Originally posted by: Fuzzmuncher
Stop whining.
It says gold box in the tittle. You didn't have to read the thread and definitely didn't need to post.
I have no idea if it's a good shaver or not, but have been looking for a wet/dry, so luckily got it in my goldbox and bought it
Seems good and the reviews were all decent.
Not an outstanding price(didn't verify, but epinions lists it at $89 regularly priced at walmart), but definitely a good price with free shipping and no tax(always good from cali)
No.Originally posted by: BigEdMuustaffa
I think the Anandtech moderator should lock or move all the goldbox messages to brag and moan.
I think the Anandtech moderator should lock or move all the goldbox messages to brag and moan.
Originally posted by: bob92
I think the Anandtech moderator should lock or move all the goldbox messages to brag and moan.
I think you should stop moaning and just avoid clicking on the Gold Box threads. Do you also whine about Fry's deals because they're only on the west coast?
I also think the moderators should start handing out bans to people who have nothing better to do than crap on other people's deals. I for one am happy to know when a good Gold Box item comes along (even though I'm getting junk in my GB lately).
Now, back on topic. This is very tempting...I've been using blades for the past few years, but if one of these pops up in my GB I might have to think about switching? I wonder if Amazon would let me return it if I didn't like it.
Without rules and laws we have anarchy. There are designated places for certain types of posts. I did not make this distinction or rule, ANANDTECH did. Don't shoot the messenger if you don't like the message. Don't try to convince people you're right, when you are wrong.