Mob chants "we know where you sleep" outside of Tucker Carlson's home.

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You just have to convince a jury

The issue here is that everything you said comes form assumed superiority. Smarter, better informed, border thinking. The only evidence we have of that claim is what you write here, and it's insufficient. I don't think your stupid, far from it, but what you write, in the belief that your sharing from the veritable wellspring of wisdom you posses, often comes across as the ramblings of a burned out hippie. You may posses the towering intellect you claim, but you sure as hell don't express it as clearly as you seem to think.
As you may have read, I lost my reply to his last question where he expressed a wish to learn perhaps a better way to view the world. The first thing that I said in that lost reply was that if he were genuine about that, the first thing would be to forget everything I had just said because he would need to reject the opinions of others before he could truly begin to think for himself, and the opinions I gave him were designed to reach a different mind set than a person who intended to learn. I then proceeded to explain as best I could how I came to my own points of view by examining everything I thought was true and winding up rejecting all of it. I got around eventually to the idea that real learning is unlearning, the absence of opinions via the understanding that we actually believe we need them but don't in reality. I expressed the opinion, not that it is superior intellect or whatever you imagine you are hearing from me, that produces wisdom, but the absence of intellect and the presence of being. I suggested that one knows when one knows because not knowing is the door that opens up into being joy, that you don't have to have a brilliant mind to know the difference between joy and misery. It's something I don't actually think burns our. That could be, in fact, a reflection of your own personal disappointment.

So OK, better informed I may be because to me the ultimate in knowing is to know you don't know anything. If I am not able to convince you of that does not greatly trouble me.


Feb 24, 2009
I'm sure Tucker's out there right now in Florida, advocating that the right wing mobs attacking the polling places should go home, why are people so mean to him.

Ye reap what ye sow.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
While MAGAs are so terribly concerned that a couple of idiots said something stupid to Carlson, their God Emperor is tweeting threats to unlawfully interfere in state elections and celebrating that thousands of Californians have lost their homes.


Feb 24, 2009
While MAGAs are so terribly concerned that a couple of idiots said something stupid to Carlson, their God Emperor is tweeting threats to unlawfully interfere in state elections and celebrating that thousands of Californians have lost their homes.
Yea, but the usual concerned, continue to croak.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Yea, but the usual concerned, continue to croak.
Well, they complain of 'liberal intolerance,' but given the circumstances, with their violent mobs like Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys wrecking havoc in our cities, with their ideologically brainwashed ilk murdering children in our schools and innocent people in places of worship, with their corrupt politicians using the public treasury as their personal checking accounts, and with the indescribably amoral, uncouth, and corrupt authoritarian madman that they would have rule over us as a king, I think that most liberals have been exceptionally tolerant thus far.

But given that liberals just picked up 300 state house seats, 7 governors mansions, and control of the House, the right wingnuts might want to start considering the error of their ways. Just sayin.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Not just here. The condemnation was pretty much complete by everyone on the left. Prominent “leftist” media figures were in unison in their condemnation. Meanwhile what was the response by prominent right wing pundits when bombs were sent to the Obamas, the Clintons etc... all democrat targets?

Oh right. They didn’t condemn it. They called it a false flag and blamed, you guessed it, the left.

And let's not forget that the OP was one of those calling the bombing attempts a false flag, and that he still hasn't condemned them.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
OP is proof once again that even "special needs" kids can get good-paying jobs. Troll farms are always hiring!
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Oct 15, 1999
While MAGAs are so terribly concerned that a couple of idiots said something stupid to Carlson, their God Emperor is tweeting threats to unlawfully interfere in state elections and celebrating that thousands of Californians have lost their homes.
Link to those tweets please.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
Well, they complain of 'liberal intolerance,' but given the circumstances, with their violent mobs like Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys wrecking havoc in our cities, with their ideologically brainwashed ilk murdering children in our schools and innocent people in places of worship, with their corrupt politicians using the public treasury as their personal checking accounts, and with the indescribably amoral, uncouth, and corrupt authoritarian madman that they would have rule over us as a king, I think that most liberals have been exceptionally tolerant thus far.

But given that liberals just picked up 300 state house seats, 7 governors mansions, and control of the House, the right wingnuts might want to start considering the error of their ways. Just sayin.

Twat in Chief declared Big Victory so they should be good.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It is kind of amazing how people like spidey are attempting to whine about liberals being inappropriate to Tucker Carlson considering a conservative recently attempted to assassinate about a dozen people, not to mention the other right wing political violence that kind of occurs as background noise at all times.

