/Reads nonsensical post.
/Looks at name Welsh, see's location UK...
/Understands why post is nonsensical
/Shakes head still at how anyone even from UK can actually post something like this
He is absoFUCKINGlutely correct.
Because you own a gun doesn't make your dick so big that you can go plan murder which is what this guy did.
In America, (I mention this because I am not sure if you are an American); based on our current legal system (which I hope you vote on). We are not judge, jury and executioner.
Someone breaks into you home, you are there; they pull a gun or just put you in the loophole of "being fearful your life or a loved one's life is in danger" in some places you can just blow them away.
Knowing someone is retarded and keeps breaking into your house really means you are the retarded one. (the sad part is so many on AT defend the idiots in life).
Smith had them, the first shots were totally legal and not to dramatize the situation; the next shots not so legal.
This kind of action is what is getting our guns grabbed away from us. People should be focused on these two asshats have families that are totally blaming the shooter for their little turds deaths.