McCain's speech


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't know the count but it's been so many times and he's stressing it so much I'm losing focus on his talking points. He should have just stood in front of a banner that said, 'I am not GWB - please don't link us'.

Edit: Now that it's over... Wow, that was painful. Every time he finished with a 'that's not change we can believe in' he had a silly smirk like even he didn't believe it.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
He didn't seem to draw much of a crowd in New Orleans. Does he look sun-burnt to anyone else?


Feb 18, 2004
have there been any polls to see if the whole "third term for george bush" talking point is taking hold?

in my wildest imagination, I can't believe that John McCain could possibly be as incompetent as GWB, even if they do agree on certain policies.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
I think the networks are going to freak out if he's still talking in 2 minutes. Everyone will want to call the primary result.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
He's pulling out his usual list of talking points bookended with his douchebaggery smiles and smirks.

"We're making progress in Iraq."

"I don't support special interests (please ignore the lobbyists in my campaign staff)."

"I'm not a third Bush term (please ignore the fact that 95% of my 2007 votes were in lock-step with Bush)."


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
McCain: $250 buys teeth molds and some bleach. STAIN THOSE MOTHER ****ING TEETH.

He looks like he's dying. He looks embalmed. There is no way he'll make it through a first term, but it's moot anyway, he won't win the election. Obama is on his way to it :)


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: mflacy
I think the networks are going to freak out if he's still talking in 2 minutes. Everyone will want to call the primary result.

Hehe... Or they'll just cut away like CNN did! :laugh:


Diamond Member
May 29, 2003
He's doing what bush did to him in 2000. Remember how McCain was the reform candidate and then Bush started calling himself a reformer with results?

That was funny :)

But if he's going to play the change card, he's lost already.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
he has to try to muscle into Obama/dem change platform or he's facing too much of an uphill. Oddly Pat Buchanan on msnbc's coverage seems to have figured it out: Polling on the 'Bush 3rd term' must have come back pretty grim, so now he has to hard core separate himself from GWB. As Pat puts it "Obama drew blood with the Bush 3rd term" attack.

Whoever is writing McCain's speeches should be fired. That crowd had no idea when to applaud or cheer. It didn't help that McCain doesn't deliver it very well. If nothing else, Obama learned how to rouse a crowd from his church experience. Even stand up comedians know not to laugh before you deliver the punch line "that's not change we can believe in." McCain's grinning chuckle each time he delivered the line was just painful to watch. And I've actually found some of his tv interviews semi nuanced. The 2006 video where he talks about Hamas winning the election and the Bush administration having to acknowledge them was insightful and well stated.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: mflacy
He didn't seem to draw much of a crowd in New Orleans. Does he look sun-burnt to anyone else?

I was thinking more like waxed fruit with a comb over.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
There was a report on Early Today (on NBC) this morning that McCain was going to adopt the theme of change for his run for the WH. I thought Obama had already wrapped up the change theme...



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Congratulations President McCain

6-3-2008 Why Obama cannot beat McCain

Ickes on Obama

Clinton, a New York Senator, "has proven her ability to stand up to very harsh incoming fire and give as good as she gets," Ickes said in a Tuesday afternoon interview with Politico. "I'm not at all confident that Obama has the experience to do that."

Ickes talked to Politico after being confronted with comments he made May 1 in a previously unreported telephone call with top donors to Clinton's presidential campaign.

"The fact is: He is not going to be able to win the general election against John McCain. That is the message. As you all talk to uncommitted superdelegates - and you know a lot of them - that is the message that has to be pressed."

"McCain will have a real reach with Hispanics because of his position on the immigration issue," Ickes said Tuesday. "And it is my view and the view of a lot of people as they look at this that with respect to that particular demographic - that is Hispanics - that Hillary will be stronger with Hispanics than Barack Obama will," he said.

In the call, he was more definitive about Obama's prospects with Hispanics

"If Obama is against McCain in states where Hispanics are important, I'll just tell you: he's not going to be able to cut the mustard," Ickes said.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: gorobei
Whoever is writing McCain's speeches should be fired.
McCain's entire campaign staff should be fired.

All his speeches feel like they're held at nursing homes. He draws crowds that couldn't fill a Denny's on Sunday morning.

