Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
So explain to me why the Canadian Wheat Board can dump their product in the US market whenever they like, but Americans can't sell wheat in Canada. How does that fit into your "global free market"?
The same way that the US can sell lumber to Canada, but Canada cannot sell softwood lumber to the states. (Which has resulted in the direct increase of lumber costs.)
Hardly the same thing. The Canadian Wheat Board is a goverment mandated monopoly. They dump their grain here all the time on our open market, but we can't sell wheat in Canada. You talk big, but protect your own.
Where did I say protect my own? Your grasping again, all countries have trade disputes, but overall it works fine. As for US, farm subsidies represent 22 percent of the value of US farm production (as of 03-06-02), most modern day farming is subsidized. (180Billion over 10 yearsd dollar farm subsidy bill sighned into act 2002). So a subsidized industry is trying to stop another subsidized industry from selling grain in the United States. As I said, trade disputes happen, but overall it works for the benfit of everyone.
As well, no where does it state that grain cannot be sold here, it states there will be no tarrifs on Canadian Wheat. A measure that was brought forward by US wheat producers, on the basis that Canadian wheat was subsidized. The reason it was thrown out, is because US farming is subsidized as well.
Show me where I can sell wheat in Canada? I can't find a market there? Even Canadians who buy feed quailty wheat have to sell it back to the CWB.
A lot of Canadians who live close to the us boader would like to opt out of the CWB and sell there grain in the US market because they feel they could make another 30 cents a bushel, but as I said, it's a monopoly and they can't. Not very "free market" of you is it.