for me
- family important to her


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: hammer09
stop teasing the geeks weezergirl :p

ha, if i was teasing i'd put up a pic ;) jk...

i'm seriously curious what people look for in a girl or guy!! hehe


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
*- likes to eat mcdonald's (haha i know i'm gross)
*- let me be myself without judging me or forcing me to change
*- doens't have to be physically attractive but must be attractive to me
*- must be able to make me laugh as well as laugh at himself
1/2*- must have focus and ambition in life
*- must like kids and think family is important
*- listens to the same music as me and would like to attend many concerts with me!
- reads books (vonnegut/asimov/ender's game anyone?)
*- is intelligent and can hold deep conversations
*- not a big clubber
*- is willing to try new things/go out and explore/travel
*- has a good heart
*- surfs AT so I can talk about AT with someone (hehe)
*- likes to play video games but doesn't mind getting beat by a girl
*- doesn't pick video games OVER me
*- proud of who he is but not overly egotistical
*********************************- is shy, not a playa :p

* = characteristic/something I do :D

Since you're willing to try new things/go out and travel, maybe you can come to Texas to be my girlfriend ;) j/k

My dream girl:

- intelligent
- doesn't care about what other people think
- comfortable with herself
- accepts me for me
- family important to her

<--- born and raised in oklahoma! ;)


Jun 16, 2000
hmm...I seem to be all of them except for the music. What sucks for you is that I'm taken ;)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

umm....err.....I must be in the wrong forum is this ATOT or is this AOL dating chat room :D


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: weezergirl
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
*- likes to eat mcdonald's (haha i know i'm gross)
*- let me be myself without judging me or forcing me to change
*- doens't have to be physically attractive but must be attractive to me
*- must be able to make me laugh as well as laugh at himself
1/2*- must have focus and ambition in life
*- must like kids and think family is important
*- listens to the same music as me and would like to attend many concerts with me!
- reads books (vonnegut/asimov/ender's game anyone?)
*- is intelligent and can hold deep conversations
*- not a big clubber
*- is willing to try new things/go out and explore/travel
*- has a good heart
*- surfs AT so I can talk about AT with someone (hehe)
*- likes to play video games but doesn't mind getting beat by a girl
*- doesn't pick video games OVER me
*- proud of who he is but not overly egotistical
*********************************- is shy, not a playa :p

* = characteristic/something I do :D

Since you're willing to try new things/go out and travel, maybe you can come to Texas to be my girlfriend ;) j/k

My dream girl:

- intelligent
- doesn't care about what other people think
- comfortable with herself
- accepts me for me
- family important to her

<--- born and raised in oklahoma! ;)

Me too! In addition, I am the epitome of all the above; however, acknowledging that probably negates the ego requirement :(




Nov 27, 2000
I'm a cynical bastard who finds companionship unnecessary and annoying. I'll probably die alone and when the neighbors complain to the authorities about a bad smell strangers will come and drag my corpse away. But I'm not bitter.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2000
Originally posted by: lirion
I'm a cynical bastard who finds companionship unnecessary and annoying. I'll probably die alone and when the neighbors complain to the authorities about a bad smell strangers will come and drag my corpse away. But I'm not bitter.

its all good man


Senior member
Oct 11, 2001
- doesn't mind me being a cynical bastard and can even appreciate it
- understands that sarcasm is an excellent tool for humor
- doesn't mind that i spend more time on a computer than i do sleeping
- doesn't EVER want children
- is easily irritated by blatant stupidity
- can tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue :D
- doesn't EVER want children

thank goodness i've already found someone like that :)


Feb 14, 2001
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
dude...weezergirl just broke up with her bf!!!! :Q


WTF? Weezergirl, is this true?! Anyway, I'm sure you could have your pic of most of ATOT's geek crowd. Sorry, I'm taken. :D

<== monkey dance


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Kelvrick
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
dude...weezergirl just broke up with her bf!!!! :Q


WTF? Weezergirl, is this true?! Anyway, I'm sure you could have your pic of most of ATOT's geek crowd. Sorry, I'm taken. :D

<== monkey dance

What's scary is that I was at Kelvrick's house the other day and he and JeremyJoe actually have performed the monkey dance in real life. :Q

As for my dream boy ~ he'd have to share my dreams. :cool:


Feb 14, 2001
Originally posted by: HotChic
Originally posted by: Kelvrick
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
dude...weezergirl just broke up with her bf!!!! :Q


WTF? Weezergirl, is this true?! Anyway, I'm sure you could have your pic of most of ATOT's geek crowd. Sorry, I'm taken. :D

<== monkey dance

What's scary is that I was at Kelvrick's house the other day and he and JeremyJoe actually have performed the monkey dance in real life. :Q

As for my dream boy ~ he'd have to share my dreams. :cool:

:Q We did not! We merely showed you our inspiration for the monkey dance! Pendulum man!

<== pendulum monkey dance


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Kelvrick
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
dude...weezergirl just broke up with her bf!!!! :Q


WTF? Weezergirl, is this true?! Anyway, I'm sure you could have your pic of most of ATOT's geek crowd. Sorry, I'm taken. :D

<== monkey dance

nah, it's not true. BruinEd is just bitter cuz i REJECTED his sorry arse.




Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
dude...weezergirl just broke up with her bf!!!! :Q


JC what are all you losers in love with this girl. I gaurantee you she is not the greatest looking girl on earth. As far as the perfect girl goes, I would just want one that wasnt an idiot. I like the girls that are cool, and the ones you can hang out with. Most girls today are just mostly into themselves, and the ones you can just hang out with and be cool with, are the ones that you can be with in the long run. Looks are good, but that ends when some girls open their mouth.