The reason the crowd doesn't know when to clap, cheer or boo, is because McCain's delivery is robotic. I think the cancer surgery removed some of his ability to deliver facial expressions. He'll deliver a fiery line with a blank stare then follow it up with a smile, and everyone in the crowd can't figure out whether to react or stare.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Skoorb
McCain: $250 buys teeth molds and some bleach. STAIN THOSE MOTHER ****ING TEETH.

He looks like he's dying. He looks embalmed. There is no way he'll make it through a first term, but it's moot anyway, he won't win the election. Obama is on his way to it :)

I read that he wears an ocean of sun-screen everytime he goes into sunlight. The guy is old and looks it.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: gorobei
Whoever is writing McCain's speeches should be fired.
McCain's entire campaign staff should be fired.

All his speeches feel like they're held at nursing homes. He draws crowds that couldn't fill a Denny's on Sunday morning.

The reason the crowd doesn't know when to clap, cheer or boo, is because McCain's delivery is robotic. I think the cancer surgery removed some of his ability to deliver facial expressions. He'll deliver a fiery line with a blank stare then follow it up with a smile, and everyone in the crowd can't figure out whether to react or stare.

I couldn't put my finger on it but you nailed it. Robotic is the right word. Dare I say, 'Mr Roboto'? He has zero charisma. Please, please, please don't let him be the next face of our nation.



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Congratulations President McCain

6-3-2008 Why Obama cannot beat McCain

Ickes on Obama

Clinton, a New York Senator, "has proven her ability to stand up to very harsh incoming fire and give as good as she gets," Ickes said in a Tuesday afternoon interview with Politico. "I'm not at all confident that Obama has the experience to do that."

Ickes talked to Politico after being confronted with comments he made May 1 in a previously unreported telephone call with top donors to Clinton's presidential campaign.

"The fact is: He is not going to be able to win the general election against John McCain. That is the message. As you all talk to uncommitted superdelegates - and you know a lot of them - that is the message that has to be pressed."

"McCain will have a real reach with Hispanics because of his position on the immigration issue," Ickes said Tuesday. "And it is my view and the view of a lot of people as they look at this that with respect to that particular demographic - that is Hispanics - that Hillary will be stronger with Hispanics than Barack Obama will," he said.

In the call, he was more definitive about Obama's prospects with Hispanics

"If Obama is against McCain in states where Hispanics are important, I'll just tell you: he's not going to be able to cut the mustard," Ickes said.

OK. We get it. you're a loser and you want to complain about everything and blame everyone for all your problems. Fuck. Misery really does love company.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Congratulations President McCain

6-3-2008 Why Obama cannot beat McCain

Ickes on Obama

Clinton, a New York Senator, "has proven her ability to stand up to very harsh incoming fire and give as good as she gets," Ickes said in a Tuesday afternoon interview with Politico. "I'm not at all confident that Obama has the experience to do that."

Ickes talked to Politico after being confronted with comments he made May 1 in a previously unreported telephone call with top donors to Clinton's presidential campaign.

"The fact is: He is not going to be able to win the general election against John McCain. That is the message. As you all talk to uncommitted superdelegates - and you know a lot of them - that is the message that has to be pressed."

"McCain will have a real reach with Hispanics because of his position on the immigration issue," Ickes said Tuesday. "And it is my view and the view of a lot of people as they look at this that with respect to that particular demographic - that is Hispanics - that Hillary will be stronger with Hispanics than Barack Obama will," he said.

In the call, he was more definitive about Obama's prospects with Hispanics

"If Obama is against McCain in states where Hispanics are important, I'll just tell you: he's not going to be able to cut the mustard," Ickes said.
Good God, you are so pessimistic. Have you ever hada positive thought in your life? As the most hardcore looney tune liberal here, you are despondent over the fact that Obama is actually a GOOD candidate and democrat and has a real chance to win over McCain; all you can see is the negative and incessantly focus on it.


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: owensdj
Wow that McCain speech was bad. Has that already lost the election for him?

Yep it lost it. Obama wins, there will be no election in November.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
The pundits are tearing into his speech now.

And McOwen, do you have a better source for general election predictions than Ickes (a top Clinton advisor)?


Nov 11, 1999
Change? What change do you speak of, Kimosabe?

McCain is attempting to represent a change in personality as a change in policy when it's not, at all. Dems will nail him to the mast of the SS Bush, one point, one policy, one position at a time, because that's where he's standing, that's the ship he's sailing, try as he might to rename it...

She was ridin' low in the water when he jumped aboard, and the rats are coming up out of the bilges, but she's his last chance to fulfill his life's ambition, to become the President...