My dog was attacked!


Senior member
May 31, 2000
I was walking my dog today as I always do. I walk the same route everyday for the last two months; it was a safe afternoon I thought. Out of the sudden, a bigger dog shot out of someone's garage and attack/bit my dog in the leg. Needless to say the pain was agonizing as my dog screamed. The owner of the bigger dog came out to retreive his dumb mutt. I had to take my dog to the emergency clinic and get him some help.

If you're walking your dog these days, I would recommend that you take a cane or a wooden stick with you. I felt helpless when my dog was being attacked and wished I had some form of defensive protection. I often see other people carrying wooden sticks and wondered why. Now I know!


Apr 25, 2001
Dude, unless that dog was a monster or something, just kick it. I've been out walking my dog before and had another dog come running up and tried to attack my dog. I kicked it as hard as I could and that ended it pretty quick. You are a lot bigger and stronger than most dogs. And while they have teeth, if you get the first kick in, it's pretty much going to be over.

Also, I would talk with the owner and ask them to at least pay for the treatment for your dog.


Senior member
May 31, 2000
How would you pursue the lawsuit? The owner said that his "home owner's insurance" would cover for the hosipital bill. I lost an entire day, scared, at the Emergency Clinic. It's a scary place where you see people crying about their pets. My dog is resting at home now, limping to get to places, and seems to be really tired. Its an ordeal that I hope that no one would have to go through. Becareful where you walk your pets because some pet owners are simply not too aware or responsible for their pets.


Mar 16, 2001
how does homeowners insurance cover that ?
I would have called the police and have that mutt taken away.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2002
Well see if you can get the home owner to pay for the vet bills and any other expenses, but if he refuses you could take him to small claims court. Just make sure that you have any/all documentation and witnesses. Take pictures of the dogs wounds, the area of where the incident happened (if there were any fences around the guys house or if it was open area), pictures of the guys dog if possible. Just get as much documentation as possible that can help you out in case you do have to take him to court.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: CocoGdog
How would you pursue the lawsuit? The owner said that his "home owner's insurance" would cover for the hosipital bill. I lost an entire day, scared, at the Emergency Clinic. It's a scary place where you see people crying about their pets. My dog is resting at home now, limping to get to places, and seems to be really tired. Its an ordeal that I hope that no one would have to go through. Becareful where you walk your pets because some pet owners are simply not too aware or responsible for their pets.

No need to sue, just get his insurance information and contact them (or have him). Your dog will be fine (my dog went through a similar thing, but was bit at a dog park instead of outside a house). You're right: some owners aren't responsible, unfortunately. Sometimes, though, dogs just react territorily. That doesn't make what his dog right, but it doesn't make it a monster either.



Senior member
Oct 5, 2003
My dog was great... I never thought that another dog might be a danger to him.. although cars are.. he got hit by a speeding car and died last summer.. fvcking driver left his whole windshield on the ground... I swear I could kill that bastard if I was there..

Here is a picture of him as a memorial :(


Jul 16, 2001
A big shitk and a camera..I bring a Olympus 520 digi.with me where ever I drive/walk. It's small enough not to be combersome..and ther's always a picture worthy event from time to much is a picture worth??


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 1999
I once took my Rott puppy for a walk and a grown Rott ran up and started humping it. It was male to male. I tried pulling my dog away but no use. True story.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
nothing more annoying then dumbass big dog owners that don't leash their #%@ dogs. esp in the park. stupid niave ownesr have no clue what their mutts are capable of.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
I had a terrible experience somewhat similar to yours, except with a much worse ending.

I was in my yard walking my dog, on a leash of course, and out of the corner of my eye, I see that the girl from the apartment upstairs from me has her dog off of its leash and is paying absolutely no attention to it. Well, her dog(a very small poodle) runs up to mine(a 100lb rott/shep mix), which is still leashed btw, and starts barking at him about five feet away. My dog lunged at the smaller dog and pulled me a few feet before I could control him. He grabbed this poor poodle by the neck and shook it relentlessly. By the time I could get my dog to let go of this dogs neck, it was coughing up blood, unable to breath and it died within seconds. All this while the dogs owner and myself watched, unable to do anything about it up to this point.

