MAGA hat sprays peaceful protesters with bear repellant

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Sep 5, 2000
I don't find this advocacy for extreme violence including torture to be acceptable based on someone wearing a Make America Great Again hat. Not here, not anywhere.

But red hats find violence against brown-skinned immigrants illegal or not to be acceptable. whats the difference?


Jul 17, 2003
Which is demonstrably untrue. We are pointing out to you that the actual data does not agree with you. So you are either lying, or completely uninformed. There is one set of facts here, and you aren't engaged in them. COnsider this a politely informative post. It should help everyone be better prepared when discussing these important issues, because we only get one set of facts to work with. You understand that, right?

The Right is, and it ain't even close to being close, vastly more engaged in the ultra-violence and murders of a political nature that have swept across this country over the last two decades and yes: the rate is vastly increased since Trump slimed his abjectly, unambiguous racist hate speech all over the country.

Beat me to it.

There really is no arguing the numbers involved. At this point right wing terrorists have killed more Americans on US soil than all jihadi combined since 9/11. The Fox Noise crowd still unashamed enough to be flapping their gums should savor that little milestone.

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Oct 9, 2002
All I can say is, the Reich really doesn't want me to start arming myself because I would start offing pieces of shit like this.
You would "off" someone for using non-lethal (extra potent) pepper spray? The guy is a shithead, but he deserves prison...not execution.

Shame on you.
"He's a NAZI (not that I have any proof or real facts of this other than he doesn't agree with my political opinions) And If I could I would go pew pew pew pew to him! "
Not One. Fucking. Person. has ever used that argument in these forums. If that's what you think people are saying, then you aren't paying the slightest bit of attention. (labeling Nazis as simply "disagreeing with me! wahhhh!")

As for Trump...he does have a soft spot for Nazis, I mean he admits it in public. The literate, though, understand that he is more like Mussolini. A really shitty Mussolini.
You missed it. Follow the quote tree (which I have tediously reconstructed for you). You will see it.

All I can say is, the Reich really doesn't want me to start arming myself because I would start offing pieces of shit like this.

He's literally using "the Reich" to refer to "the right" in an effort to de-humanize them and use "punch-a-nazi" justification for violence.
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Nov 8, 2012
You missed it. Follow the quote tree and you will see it.

He's literally using "the Reich" to refer to "the right" in an effort to de-humanize them.

Theres plenty of them in every single thread. When in doubt, just argue that the other side is a nazi. What could go wrong?

So you support the Nazi flag wavers.. Good luck t=with that.

View attachment 12278
Antifa? They're the good guys.

View attachment 12273


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Theres plenty of them in every single thread. When in doubt, just argue that the other side is a nazi. What could go wrong?
Or when in doubt, just do what you're doing and argue that peaceful protesters deserved to be attacked because of 'both sides' and other made-up bullshit. What could possibly go wrong? Yaknow, besides a never-ending cycle of violence that you apparently support because somebody on the internet called you a name and that hurt your feels.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Heh, he violated parole. That will definitely endear him to the correctional system.
Heh, given prison demographics, he might be looking to get himself a "black lives matter" t-shirt. :D


Jul 13, 2005
umm all my "logic" is trying to point out is that the Left has been on a rampage with violence for a few years. when other people try to call out as a violence they get shut down and shamed by other people on this board. there are many videos of the left pepper spraying people and not a peep from the people on here condemning it but have one incident where a Rightie uses pepper spray this board melts. so tell me why is that?

for the record, i abhor violence in all manner especially when one group is using it to suppress the free speech of another.
because the Right cannot be defended you chose to speak like a FOX news analyst and say well look at the left.
Did it ever occur to you to start a thread of your own about the left??
After all this a thread about the right.....
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Jul 9, 2009
Heh, given prison demographics, he might be looking to get himself a "black lives matter" t-shirt. :D
Or they could just release him and we could have Perk bitch and whine everyday.

Better yet, how about I infract you for the
personal attack/mod callout?

Anandtech Forum Director
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Or they could just release him and we could have Perk bitch and whine everyday.
You really need to pay more attention to the moderation here, son.

Anarchist Mae

Apr 4, 2017
Sorry about the late reply, I've been travelling.

Here are a couple of strains of anarchism that aren't.

National anarchism:


Both of which are questionably "anarchism," as I said is defined (see below) around the rejection of unjust hierarchies, ancaps for example believe that corporations should replace government, there's no sense of being justified outside of those corporations being "good" at making a profit.

None of those are "leftist." Considering the left is generally in favor of more government intervention.

You're citing a dictionary instead of listening to what anarchists actually believe. I don't blame you for not understanding what anarchism, the political philosophy is about, it sure as hell isn't taught at school.

Wikipedia surprisingly does a much better job:

Anarchism is an anti-authoritarian political philosophy[1] that rejects hierarchies deemed unjust and advocates their replacement with self-managed, self-governed societies based on voluntary, cooperative institutions. These institutions are often described as stateless societies,[2] although several authors have defined them more specifically as distinct institutions based on non-hierarchical or free associations.[3] Anarchism's central disagreement with other ideologies is that it holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful.[4]

Anarchism is usually placed on the far-left of the political spectrum,[5] and much of its economics and legal philosophy reflect anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism, or participatory economics.[6] As anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular worldview,[7] many anarchist types and traditions exist and varieties of anarchy diverge widely.[8] Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.[9] Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism, or similar dual classifications.[10]

To get back to the antifa person spraying pepper spray at someone, the problem with this is not that they are "anarchists," it is that the context of the picture has been stripped to create a false equivalency between the two groups of people.

