Mayor of San Juan: "Help us, we're dying!" Trump: "Such poor leadership"

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Nov 25, 2013
An upwardly mobile (in the political sense) Republican congressional delegate praises the efforts of the Republican government/president. Quelle Surprise!

"In an interview with USA Today, Puerto Rico’s delegate in the House of Representatives, Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, discussed the aftermath of Hurricane Maria on the island and the way President Trump has handled the response.

"I will tell you that everything that the president said that he was going to send to the island, it's getting there. The resources are there. The help is there," Colon said."

"JENNIFFER GONZALEZ COLON: I was very surprised that the president was very aware of the situation on the island, having daily briefings in the situation room. He actually spoke with the governor once or twice a day, during the hurricane and after the hurricane. "

So the House of Representatives from Puerto Rico says President Trump is up on the issue and what he says is getting sent to help, is getting sent. Some wackbird of a mayor from San Juan is saying President Trump is committing genocide and murder. Do you poor victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome still believe in the major?
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Jan 28, 2002
Do some detailed reading about military logistics. It is truly incredible the masses of materiel required in modern warfare, and success or failure is literally a matter of life and death. Generals get paid the big bucks not just for strategic and tactical judgment, but much more so for logistical ability, for the best tactical plan in the world is useless if one cannot get the men and materiel to the schwerpunkt. Right now, most of Puerto Rico is the schwerpunkt, but generals capable of handling a corps or even a division regularly handle logistical challenges that would suffice for a fair sized city.

When you get right down to it, only a tiny minority of the military are trigger pullers. The vast majority are the people who get them there and keep them supplied to win the fight. In both Gulf Wars, the US military had to supply not only our own forces but also allies in a situation where roads were often non-existent or primitive and even water had to be shipped hundreds of miles. This is largely that same challenge, without the fear of enemy artillery or AD.

See post #485


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Right diagnosis, 180 degree wrong solution. When Americans are without clean water and medical care access and electricity and their leaders are unable to lead, the President needs to go around them, not throw a hissy fit. We could get a five year old to do that for free.

spot on


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002

"In an interview with USA Today, Puerto Rico’s delegate in the House of Representatives, Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, discussed the aftermath of Hurricane Maria on the island and the way President Trump has handled the response.

"I will tell you that everything that the president said that he was going to send to the island, it's getting there. The resources are there. The help is there," Colon said."

"JENNIFFER GONZALEZ COLON: I was very surprised that the president was very aware of the situation on the island, having daily briefings in the situation room. He actually spoke with the governor once or twice a day, during the hurricane and after the hurricane. "

So the House of Representatives from Puerto Rico says President Trump is up on the issue and what he says is getting sent to help, is getting sent. Some wackbird of a mayor from San Juan is saying President Trump is committing genocide and murder. Do you poor victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome still believe in the major?

I read that article and the actual source and it is missing a fairly important part of the interview.

She also says this

but the reality on the island is that we need more boots on the ground."

So I am not seeing the tds.
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Feb 15, 2002
Sorry, just couldn't get past trying to listen to the Ann Coulter of the left.
You'd be right IF Coulter had the top rated news show on cable news and had the degrees in journalism Maddox has, but she's nothing more than a guest spot bombthrower on Fox.
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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003

Its getting worse. The volunteers that rolled in from all over America are doing way more to help than the government is doing. But so long as Trump keeps saying its all fine, no big deal, we dont need to help, approximately half the country is going to stop caring and just forget about it. The dumb half, true, but millions of people who could have pressured their congressmen to do something tangible.

As for the above issue: Ann Coulter is a pundit, which means she gets paid lots of money to run her mouth about things she does not understand. That woman has never held any kind of office in her life. She's never actually done anything productive. Her shit-stirring causes more harm than good. She doesn't even believe the crap she's spewing, its just to get ratings and get paid.

Rachel Maddow is a professional journalist. She's worked hard to investigate and report on important stories all across the nation. She has certainly dropped the ball on more than one occasion (Trump tax nonsense comes to mind), and it's clear she leans pretty deep in the Left when some of a us know a true professional would leave that shit at home in order to provide the best quality journalism possible. But she actually understands some things about the real world and cares a lot about the truth.

These two women are not the same. Other than maybe they're both frustrated lesbians but thats not really topical here on P&N.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
There is no way in hell less than 50 people have died. The PR government must be playing games with the "official" numbers with at least the implicit agreement from the Feds.


Aug 2, 2001
There is no way in hell less than 50 people have died. The PR government must be playing games with the "official" numbers with at least the implicit agreement from the Feds.

I read an article saying PR has a very slow and bureaucratic system that doesn't count deaths until after extensive verification.

Other estimates are pointing into the hundreds. Their methodology was not just immediate storm deaths, but also above normal deaths attributable to the worsened conditions (eg not having access to medicine, air conditioning, clean water, etc.)


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
People complaining about how slow things have been aren't taking all of the essential elements into consideration. PR's distance from the mainland is a mitigating factor in the slowness in the response. Nobody could prestage supplies in the storm which would've placed the ships at risk.

Anyone who thinks different should read up on the story of the cargo ship el faro that left Jax before a hurricane not so long ago and now rests on the bottom with all hands lost.
On ships, agreed. But Puerto Rico should have been staging emergency supplies for hurricane emergency relief. Galveston still does and hasn't been hit by a deadly hurricane event for over a hundred years.

For that matter, it's entirely possible that Puerto Rico have been staging emergency supplies for hurricane emergency relief. Seems to me they have plenty, it's getting it to those in need that is proving so difficult.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
When you're dumb and sail a malfunction prone rust bucket into a storm shit like the El Faro sinking is going to happen.

The US mobilized a significantly larger logistical effort for the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Which, unless I am mistaken, is also an island surrounded by "big water".
He was talking about pre-staging relief supplies, which would have to ride out the hurricane at sea. Sure, we made a massive relief effort for Haiti, but like the Puerto Rico effort, it too took time to get underway and for relief to actually reach most of those in need.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006

"In an interview with USA Today, Puerto Rico’s delegate in the House of Representatives, Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, discussed the aftermath of Hurricane Maria on the island and the way President Trump has handled the response.

"I will tell you that everything that the president said that he was going to send to the island, it's getting there. The resources are there. The help is there," Colon said."

"JENNIFFER GONZALEZ COLON: I was very surprised that the president was very aware of the situation on the island, having daily briefings in the situation room. He actually spoke with the governor once or twice a day, during the hurricane and after the hurricane. "

So the House of Representatives from Puerto Rico says President Trump is up on the issue and what he says is getting sent to help, is getting sent. Some wackbird of a mayor from San Juan is saying President Trump is committing genocide and murder. Do you poor victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome still believe in the major?
Good for her. Can't have been easy politically for her to say that. Still, everyone knows that Puerto Rico's various government entities are typically ineffective, if not completely corrupt. Given that, Trump needs to step up military and contractor involvement in actually getting aid to those in need and in rebuilding. A lot of aid is simply disappearing, being misappropriated or outright stolen. That isn't Trump's fault, to be sure, but he's the guy with the most power to fix it.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I read an article saying PR has a very slow and bureaucratic system that doesn't count deaths until after extensive verification.

Other estimates are pointing into the hundreds. Their methodology was not just immediate storm deaths, but also above normal deaths attributable to the worsened conditions (eg not having access to medicine, air conditioning, clean water, etc.)
Dude, read the rule book; you are totally failing at Evil Trump. ;)