MSI Afterburner crashes Origin or vice versa


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
Been a week or so since I last ran Origin and just picked up Crysis 3. I always run Afterburner for monitoring and overclocking. Upon launching the Crysis 3 exe. I get a AMD driver recovery. I assumed it was my overclock somehow went bad and was bummed about it so I tried a lower setting and it still crashed. Reverted to stock speed and still got a AMD driver recovery.

By now my feelings were getting hurt but I wasn't willing to accept that my card was borked so I tried a different game, Far Cry 3, and all was well. next, I went back to my 1200/1600 (7970) setting and game still played perfectly so I tried Crysis 3 again..... crash as soon as the intro screens start.

Now in investigation mode so I reboot and try again this time I didn't fire up Afterburner out of haste and was happy to see that the game played. I played for about 10 minutes before I alt/tabbed out to fire up Afterburner for monitoring purposes (I have overclocking enabled upon Windows boot) and the driver recovered upon alt/tab back in.

I fired up gpu-z (to make sure my overclock was sticking) without start afterburner and went into the game. Sure enough the Lightning was humming along at 1200/1600.

No matter what I do I can't have Afterburner "running" while I play Crysis 3. I tried BF3 and while it didn't crash immediately It only lasted about 25 seconds into gameplay before I got an AMD driver recovery with Afterburner running.

Seems as though the latest Origin patch just broke Afterburner compatibility, atleast on my rig.

I'm running 13.2 beta 6 and afterburner 2.3.0 - this is the first issue I have encountered in God knows how long


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
You might try minimizing AB before you fire up Crysis 3. I get weird artifacts while mining if I leave AB maximized.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
yes, I have for years and this is the first time I have had issues

For me the OSD causes all assassin's creed games to crash. When I use a hotkey to disable it, none of them ever crash.

Some games crash with OSD and others don't. Some games crash with OSD only when I alt tab. Admittedly there are only 2-3 games that crash from the OSD, nonetheless I made a hotkey to disable the OSD for those games.

Not sure if that's causing your issue, could be worth trying and fairly easy as well.
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May 12, 2009
I have the same issue with my 7950 running Afterburner with or without the overlay and Crysis 3.

It seems odd that such a demanding title doesn't work with an overclocking utility.

Are there any work-arounds?


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
Which version are you guys using? I'm still on 2.2.3 since it's the only version that supports overvolting on my cards.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Have you tried disabling the Origin in-game overlay ? I have it disabled always. Maybe they conflict. I have no issues with AB overlay on whatever the latest version is, but I am using nvidia hardware. I can test this on my 7950 though and see if it happens to me.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
I still set my overclock from within Afterburner but I have to manually close the application to play the game. I have my OC apply at boot so it really is a non issue other than not having the monitoring utility running.

Origin overlay? Not sure I know what you mean. I have never seen an origin overlay


May 12, 2009
I still set my overclock from within Afterburner but I have to manually close the application to play the game. I have my OC apply at boot so it really is a non issue other than not having the monitoring utility running.

Origin overlay? Not sure I know what you mean. I have never seen an origin overlay

I didn't realize that the OC would stay with Afterburner closed. I'll have to mess with this. Thanks!


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
I still set my overclock from within Afterburner but I have to manually close the application to play the game. I have my OC apply at boot so it really is a non issue other than not having the monitoring utility running.

Origin overlay? Not sure I know what you mean. I have never seen an origin overlay

Origin has a function like Steam where if you hit a hotkey it opens an overlay atop of your game to access friends and other items. You can disable this function like you can in Steam in as well. I keep it disabled, maybe that is causing the issue for you having it turned on. If you go into the options for Origin somewhere in there is a way to disable it. I think it is called 'Origin in-game'


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
Have you tried disabling the Origin in-game overlay ? I have it disabled always. Maybe they conflict. I have no issues with AB overlay on whatever the latest version is, but I am using nvidia hardware. I can test this on my 7950 though and see if it happens to me.

Thanks man, that was the problem. :thumbsup: Now I can use in game monitoring again!!!


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
Origin has a function like Steam where if you hit a hotkey it opens an overlay atop of your game to access friends and other items. You can disable this function like you can in Steam in as well. I keep it disabled, maybe that is causing the issue for you having it turned on. If you go into the options for Origin somewhere in there is a way to disable it. I think it is called 'Origin in-game'

I had a issue in C3 where I had double huds on top of each other , say left hud blue game arrows - one would not move with your line of sight ,right hud energy bar one over lay would go down but the other stayed at 100%.
-the double hud went away if I changed a setting like smaa x 1 to x 2 after a a few 314.07 driver clean installs and a msi-ab reload.
-I think this was my issue turning on the overlay for DS3 to cash in points .
-will try later with osd and origin in game off.

-thanks for jogging my memory about origin enabled in game.