Guys, liberals aren’t perfect - far from it. It doesn’t change the fact that the problem facing our country right now is right wing threats and violence, not left wing ones. Those are just the facts. Conservatives always say that Muslims need to police themselves but now right wing terrorism is more prevalent in the US than Islamic terrorism. You guys need to take your own advice and start policing yourselves.


Sep 5, 2000
It is kind of amazing how people like spidey are attempting to whine about liberals being inappropriate to Tucker Carlson considering a conservative recently attempted to assassinate about a dozen people, not to mention the other right wing political violence that kind of occurs as background noise at all times.

Guys, liberals aren’t perfect - far from it. It doesn’t change the fact that the problem facing our country right now is right wing threats and violence, not left wing ones. Those are just the facts. Conservatives always say that Muslims need to police themselves but now right wing terrorism is more prevalent in the US than Islamic terrorism. You guys need to take your own advice and start policing yourselves.

They love this stuff because it helps their cognitive dissonance bothsides.txt narrative.


Oct 15, 1999
You replied to the threads about those tweets.
Are you talking about Trumps tweet about stopping federal funds? If so, I didn't see anything denigrating the fire fighters or against the people that lost their homes. I may be confused, were there other tweets, or did I miss something?


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
It is kind of amazing how people like spidey are attempting to whine about liberals being inappropriate to Tucker Carlson considering a conservative recently attempted to assassinate about a dozen people, not to mention the other right wing political violence that kind of occurs as background noise at all times.

Guys, liberals aren’t perfect - far from it. It doesn’t change the fact that the problem facing our country right now is right wing threats and violence, not left wing ones. Those are just the facts. Conservatives always say that Muslims need to police themselves but now right wing terrorism is more prevalent in the US than Islamic terrorism. You guys need to take your own advice and start policing yourselves.

Slowie is Spidey?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Are you talking about Trumps tweet about stopping federal funds? If so, I didn't see anything denigrating the fire fighters or against the people that lost their homes. I may be confused, were there other tweets, or did I miss something?
Yes, you are confused and missing something. Using this tragedy as an excuse to push his political agenda against the state of California (and one that he already lost in the courts BTW), instead of expressing support and sympathy towards the firefighters and fire victims, respectively, is very much denigrating to those people. For starters, who do you think those particular federal funds, that he is threatening to unlawfully withhold, would be going to other than to the firefighters to fight the fires and to the fire victims to rebuild their lives and homes?
And did he make these kind of threats in other states that recently endured disasters, like Florida and the Carolinas? Nope, because they're 'red states.' And that's a disgusting example of political corruption all by itself.
So if you don't get this, it's probably only because you don't want to.


Oct 15, 1999
Yes, you are confused and missing something. Using this tragedy as an excuse to push his political agenda against the state of California (and one that he already lost in the courts BTW), instead of expressing support and sympathy towards the firefighters and fire victims, respectively, is very much denigrating to those people. For starters, who do you think those particular federal funds, that he is threatening to unlawfully withhold, would be going to other than to the firefighters to fight the fires and to the fire victims to rebuild their lives and homes?
And did he make these kind of threats in other states that recently endured disasters, like Florida and the Carolinas? Nope, because they're 'red states.' And that's a disgusting example of political corruption all by itself.
So if you don't get this, it's probably only because you don't want to.
Got it. You're reading a great deal more into the statement than I did.
The difference between the Florida, Carolina, and California disasters is that the first two weren't preventable. Controlling wild fires is part of forest management. Clearing brush and dead wood, controlled burns, fire breaks, things like that will mitigate the damage when the fires occur. I'm also assuming that our limited rainfall over the last few years has contributed greatly to the amount fuel available.
The other issue we're having here is that we're conflating Trump being a dick with proper forest management.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
It is very telling that you think a thread showing how crazy the left has gotten is a troll thread.
Says the guy who thinks "the left" is crazy over a couple stupid words from a couple stupid idiots, which practically every "leftist" in America has condemned, while he and almost every other right wingnut still believes the recent mail bombing attempts committed by a MAGA were a false flag.


Jan 12, 2005
Says the guy who thinks "the left" is crazy over a couple stupid words from a couple stupid idiots, which practically every "leftist" in America has condemned, while he and almost every other right wingnut still believes the recent mail bombing attempts committed by a MAGA were a false flag.

Where is the condemnation of Maxine Waters, a politician that calls for this kind of thing? Where is the condemnation of antifa and their tactics in general? It is great that you are condemning this and all, but on the other hand the left creates and fosters an environment for this kind of thing to happen.