Personally I am tired of the whole overrated "thug" fad. Who the f^ck really thinks acting like a degenerate of society and scowling all of the time is cool? Most of the so-called thugs are wannabes anyway which makes even more of a mockery of the thing. As much as I like rap I am getting tired of the constant aspirations of "thugdom" and the example it sets for their young listeners. Of course these days every race claims their share of thugs of which, as I mentioned, very few are.
Equally sickening are the women who fawn over self proclaimed thugs and are attracted to the presumed lifestyle. If your man beats your ass, cheats on your or in general treats you like sh!t too bad you idiot it's what you wanted! Enjoy it because that is what your thug-boy wannabe is all about.
Lastly, I would like to see how many of these "hardcore" gangsta boys would dive on a grenade for their comrades or storm a machine gun nest with artillery shells exploding on them. Damn near none I am sure. There are plenty of hardened soldiers but a whole lot of pretenders claiming to be thugs who think they are billy bad ass because they wear baggy jeans, pick on defenseless people and play with a gun. Looooooooosers.