I was furious at my dog, but really it was not even his fault. It was hers for not leashing her dog, even if it was in our own yard. If her dog was leashed, this never would have happened, although given the circumstances, I did not say this to her, as I am sure she realized this.

She was crying her eyes out, and after going off on my dog, I tried my best to console her. I offered to bury her dog, which in the end she declined, and then I left for work, which was where I was getting ready to go when this happened. I figured I would kill two birds with one stone and walk the dog while going out to warm up my car. I wish I had left the dog inside. That was a very greusome sight to behold, especially watching the dog trying to breath while coughing up blood. I guess its whole throat was crushed, windpipe and all. Very sad!


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2000
This is why I hate taking my dog out walking through my parents' neighborhood. I have to avoid certain streets because a couple of owners never chain their dogs, and me and my dog have been attacked a couple times by larger dogs


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by: JBAR
I once took my Rott puppy for a walk and a grown Rott ran up and started humping it. It was male to male. I tried pulling my dog away but no use. True story.

LOL, pics ;)


Apr 9, 2000
my dog was attacked by a pack of dogs and died a few days later. i have never cried for an animal in my life, and i cried all the way to work, and i cried at work.:(

my god, how could an animal affect me like this. and to top it all off, we replaced him with a stupid as day put bull. this dog eats and sh!ts all over the place and could care less about protecting the house.


Golden Member
Oct 18, 2003
Originally posted by: yellowperil
This is why I hate taking my dog out walking through my parents' neighborhood. I have to avoid certain streets because a couple of owners never chain their dogs, and me and my dog have been attacked a couple times by larger dogs

Same here. I gotta walk my dogs(mutt, chihuahua, and dautzhun(sp?)) with a mini-baseball bat because there are a lot of unchained dogs around my neighborhood. Had a couple of instances with dogs running towards me but if I walk towards them aggresively they would back down and run away. Of course then I start walking the other way. Stupid owners. I don't know what I would do if my mutt died. :(


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Taking your dogs for a walk~ what a joke this is. You are taking your dog around so he/she does their business in someone elses yard, or pees on someone elses trees or bushes putting someone elses kids in danger of getting sick.



Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Bleep
Taking your dogs for a walk~ what a joke this is. You are taking your dog around so he/she does their business in someone elses yard, or pees on someone elses trees or bushes putting someone elses kids in danger of getting sick.


If your kid is eating poop its already sick



Oct 9, 2002
When I was growing up, there were a few MONSTER dogs that were supposed to be chained up. About 80% of the time I walked past the house, the dogs had broken free. These dogs had no reservations about chasing children, and all of my pansy friends would run for their lives when the dogs would give chase. This went on for years and years, I have NO IDEA why the owners were so freaking retarded that they could never figure out a better way to restrain their animals. Funny thing is, I realized at a young age that an animal cannot chase something that doesn't run. So I would run straight at them repeatedly until they would become confused and try to get away. They would assume that there must be some reason that I wasn't running, and their "logic" concluded that I must be dangerous to them. I would chase them as long as I could until I became exhausted.

Fun. :)


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Dude, unless that dog was a monster or something, just kick it. I've been out walking my dog before and had another dog come running up and tried to attack my dog. I kicked it as hard as I could and that ended it pretty quick. You are a lot bigger and stronger than most dogs. And while they have teeth, if you get the first kick in, it's pretty much going to be over.

Also, I would talk with the owner and ask them to at least pay for the treatment for your dog.



Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: Bleep
Taking your dogs for a walk~ what a joke this is. You are taking your dog around so he/she does their business in someone elses yard, or pees on someone elses trees or bushes putting someone elses kids in danger of getting sick.

That makes absolutely no sense...