In the original story, the MAGA hat chud bear sprayed a group of protestors, unprovoked. However if you look at the original story for the antifa person pepper spraying you quickly learn that there had already been physical violence between Trump supporters and protestors, hell you can see people on the ground in the photo.

So when you say "Pretty sure those are anarchist, not lefties," that demonstrates to me a profound lack of understanding about what is going on around you, and worse, allows right wing idiots to troll the fuck out of you. You've just accepted their "both sides are just as bad" bullshit uncritically.


May 30, 2008
Which is demonstrably untrue. We are pointing out to you that the actual data does not agree with you. So you are either lying, or completely uninformed. There is one set of facts here, and you aren't engaged in them. COnsider this a politely informative post. It should help everyone be better prepared when discussing these important issues, because we only get one set of facts to work with. You understand that, right?

The Right is, and it ain't even close to being close, vastly more engaged in the ultra-violence and murders of a political nature that have swept across this country over the last two decades and yes: the rate is vastly increased since Trump slimed his abjectly, unambiguous racist hate speech all over the country.

That's the key thing. That the attempted 'point' is factually-incorrect.

(I don't find the concept of 'whataboutery' very compelling, as it happens, it's a term I dislike - it's perfectly valid to point out hypocrisy or to point out that a problem is not specific to one group...but the issue here is the reality is the reverse of what the OP claims, the greatest number of incidents of real violence, by some margin, comes from the right, which means right-wing references to violence carry much more real threat than do ones from the left)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You missed it. Follow the quote tree (which I have tediously reconstructed for you). You will see it.

He's literally using "the Reich" to refer to "the right" in an effort to de-humanize them and use "punch-a-nazi" justification for violence.

I made a point, and you missed it.

He's not calling them the Reich because "they disagree with him."

He calls them the Reich because he's observed over the years how cozy they have become with actual Nazis, support Nazi ideology and behavior...oh, and because many of them are actually Nazis that show up at rallies with Nazi regalia and chant "kill the jews!" Nazi slogans....I mean, because they are actually Nazis. ....and they all vote Republican.

I mean, should we pretend that this very real relationship isn't there? Were those liberal Nazis in Charlottesville?

My point, as it has always been, is that folks like that fellow invent their own reasons for why people are being called Nazis. They downplay the criticism because they refuse to accept the truth of it. If you can hand-wave away observable racist violence and classic Nazi sloganeering as "someone that just disagrees with me," then that's on you folks. That's something you guys probably need to address within yourselves.

I've only ever called people Nazis when they are quite clearly presenting themselves as Nazis. They WANT to be Nazis, lol. Why defend them?

When someone says a person is "waving the Nazi flag" is actually literal these days. It isn't a figure of speech. You guys need to get up to speed! :D


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2016
I made a point, and you missed it.

He's not calling them the Reich because "they disagree with him."

He calls them the Reich because he's observed over the years how cozy they have become with actual Nazis, support Nazi ideology and behavior...oh, and because many of them are actually Nazis that show up at rallies with Nazi regalia and chant "kill the jews!" Nazi slogans....I mean, because they are actually Nazis. ....and they all vote Republican.

I mean, should we pretend that this very real relationship isn't there? Were those liberal Nazis in Charlottesville?

My point, as it has always been, is that folks like that fellow invent their own reasons for why people are being called Nazis. They downplay the criticism because they refuse to accept the truth of it. If you can hand-wave away observable racist violence and classic Nazi sloganeering as "someone that just disagrees with me," then that's on you folks. That's something you guys probably need to address within yourselves.

I've only ever called people Nazis when they are quite clearly presenting themselves as Nazis. They WANT to be Nazis, lol. Why defend them?

When someone says a person is "waving the Nazi flag" is actually literal these days. It isn't a figure of speech. You guys need to get up to speed! :D

Zinfamous actually gets me, I am so proud. He understands that there are people on the right that aren't part of the Reich and will call out wrongdoing by the Reich, I will use Morning Joe as an example of a Rightie that isn't part of the Reich. Hell, we even have a few on here that are on the right but aren't part of the Reich. If anyone is offended by the term "The Reich" and assume I mean them then that is all on them for identifying with the politicians I refer to as "The Reich".


Jul 13, 2005
Yet another RWNJ publicly threatens violence if he doesn't get his way. This is getting to be typical.

One question -- Where is the rock located that these people are crawling out from under??


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
One question -- Where is the rock located that these people are crawling out from under??
They've always been with us. Some people just don't feel free unless they're free to rest their boots on other people's necks.
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Jul 17, 2003
Trumpanzee thinks his guy is entitled to ignore the law, because feels. Proclaims application of law in this case will result in sudden acquisition of a weapon, and then watch out. Clearly a damn liberal snowflake and/or violent antifa!

Haha, yeah go buy your rifle umpire I've never heard of before. Get in the news again for your versatility as a catcher (of bullets). Don't forget to smile for the drone asshole.

Dems are proceeding as the repubs of 1998 and 2015 would have approved. Anyone on the right having a problem here should Get Over It, but I suppose making a fool of yourself in national news while undermining republican talking points works too.
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