Mixing CC with DC is a BAD idea... here's why.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001

The gov't.

Let's just say, that if some DC projects, start issuing CC for completing DC tasks (some people might ask, why not use DC as a PoW algo, so that those compute cycles aren't wasted, and they do have a point there), BUT... since the gov't has started attempting to tax CC transactions, possibly including mining/creating CC, could they not also decide to tax DC WUs completed, IFF those earn CC rewards?

This is a very touchy subject among many of you, and I feel, a bit of a tricky subject to navigate.

DC'ers, that I know of, DONATE their time, effort, and $$$ (in the form of purchasing PCs, running them, providing space and power for them) to causes they believe in, however varied.

It would be a darn shame, if after all of that sacrifice, in terms of time, effort (human and computer) and $$$, that the gov't would seek to tax the output of those efforts.

Thankfully, I think Stanford and Berkeley would oppose those measures.

Thoughts? Or should I not even mention the idea, lest somehow, someone in gov't would take note.

I guess we would all just have to incorporate tax-exempt foundations, to do our DC under, and therefore, personal contributions to said foundation would be tax-deductable? And all CC revenue would be tax-exempt, and able to be plied back into paying for electricity and computer components/upgrades? Just a thought.


Jan 4, 2013
I don't know enough about this to make a very meaningful comment, but I thought there was a way for projects to disallow their WUs being used for for-profit activity. I remember seeing a project (or projects) where Gridcoin is conspicuously much farther down in the rankings than usual.